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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open]  A God's Creation

    From the time I had left the rivers waters near the meadow I had hardly looked back.  I would not dwell on the past and what once was any longer.  Ischia was gone and with it the waterfall and my pool. Gone. Those that I once knew; Leilan, Ivar, Jesper, Imperial, Kuma, Embark, all gone.  I look now to the future and what can be.  I will find a new home.  I will make new friends.  

    I follow the river's edge, using it as my guide through the lands.  From The Chamber to the Meadow, the River and now here.  My delicate face looks left, then right.  Where is here?  I could make out tattered piles of stone, lain out in unnatural shapes.  My slitted eyes squint as I look past them.  It was a familiar sight.  One I hadn't thought about in quite some time.  I close my eyes now, feeling the salt licked breeze on my face.  It calls to me like a song, tempting me back into her liquid embrace.  I resist, my eyes now opening with a narrowed glare.  No!  My mind shouts, but the creature within me stirs, restless and weary. Yes!  It hisses a most awful high pitch sound.  My ears ring as I cringe in pain.  It is of a crippling sort, bringing me to my knees.  "Ahhhhh...." I cry out in agony, a ripping sort of pain courses along my neck.  

    It is then that I begin to gasp for air.  My lungs trying to fill with a deep inhale, but the air does not come.  The pain subsides and there is a fluttering now along my neck where the pain had been.  I can't tell if the ringing has stopped or if it is just muffled by the faintness that begins to come over me.  Go now!  The creature calls out.  I get up enough to stumble forwards, towards the oceans ridge.  I gasp again, a dry choking sound coming from my lungs.  Another step, another stumble, but I was almost there...

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    Just playing with my gills "defect".  If someone has the muse to save a dying fish pony by helping her into the water so she can breathe she'd be forever thankful XD
    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\
    don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years

    A siren song drifts through the air, beckoning him and only him with soft dulcet notes and promises of something to soothe his frazzled nerves. But he is still filled with sticky, suffocating clouds of anxiety. The music calls him to the place he had never been, the home that would have been had he been born with pure Baltian blood. He knows that they cannot be there, for the girls are ill-suited to life underwater, so why does the water beckon him so relentlessly?

    He walks beside the river even though using his aquatic form to swim is far more expeditious. His leg feathers wave in the breezes stirred by his robotic plodding gait, their Stratosian origins seeming to cry for him to stop, to sway him from his course. But he presses on, the landscapes blurring together as he continues southward until he reaches the barren Ruins.

    A flooded area lays in his path and he pauses at the edge, the briny scent so prominent that it makes his gills flutter (though whether with excitement or dread is to be determined). He stares into the murk, wondering how deep the water goes. He lingers, toying with the idea of entering the water here, but the anxiety creeps over him again and he skirts the pool slowly.

    The cry reaches him just as the ocean comes into view, but it does not fully register in the whirling vortex of his mind. As he places the first hoof into the salted water, the gasps of desperation finally catch his attention and turns to see the oil-slick mare several paces away, stumbling toward the same destination. Surprise washes over him as embarrassed heat flames at his cheeks. How could he have missed her?

    The wheels finally begin turning more quickly and it moves him into action. He rushes to her as fast as his gangly legs allow and as he pulls up alongside her, his mouth opens to ask what ails her. His slitted blue eyes notice the waving gills along her neck, and he realizes she needs to be in the water now. They are so close, but she seems on the verge of collapsing. He swiftly moves so that his chest presses against her hind quarters and he heaves with all of his might, hoping that it will get her far enough that when she does inevitably fall, her front end will be submerged and she can start breathing properly.

    Just one breath, that’s all he wants for this stranger.

    for Ian
    image by hel-gi

    On the edge of the two worlds I teeter.  An ethereal abyss on either side.  One having an alabaster glow and the other an unending darkness.  My movements are slow as I cast my gaze from one side to the next.  There was a peace here that I have never experienced before.  A quiet unlike any of my earthy world.  I close my eyes and allow my body to fall, which way I'd go is uncertain. But when I open my eyes, upon the edge I remain.  It is here that I discover I am not of living nor the dead.  That I was left to walk the edge between worlds for an eternity.


