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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open]  A God's Creation

    Being what I was, I thought myself to be nearly indestructible.  Even as I was starved of air by the gills the fairies bestowed upon me, I managed to survive.  So, it is why caution does not beckon to me now, even if my travel companion had warned of the possibility that Baltia was out of reach.

    The faint jade glow intensifies as I near.  My speed was no match for the eight-legged creature that accompanies me here.  Each thrust of my tail drives me closer to my destination.

    While swimming I can make out the rocky formations by the illuminating of the glow.  My eyes focused on a dark edging and as I draw closer, I can see it is a cliff ledge.  The light seems to be radiating from below.  With another flick of my tail I am seated at the rim, looking down into a bright bioluminescent world.  My eyes widen as I look down upon the strange place.  My gaze lifts only to see if Eddie has followed me this far...

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    Water thread for quest.
    @eddie If he wants to follow her and discover he can't go deeper that's cool(maybe she can save him Wink ).  If he doesn't follow she can continue to explore on her own, no worries.  Just wanted to get another water thread going for her quest and I'll be mia for my event until Monday. She will not have enhanced beauty or sharp teeth during this thread.
    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\
    don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years

    His head bobs, both with the movement of the currents and with the indication that he is listening as she speaks while they submerge themselves even further. At the back of his mind, he notes that he is growing more uncomfortable, though it has little to do with Deiti herself. It seems that his suspicion is accurate.. that he is not built for the deep sea diving that he’d been wanting to do. But he does not let it bother him too much. Yet.

    He notices the way she pauses and the look that crosses her face, seems to dim it slightly, even if it is only for a fleeting moment. Though she may not wish to linger at that point in her recollections, he cannot help but to interject his curiosity into the quiet that swells between them. “Dark, how?”

    She seems to have changed in the few minutes she has spent telling him of Ischia, become just a fraction softer than when they’d met on the surface. The duality that she both speaks of and that he is already seeing in her intrigues him. He has realized that most souls have an opposite side that lies beneath their natural façade, but some exhibit far more dramatic differences than others. He wonders if hers is of the latter group.

    As the coral begins to dominate the scenery and the species of fish seem to change, he contemplates his own dichotomy. For just a short period of his young life, he had been largely cheerful and carefree, as most children tend to be. Somewhere in the deepest recesses of his own darkness, he knows that hopeful child still waits for the gloom to pass. But the sheer weight of his losses keeps him mired in solemn melancholy and volatile anger most of the time.

    Just as the glow filters through the blue-blackness of the depths, an invisible grip locks itself tightly around his body and the chill of the water simultaneously begins to seep into his bones. Though he is not suffocating from lack of air or being crushed between the heavy hands of the ocean’s pressure, he knows that he has reached his limit.

    She continues on without him, so he cannot see what lies below the cliff’s edge, but he believes that her assumption that the glowing light belongs to Baltia is correct. A twinge of… something… pulls at the strings of his heart. He is not sure what he expected to find within the former kingdom’s boundaries, but he is sorely disappointed that he cannot even reach a tentacle into its borders.

    When she looks back, a single tentacle drifts near his face, waving her to continue on, while he also calls out, “This is as far down as I can go, but you go on! I might just check it out from above.” As he finishes speaking, his tentacles balloon outward then contract rapidly, pushing him to a less oppressive depth. When the pressure eases, he moves forward until he is drifting above her; he glances down and finds his disappointment growing as he realizes he cannot see much from his position. Well, she can always return with her findings, if she chooses.

    for Ian
    image by hel-gi

    @ Deiti

    From birth the darkness within me plagued my day to day.  Its surfacing at a young age was instinctual and uncontrolled, threatening to take hold at any moment.  But as I grew accustomed to its desires, I could contain it within its cage settled in my chest.  Only when I allowed it, or needed it, were the darkest parts of myself called forth.  It was my protector in its own way.

    When Eddie questions my darkness I simply smile before my attention is drawn away to the pulsing glow in the distance...

    Teetering the edge of the dark depths and the glowing oasis below I look to see Eddie waving me on.  I nod knowing his caution to continue was with warrant.

    Turning back to the crater below I gaze downward.  Craggy spindles of rock reach upwards, their base hardly visible from where I tread.  

    With a fluid movement, my body plunges below the canyon rim and follows the rocky cliff down.  My finned tail sweeps up and down, driving me deeper with each pass.  As I near the bottom, life begins to stir.  Tiny luminating shrimp and cuttlefish scamper out of the way as my body passes through their world.

    Even lower I find groves of sea grasses flicking a greenish blue.  Mix amongst them are delicate reefs sheltering an array of colorful fish.  Slowing with a twirl I watch them rush to their hiding spots within the nooks of the ridged plants.  My reptilian eyes watch as they peer out at me, debating if I am friend or foe.

    I do not linger long and continue exploring.  The thick seaweeds reducing to scarce clumps as I move towards the interior of the lands.  Various mollusks and starfish decorate the sands of the kingdoms floor.  Here it is less luminous and a darkened figures outline can be traced in the distance.  I stop and watch with curiosity, trying to determine just what it could be.  The creature within me rattles at its cage but I keep it contained.

