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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  You’re All I Ever Need [Elisdee]
    The Dale, a vast expanse of land, is draped in the darkness of the night, with the moon casting its silvery light over the reflective waters of the lake below. The cool breeze of the night brushes against the scales of the magnificent creature stretching its wings, a winged stallion that is otherworldly in its beauty. His scales shimmer in the starlight above, creating a breathtaking sight that is nothing short of mesmerizing.

    As the stallion admires the beauty of the night sky, a star shoots across the sky, leaving a trail that points towards a certain direction. Amenadiel looks down and spots the family he's been with, sleeping peacefully beneath it. He takes off silently, following the trail of the comet, the sound of his flapping wings echoing through the night air. His keen eyes suddenly catch a glimmer of something emerald green, almost jade-like, tucked away beneath some rocks and brush.

    The winged stallion is drawn to the egg, and a memory of a mare from a summer storm floods his mind. Amenadiel had met the mare on a rainy night as he flew over the peaks. The sight of a white tiger with iridescent blue stripes slinking in between the crevices of the rocks, attempting to find shelter, had caught his eye. As the stallion approached the tiger, it transformed into a beautiful mare, its coat shining like liquid silver in the rain.

    The stallion had offered protection to the mare and led her to a small cave to get out of the elements. Wrapped in his wings, the stallion felt the heat of the mare's body, and something inside him awakened. In the morning, the creature woke up to find that the mare was gone, never to be seen again, and he had been left with nothing but memories of that magical night.

    Now, the stallion lays beside the emerald egg, feeling its energy call out to him. The egg hums softly, growing louder as the stallion approaches it. He feels an overwhelming urge to protect the egg at all costs.

    So, he lights a fire for warmth, and wraps his wings around both himself and the egg, holding it close, just like he had held the mare. The fire crackles softly, casting a warm glow over the scene, as the winged stallion keeps a watchful eye over the egg, never once letting his guard down.

    A gentle ethereal glow is emitted from the egg, accompanied by an equally ethereal hum.  It calls out to only the one who would recognize it.  A distinct voice only he would know.

    Soon the sensation comes it had longed for.  The warming embrace.  The very thing needed to activate the life that lay dormant inside.

    Cells begin to replicate, separating and stretching along genetic cords.  Building slowly the being that would come to form inside.

    Each day another part is built behind the protective layer of shell.  Along with the warmth of its creator, it morphs into something unlike anything of this world.  Pearlescent scales cover its body with a scattered few of jade laced with gold.  Coarse hairs along the crest of its neck extends past its shoulder, tapering off soon after.  Its body is long, much longer than that of even the most disproportionate equine.  Ending its shortened, strong legs are paws with lizard-like toes with curved golden claws.  

    Its tail is long, much like that of a serpent's body, cept with an adorned tuft of jade and gold hair.  Soon tiny buds on top its head begin to form, these would become a form of protection in the years after its birth.  A regal crown of delicate jade antlers like the stags of the forest.

    Lastly, its identity finalizes to that of feminine qualities.  Her expression is soft and gentle.  Her eyes the most vivid shade of teal with a reptilian-like pupil.  Within them specks of navy and gold swirl about like the galaxies of the night sky.  Amongst her scales grow raw minerals crafted within their worlds crust.  Crystals in various shapes and colors that decorate her anatomy.  This is a gift of Craft & Anatomy themselves.

    Her form shifts gently, pulsing to life in the remaining fluids that have existed in her sanctuary.  She can feel the vibrations of her keepers' heart, the own beating of hers matching its pace.  

    This sensation awakens her, causing her to send out an even brighter glow with a force so great it begins to crack the tough exterior that now presses against her.  The confinement of the space becoming too tight now.

    At first there is only a fissure that spreads in the shell.  The glow illuminating it as it tries to escape faster through the break much like water pushing through a weakness in a dam.  

    Eventually the pressure grows too much, sending more fissures to spread from the first crack.  Her body tries to stretch, to relieve itself of the amounting stress upon it.