    The gasping stops as I have accepted my fate and thus I do not struggle any longer to hold on.  My body falls forwards, pushed into the waters that had nearly lapped at my hooves.  Landing with a splash, the salty waters wash over my scales, cleansing me of my earthy hindlimbs.  The to and fro of the waves drag me into Her depths.  Without thought I begin to breathe again, but not as I had before.  The gills that formed behind my jawline sift the oxygen from the sea, calling me back from the ethereal worlds.  My reptile eyes snap open and I note that I am underwater., simply floating in the oceans cool embrace.  I look around me, inspecting myself and finding me just as I have always been.  My long-finned tail, my obsidian scales, even my hooved forelimbs.  But there was something different about me, even though I can't place it just yet.

    Lost in my musing for an undetermined amount of time I decide I should emerge to breathe even though the urge is not there.  I consider that thought, pondering a bit deeper.  Why am I not breathless?  There is a new sensation that begins to disrupt my thoughts.  A soft pulsing near my cheeks.  The cool waters in which I float move under this slitted skin.  They are something I had only seen on the fish of my underwater home.  Fish that do not surface to breath air.  Everything begins to fall into place as I sort the pieces of the puzzle.  But why now?

    With a flick of my tail, I decide to test my theory. I rise quickly, breaking through the water's surface. I inhale on instinct and instead of drawing in the air I choke on its dryness, though it is less suffocating than before.  In my confusion my gaze flickers about, landing on an unknown form on the beach.  My slitted eyes narrow on the being, trying to decide if they had done this to me.  There is a driving force within me to approach the stranger.  

    As I near I can see parts of him much like my own.  Dark scales along parts of his body reflect the sun's rays in a shimmering gleam.  I stop within the shallows, my elongated finned backend resting upon the waterlogged sands. "Who are you?" I call out in a demanding but curious tone.

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    @eddie I feel like this starts out funny, so my vision is she's basically on the verge of death and walking the line between eternal life or damnation.  Since neither comes she discovers her immortality.  Falling into the water is also her falling back into the world of the living.  Her body is pulled into the sea and she puts everything together with the gills.  I figure as long as she is touching water she can breathe... Idk XD
    don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years

    Relief floods every neuron of his body as she lands exactly where he had intended. He is not entirely surprised to see the tail that erupts where her legs had been; no, he had suspected she was some aquatic hybrid (like himself). He supposes that she must be new to the form, for he can’t imagine any experienced water creature allowing themselves to fall into such a desperate state.

    When she is pulled beneath the surface, he hesitates, wondering if he should follow to make sure she is still safe. He is not worried that she will drown, but he is concerned that perhaps they were not fast enough and that she is still breathless in the water. Before he can move to action, she resurfaces and he notices the discomfort in her features as she attempts to breathe like a land horse.

    She calls out to him, but he does not see fit to remain on the shore any longer. Not if it would cause her further distress. He moves to meet the waves, careful not to head directly toward her, to not give her any indications that he has ill intentions. As he passes by where she lays, half-submerged, he pauses. “My name is Eddie. Care to join me?” He motions for her to follow as he casually slips below the surface.

    Once fully submerged, he makes his own transformation. The grey and black tentacles stretch luxuriously in the swift currents and propel him several feet deeper into the murk. He has not used his aquatic form since just before he’d gone to the Mountain. For just the tiniest fraction of time, the emptiness in his heart fills. Perhaps not fully, but just enough to bathe him in a measure of comfort.

    Not forgetting the mare, he pivots, tentacles swirling around him with more grace than his equine limbs could ever hope to display. He looks expectantly toward the shore to see if she has accepted his invitation.

    for Ian
    image by hel-gi

    @ Deiti 

    The stranger begins to near me as I settle atop the sands just before calling out to him my questions.  I wasn't afraid as he nears but I watch his movements carefully.  If at any point they become threatening the creature within me, now coiled and ready, would surface.  For now, my reptilian like eyes follow him, tracking his course as he passes by.  My name is Eddie.  Care to join me?  He says as he motions to the seas. My expression turns to more curiosity as I wonder what kind of creature would willing enter the sea waters with a Kelpie.  Intrigued I turn and follow.