    There is no movement to the figure so I near with a cautious pace.

    Now within reaching distance I curl around the dark form.  It seems to be a lone rocky statue of an unrecognizable figure.  My head tilts with thought before I curl around it once more.

    Instead of continuing on, I turn back towards the cliff I had come from.  Again, exploring the sea floor and all that called it home.  A part of me expected to find more of my kind here and there is a slight sadness that tugs at my heart.

    As I pass over the sea grass field again, I notice a delicate bloom of teal amongst the shimmering vegetation.  I swirl above it, rising slightly and then spiraling back down, plucking it from the ocean floor with my dull teeth, before returning to the base of the cliff wall. 

    My rise is quick and soon the luminescent glow begins to fade.

    Reaching the craters rim, my eyes rove the area for my spindly armed friend. With another flick of my finned tail, I rise even higher above the rocky floor, before coming to a tread.  The flora -between my jaws- scrolling pattern glows brilliantly against the blueish black of the ocean here.  I release it and allow it to float at will with the waters current, turning to look again for Eddie to see if he was still in the area...

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    @eddie A quick exploration!  She brings a glowing bloom with her to show Eddie if he is still around.  If he turned back and you want to end the thread here that is fine too : )
    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\
    don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years

    He watches her disappear into the canyon and his tentacles flick and snap in irritation as he hovers in place. Though he knew it to be possible, how bitterly unfair that he cannot proceed further, cannot explore the land of his ancestry. He cannot say that he had grown up hearing the greatest, most exultant stories of Baltia, considering his parents’ mutinous marriage, but that is entirely beside the point. Having inherited more Baltian traits than Stratosian, he’d always harbored some curiosity about the ocean kingdom, wondered a bit more about the aquatic family that his father had left behind; the connections, however tenuous, feels stronger to him now that his family has been missing some years. He finds it harder to feel the same pull toward the cloud city, despite the kinder stories he’d heard of his mother’s birthplace, but he supposes that his airborne sisters might feel the same way toward Stratos if they’d been tossed into a strange new world, alone and without the slightest hints to where their family might be.

    In attempt to soothe the nervous energy that seems to electrify every inch of his skin, he takes to jetting himself in a haphazard manner in hopes of discerning even the smallest details of the kingdom below, but the height he must maintain prevents such gleaning. His father had never spent much time dwelling on the visuals when he’d spoken of the past, but Eddie does not let that stop his imagination from running wild with the possibilities. The most realistic parts of him suppose that the dwellings are simple and humble, like natural caves hollowed into walls of the cliffsides of the deep ravine that Baltia seems to be nestled in, or nests hidden in meadows of tall, waving sea grasses. The slightly more fantastical bits of him wonder if overlarge versions anemones exist, hiding away the less predatory Baltians as the normal-sized anemones do with similarly less threatening fish. The utterly ridiculous side of him imagines a large structure belonging solely to the royals, lavishly decorated with the finest sea treasures and somehow (magically, he assumes) the source of the almost pulsating glow that radiates up toward him.

    He is not sure how much time passes while he loses himself to the illusions of his creation and he knows that it is reckless to let his guard down for any length of time here in the darkness, but he cannot seem to help himself. The desire to know more of Baltia is even more crushing than even the black depths surrounding him, especially with the target laying so teasingly close below him. Without realizing, he blindly drifts back to his starting point as he continues crafting the aquatic kingdom in his mind’s eye; a gentle brush of something against his tentaclesr snaps him out of his reverie. He jets away to a safer distance and his head begins to twist and turn as he looks for signs of danger (even though it’s too late to even attempt to defend himself), but all he sees is an odd blossom bobbing in the currents. No, that’s not quite right. His eyes focus beyond the glowing flower and notices a familiar figure not too far away.

    His voice is loud enough to cross the distance, yet somehow subdued by the flood of emotion that washes over him as he calls to her, “What did you see?”

    for Ian
    image by hel-gi

    @ Deiti

    With a gentle twist of my siren form my aqua blue eyes identity a faint but familiar dark form drawing nearer.  I smile, relieved that I was not alone in the darkness.

    "Eddie!  Come see!" I shout into the bruised colored waters.  

    He is not far and soon comes plainly into view.  With a flick of my tail, I force the flower higher with the current I create under it.  The bioluminescent glow reflects from our eyes as we watch its gentle pulsing glow.  "Isn't it beautiful?!  The whole land is filled with bright and beautiful things!  I wish you could see it,"  I say to the tentacled being.

    My infatuation with the flora soon turns to sadness as the illumination gently fades away.  "Oh no..." The anguish in my eyes is clearly seen as I think of what I did.  I killed it.

    The gentle treading I maintained slows, allowing my body to sink lower in the waters.  Why do I always have to ruin everything...

    A tear wells in my eyes as I am lost to the memories of my life.  Everything I have ever loved, ever cherished, ever touched... Gone.

    My body twists abruptly and a vigorous swipe of my tail sends me propelling quickly forwards, "I- I have to go..." Is all the explanation I give him before I am lost to the dark waters of the night sea.

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast
    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\

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