    Her nose presses against the interior, reaching for the touch of her father that she is sure lays just beyond the barrier.  It is enough to break off a chunk of the shell, exposing her to her first taste of her father's scent.  

    The air rushes into her lungs, expanding them with such force that sends the shell splitting into two large pieces.  The scaled creature unrolls from the confined space that had held her together.  The sleek rocky surface feels strange against her body as she lays upon it with teal eyes looking up, trying to bring into focus her surroundings. 

    Her long, furred ears flicker at the sound of shuffling and then a familiar voice...


    Post to Dale entity for Jewel Touched
    On this chilly and serene night, Amenadiel takes a short flight. His wings, a testament to his draconic presence, propel him through the air. He hovers near the entrance of his cave, a sense of anticipation palpable in the air. Tonight, he wonders, could this be the night the egg will finally hatch? His keen ears catch a soft hum, a unique signal that the egg is ready to hatch. With a sense of purpose, he turns back towards the cave, his protective and scaled body settling around the egg, creating a secure cocoon for the precious life within.

    For the past few weeks, Amenadiel has been keeping a vigilant watch over the egg, his heart filled with a mix of excitement and worry. He notices its subtle vibrations and gentle rocking within his wings, a rhythmic motion that lulls him into a state of peaceful anticipation. The long-awaited moment is drawing near, and despite his worries about being a good father, he finds solace in the knowledge that Aurora, his friend, will be there to support him. He thinks how Escence and Eviction will be ecstatic to meet the newest member of the herd.

    However, tonight feels different. Something in the air tells him that the time has come. He sits patiently, his eyes fixed on the egg as it begins to crack and rock with increasing intensity. Fissures appear, and small chips of the shell break off, revealing the life within. His heart swells with excitement as he realizes that he will soon meet his child. "It’s okay, you can come out," he says softly and reassuringly, his voice filled with love and warmth.

    In a moment of pure magic, a pair of jade ears peek through the opening to the world, signaling the arrival of a new life. "Welcome to the World, Ekstacee," he beams, his eyes shining with joy and pride.

    @ EkstaCee

    It’s okay, you can come out

    There it is.  That voice I have heard so many times in my short existence.  It is as familiar to me as my own paws that now press against the warm stone beneath me.

    My long ears swivel as does my enlarged teal eyes in the direction the sound came.  Lifting my pearl face just slightly I bring him into view.  He is tall and dark, with large wings at his sides.  Some may have been intimidated by such a creature, but I do not fear the large form hovering in the slightest.

    Welcome to the World, Ekstacee

    A soft smile creases my features as my scaled body shifts slightly.  I do not attempt to move more than that just yet.

    Amenadiel consoles Ceecee with the utmost tenderness, coaxing her to emerge from the remnants of her protective shell and into the embrace of his outstretched wings. With a watchful gaze, he witnesses her emergence, weary from the arduous journey of the day. Lying down, he unfurls his majestic wings, enveloping her in a shield of safety and love. She is his daughter, a long-awaited arrival that has finally graced his existence. The unexpected turn of events, from the night he first encountered her mother to now having a child to raise on his own, fills him with profound gratitude.

    "You bear a striking resemblance to your mother," he adoringly remarks, his voice filled with affection as he observes the newly hatched dragon, still dripping and adorned in the remnants of embryonic fluids. He delicately licks her, savoring the sensation of each scale against his tongue while analyzing her unique scent. "I am your father, Amenadiel... I have been known as Amen," he reveals, a solitary tear escaping his eye at the sight of this vulnerable and innocent newborn, eagerly absorbing the world around her.

    "Rest now, my precious child, for you have endured a long day," he gently nudges her towards the warmth of his own body. A fleeting thought crosses his mind, pondering what nourishment newborn dragons require. Uncertainty lingers, but he refuses to succumb to his anxiety. For now, his focus lies in forging a bond with his daughter, allowing her to acquaint herself with him and vice versa.

    With a protective curl of his neck, he patiently awaits her slumber, ensuring her safety before surrendering himself to rest.

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