    My delicate face submerges once more, the gills at my cheek bones flutter with the motion of the waters.  It removes a heaviness from my body in which the air of the land pressed into me now.  My finned tail propels me forward with large sweeping flicks.  I follow the stranger and watch as he now takes a new form.  It is one I have only seen within the darkest depths of my underwater home.  The suckered tentacles were hard to mistake for anything else than what they were.  He turns to look at me where I now tread in the green-blue waters of the sea, my hooved forelimbs paddle gently and uselessly.  An enthralled smile curls my lips, revealing just slightly, my dagger like teeth.  Tucking my limbs to my chest, my tail gives a flick, and I am moving towards him.

    I begin to circle around him, taking in this new form.  It was much like my own, except more tentacly.  I wonder how well one could swim with such thin appendages, unlike my large-finned tail that created grip within the water.  I am sure I will find out soon though and so I continue to swirl around him until he decides just where to go from here...

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\
    don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years

    He should be more cautious, he knows this. Considering the kraken blood that runs in his family, he knows that dangerous creatures lurk in every dark inch of the sea. Considering that he is merely a shifter, and not even a full shifter, he knows he has no true defense toward such creatures. As he sees that she has indeed followed, sees the mouth full of cutting teeth, he realizes that he has chosen to keep company with such a creature.

    But he doesn’t care.

    Frankly, his sense of self-preservation has dwindled in the years that followed the disappearance of his family. It has gotten harder and harder to believe that they are still alive. Even if they are, they must have been left behind in whatever remained of their old home and he has no way of returning to their world.

    Death might not be such an unwelcome guest.

    He would at least be reunited with his idol, his kraken-like hero. His brother.

    But despite his despair, there is still that small piece of him that is afraid of what comes after life has been scrubbed away. Wonders if there is truly an afterlife in which he would actually find his loved ones.

    As it were, his recklessness is not nearly as foolhardy as it could be. So, he chokes down the doom and gloom. Instead, he smiles as he watches the undulating form circle him as though she might prey on him after all. He mimics her actions, his tentacles spreading wide and quickly closing (much like an umbrella) to propel him lazily through the water so that she can’t quite get behind him again.

    “You seem far more comfortable here in the water.. may I ask how you ended up on land?”

    No, he is not ready to become someone else’s meal. Not yet.

    He can only hope that his crooked smile is charming enough to engage her in conversation. Now that he has moved past his dark thoughts, he is truly curious about the aquatic mare.

    for Ian
    image by hel-gi

    @ Deiti 

    The sleek form of my Siren self, twirls delicately around the kraken creature.  The day light, though dim beneath the surface, still reflects the colors of my iridescent scales.  My elongated body maneuvers in a fluid motion -much like the waves of the surface- slitted eyes trained on the one I find sharing the depths with.  His body pulses in plume-like movements, using it to expel water from out from under him and move through the waters.  Interesting.  

    He turns with me as I twist around him, a question passing through his lips.  I match his grin with a smirk that tugs at my blackened lips while I complete another, tighter, circle around him.  "To find something," I say with a mysterious tone.  The creature was beginning to stir within me, but I keep its darkest desires caged deep within my chest.

    A part of me wonders if there is more to this form hidden beneath the superficial surface.  Much like Ivar had brought my Kelpie self to grow stronger, morphing my scales and reptilian eyes in just a brush of his teeth on my delicate horse flesh. "And you?"  My siren voice whispers as I creep closer, any space between us lessening as I curl around him one last time.  My finned-tail brushing gently along the edges one of his tentacles...

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\
    don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years

    In the deepest recesses of his being, he can feel the urge to give in to the temptation she clearly lays before him. Yet, he senses something that lurks behind the lovely face, something more dangerous than the evident shark’s grin as she watches him. He continues to match her circling pace even as she draws closer, refusing to expose his back while simultaneously revealing his quiet distrust.

    His head tilts when she states that she was looking for something. Whatever it is, it must be of great value for her to ignore her body’s base requirements in order to discover its location. Well, he supposes he could relate on some level. Here he is, venturing into the ocean, unsure if his own body can tolerate the crushing pressures of the depths, but still pushed by a greater need to test the waters.

