"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
Diable Rouge had promised her he'd come back this time, after he had found their son.
Admittedly, that task took him longer than expected, and Phoebus was not particularly happy to see him. Diable Rouge was disappointed, but not surprised. He couldn't imagine the pain, anger, and confusion his son was feeling...but what mattered is that Phoebus was alive, and would go to the Dale to see his mother eventually. Rou had secretly hoped Phoebus would travel with him, but his baby was not such a baby anymore, and he had to accept that. Maybe one day he could forgive, but for now, Rou had other things to attend to.
The journey to the Dale was pleasant until it wasn't. The rocky terrain proved hard for Rou to navigate, and he tried his best to stay on the pathways, avoiding the boulders. He was thankful when he finally reached the center of the kingdom. The crisp autumn wind blew gently through his thick mane and the chaser decided to trot to the large, crystalline lake. He bowed his head and took a long drink of water.
When he finally raised his head, he flared is nostrils, trying to catch the scent of AuroraElis. There were a lot of scents, but he couldn't quite place hers. Diable Rouge let out a nicker, calling to her, urging her to come to him.
I'm learning how to put the pieces back together, turn the aching to composure
She had made the return alone that evening. Her children remained scattered about their world, and each took a bit of her soul with them. She only hoped one day they would come back to her. That they remembered how much she loved them and that they always had a special place in her heart, however broken it may be.
The air was much cooler tonight. The seasons again were changing and quickly nearing was winter. She wasn't acclimated to the extremes of the weather changes of the north and tonight the chill nipped a bit deeper into her core.
The stars twinkled brilliantly in the black sky. Not a cloud to be seen. The moon, no more than a sliver high in the sky did little to light her path home. But she knew the way and she could smell the familiar scent of freshwater that would lead her back.
As she neared, a distant but familiar call floated over the breeze. Her steps paused as her ears twisted atop her feminine face. Even in the faint moonlight the cream color of her body was notable, revealing her presence to the one that called to her.
For a moment her sadness lifted. The outline of his face soon coming into focus as she neared. "Rou... You came," she whispered into the night...
The night sky is clear of clouds, allowing the twinkling stars to refract light off the freezing lake. Winter is fast-approaching, and with each blow of the wind Rou shivers. He sighs solemnly, thinking of his Tephra home, constantly warmed by the towering volcano. But as Aurora approaches him, her delicate cadence dancing off his ear drums, he feels the chill in his bones heat up slightly. He turns to face her, giving her a soft smile.
"I promised I would...I'm sorry it wasn't sooner." He says, inching closer to her. He can sense some lingering sadness in her voice, and he looks into her eyes. Even in the dark of night, he can see that they are watery. His brows furrow and he pulls her into a comforting embrace. "What's wrong? What happened?" He asks. He allows her the room to step away if she wants, but his head drapes around her neck so that she is against his broad chest. He silently wonders if Phoebus had found her, if perhaps the meeting didn't go as well as he had hoped and that's why she was upset. Or perhaps, he hadn't found her at all yet, and she was sad for another reason.
Diable Rouge allows her the room to vent, listening quietly.
I'm learning how to put the pieces back together, turn the aching to composure
Promises were not something often kept as she has learned in her many years. Ironically, the undead creature that held her children captive was the most reliable in keeping promises as of late. But when Rou says he has come as he promised she smiles happily thru her sadness. It weighed heavily on her expression, no matter how hard she tried to hide it.
Apparently, she hides it poorly as the red roan steps closer, wrapping himself around her and quietly prompting her worries to fall like the stars above.
She allows his warmth to envelope her, sniffling away a tear as she presses into him. "He took them away... my babies," she murmurs, her voice broken with despair. "And the worst part is they didn't want to come home with me," she confesses. Her face buries into him as the view of her children flash in her mind, "They don't need me anymore... No one needs me." It was a harsh reality to face, your kids growing up and moving on without you.
When her tears have let up and dried trails down her face, she lifts her head slightly, "I saw Phoebus! He has grown so much Rou. Our son is so handsome." A gentle smile returns to her lips as her heart fills with a moment of proudness. Being a parent was filled with so many emotions.
07-26-2024, 10:24 AM (This post was last modified: 07-26-2024, 10:25 AM by Diable Rouge.)
Diable Rouge
The comfort of his embrace prompts her to reveal her worries to him. He listens quietly, questions popping in and out of his head but never quite leaving his lips. He only nods, allowing her to finish each thought. At the mention of Phoebus, a smile grows across his face. His son had come to see his mother, and he can't help but be happy at that fact.
Once AuroraElis finishes, Rou's brows furrow as he thinks of a response. He was not naive enough to think she had gone all these years without finding a mate, or having other children. So when she had told him that he took her babies, the chaser quickly pieces together that she meant their father. Despite the initial shock, his face remains soft towards Aurora. "I'm sorry that they will not come home. I wish I understood children better..." He says solemnly, sighing. He thinks back to his encounter with Phoebus, how angry his son had been. "Phoebus was not all too happy to see me...but I'm so glad you got to reconnect. He's a fine young stallion." This Rou says with pride, even if it saddens him that their relationship might never be the same. However, he wonders why his son was nowhere to be found, either. "I see your other children are not here with you, but where is Phoebus? Why didn't he stay in the Dale?"
At Aurora's dejected assumption that no one needed her, he steps back, staring intently at her. "Oh, Aurora..." He says, shaking his head. "No child truly outgrows the need for a mother. Distance and time might separate you, but they will always come back at some point." He moves closer to her again and nuzzles her cheek gently. "And, if its any consolation...I need you. It's why I came back..." He stops, not wanting to make this moment about him, not wanting to make her grief any worse.
I'm learning how to put the pieces back together, turn the aching to composure
Her wary body leans into him, or onto him more like for support. She was so very tired after such an emotional day. He asks where Phoebus has gone, and she says simply that he stayed with his sister. It was such a long story and she hadn't the strength to revisit it. Not right now at least. She only wanted to enjoy the comforts of his embrace.
She sniffles again at his interjection of her statement and his pulling away. Her navy eyes fall sadly at the thought of the distance between them, her and her children, "I guess," she says solemnly. Not entirely convinced but she didn't want to let that pull them apart, so she agrees.
The gentle brush of his muzzle on her cheek brings a gentle smile to her lips, uplifting her eyes to look at his face once more. A face she can't believe is in front of her after all these years. "Oh Rou," she coos pressing her ivory muzzle into him, "I have wished for this day for many years." To not be alone, to be loved and cherished, to be needed.
With emerald feathers held taunt to her sides she curls up under his neck, leaning the bulk of her body into his chest. She wanted to feel his warm breath on her tawny coat; his velveteen muzzle to trail down the length of her spine. She wanted him, needed him, as she had many times before.