Her distant gaze returns as she realizes Jack is speaking. "Hmm. O-oh nothing," she says with a look of perplexion still on her face. A soft shake to her neck follows as she turns from the pine forests and begins to walk towards the direction in which they had come. A forced smile tugs at her ivory lips as she reaches to press her muzzle to Jacks flesh.
The words of the horned creature continue to tug at her inner most thoughts.
Our fears only control us as long as we allow them to...
Had this been why Escence seemed more stable these last few months... The fear of that day, her worst fear, was that what has tamed her?
"Jack," She begins, "I think there is some truth to what she said... We can't let our fears control us." The feathers along her back shift gently as she walks.
Picking her way along the river she finds the very place they had crossed. An ominous feeling comes over her, willing her to look back towards the shadowed edges of forest.
Not all that glitters is gold