    Her question does not go unheard, but he does not answer just yet, distracted as she finally sidles close enough to make contact. There is a false reassurance in her touch, a promise that she is more irreproachable than her appearance suggests. Still, there is a coldness, a craftiness that radiates from her. This leads him to propel himself a bit deeper into the water, creating some distance between them without making it obvious.

    He speaks as he moves, voice surprisingly steady though he is uncomfortable. “I live on land most of the time. However, I was thinking of visiting Baltia. Perhaps you could tell me more of these waters’ history while I start my journey?”

    for Ian
    image by hel-gi

    @ Deiti 

    When flesh touches flesh I can taste temptation rising.  Memories flash at the sensation.  It has been some time since I've touched another.  Too long.  I was too disciplined to give into my animalistic urges though.  Always the temptress, never the taken.

    The creature within settles as my company sinks lower to the depths, breaking contact.  I use the distance to swim up farther before curling back around, my movements fluent and unthreatening.  I was enjoying this underwater breathing.  No longer was I chained to the air above.

    My large, finned tail sweeps gently and I propel back down to his level.  My equine forelimbs paddle uselessly in front of me.  I hear him speak of the land and I can relate to his battle between sea and earth.  My reptilian eyes watch his movements and I pace my own to his.  He asks of these waters and makes mention of a place I have not heard of.  "I've spent most my time in the seas north of here.  That's where Ischia, my home, is.  Well, used to be.  It no longer exists," I give pause before continuing, "The seas up north can be colder at times.  Seems these waters are a bit warmer..." I smile before adding, "I like warmer."  

    I am curious of the place he mentioned, so I inquire, "Is Baltia nearby?  I've never heard of it."  With another thrust of my tail, I spiral playfully in the darkened waters, "If you're not opposed, I'd very much like to visit this place."  My tone is flirty but inquisitive.

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    @eddie If you want to do a starter on the Baltia board we can continue there Smile
    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\
    don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years

    The tension that had begun building in his body relaxes as she makes no further advances as they move deeper into the ocean. He listens, occasionally making small noises to match the information she reveals, but otherwise silent as she speaks of her home. When she mentions that her home is gone, jagged barbs of pain and longing prod at his heart, threatening to pierce the pulsing muscle and spill his blood and overwhelming emotions into the salted water.

    He swallows hard, forcing the lump in his throat down to where (he feels that) it belongs. If she seeks someone to commiserate with, he is an ideal choice, for he knows much of loss; but he is not sure if he is ready to share that side of himself just yet, so he nods stiffly in the brief pause she takes. He considers her statement about the temperature of the water. He had never given it much thought before, for he did not spend much time off land these days. Yes, it is quite warm now; perhaps he will have to visit in the winter, to see if there is much difference then. Realizing that she has not spoken for a fair amount of time, he takes the opportunity to respond.

    “The warmth is nice, I’m not much of a fan of cold though, so I might be biased. I am sorry to hear that your home is gone. Not being from these parts, I’m not familiar with… Ischia, is it? Would you mind describing it? I am curious as to what this place used to be like...” ’…before I was ripped away from my family and was brought here’ is what he means to say when his words trail into silence again, but he cannot quite bring himself to voice the thought yet.

    He watches her as she twists and turns even further into the depths and he cannot help but admire the flashes of light, the rainbow colors that dance along her scales. The black tips of his tentacles swirl in a delicate, dizzying manner as he uses them to propel himself after her. When he has caught up, he responds to her queries.

    “I’m actually not sure how far Baltia is from here. I’ve never been, all I know is that it lies at the heart of the sea.” His head bobs affirmatively as he continues, “You are welcome to come along if you like. I’m not sure if I can actually get there… it may be too deep for me.”

    He is grateful that the fairy of the Mountain had given him a chance to prove himself worthy of the kraken’s abilities. If his suspicions are confirmed today, at least it might be possible to reach Baltia someday. Whether he’ll find what he’s been searching for, well, that’s something he has less faith in these days.

    for Ian
    image by hel-gi
    @ Deiti

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