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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    This Little Light of Mine [Jack]
    Escence & Eviction
    ~Twin Flame~

    He hears Jacks compliment and he decides to press forward with even more determination.  The flames at his heels begin to leave trail in his wake, just like his sister flames.  They spark and sizzle but quickly ceded.

    As they approach the trees he slows to a walk, then cautiously to a stop at the edge.  He peers into the shadows with his pit-less eyes, then looks up to Jack.  The dark stallion continues on and so he follows.  The glow of his mane and tail causes the shadows to dance along their path.  Gazing up at the canopy he sees the red and green berries hanging from the branches.  Then his gaze falls to the earth and notes there are some scattered about.  He steps over them carefully, just in case they were laced with poison.

    His slowed steps cause him to fall behind and so he quickens his pace to catch up to Jack who is reaching above for one of the berries.  Stopping at the stallion's side he looks up and watches Jack pluck a big one from the tree and eat it!  His eyes widen, waiting for the bay to fall ill almost instantly.  The enjoyment on Jacks face is unmistakable, so when Jack offers him half by placing it on the ground, he sniffs it.  The sweet aroma is enticing and since the large bay looks fine, he takes a small bite.

    The fruit crunches as he chews, releasing sweet juices to fill his mouth.  He looks up to Jack with a mouthful and mumbles, "Mmmm is good!"  Lowering his bone-colored face to the fruit again he takes another bite.

    @Jack in the Box
    //Fire Mimicry-Healing\\
    Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Small Flames, Fire Aura
    **His fire mimicry trait colors are now black instead of orange**
    Current condition: disease carrier(blight)
    Jack observes the young colt's initial hesitation, but with gentle encouragement, assures him of his safety and that he means no harm. A smile spreads across Jack's face as he witnesses the colt's expression transform from uncertainty to pure joy upon tasting a juicy apple for the very first time.

    The stallion playfully rears up, grabbing hold of both a green apple and a red apple, before gracefully landing beside the colt. Taking a bite of the green apple, he savors its slightly tangier flavor compared to the red one. Rolling the green apple closer to him, the colt eagerly explores the contrasting tastes. Jack's heart warms as he witnesses the colt gradually opening up to him. After all, living in the shadow of others can be challenging, and Jack knows this all too well.

    With juice trickling down his chin, Jack takes a bite of the second red apple and nudges it closer to Eviction, in case he craves something sweeter after the tartness of the previous one. He licks his lips, savoring the delightful sweetness.

    "What do you think your mom and sister are up to? Do you want to bring some apples home for them, or should we keep this as our little secret?"

    @ Eviction
    Escence & Eviction
    ~Twin Flame~

    He munches away, oblivious to the world around him.  The shadows that dance in the glow of his body are but an afterthought.  He does not notice that some stretch towards him versus the outward direction they would naturally go...  

    Looking to Jack at his proposal to bring his mother and sister apples, he nods in agreeance as he swallows another mouthful.  "We should bring them some. Escence would love these!"  He thinks of what his sister may be up to at that moment.  Surely it couldn't be more fun than they were having.

    His head begins to lower, muzzle reaching to pick up a bright red apple for his sister, when a crack of twig rises alarm in him.  His ears twist behind him as he freezes in fear.  A deep voice sounds from the depths of the crowded trees.  A familiar glow beginning to pulse within the darkness...

    Well, well, well... What do we have here.

    He gulps at the thought of what monstrous creature was creeping nearer.  Turning sharply to now face whatever it was, his eyes widen in panic.  The heart in his chest beats faster, the flames at his heels growing brighter in response.  His gaze casts up as the large figure looms above.  The undead things glowing eyes are directed to the large bay stallion, even though his small frame is much closer to his sire...

    //Fire Mimicry-Healing\\
    Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Small Flames, Fire Aura
    **His fire mimicry trait colors are now black instead of orange**
    Current condition: disease carrier(blight)

    Could it have been sheer luck the undead creature has found his spawn here in the orchard?  Perhaps, but unlikely.  He was a thing of the shadows.  Coming and going as frivolously as the smoke-like figures that stretched from his body now.  How they have come to be he is unsure, but surely it is another advancement of his magics.

    His eyes are dimmed as he watches them patiently from the cover of the darkness.  It is only when they speak of leaving that he moves forward, revealing himself in minimal ways at first.  The ever-increasing glow of his eyes.  The stretching shadows that dance around him. The well-timed crack of twig.  These were all omens to his arrival.

    "Well, well, well... What do we have here?"  His voice creeps from the cloaking trees along with his body.  The focus remains on the bay stallion as he approaches before stopping very near his son.  "So good to see you alive and well Jack.  It's been too long," he chaffs.  It is then that he bends his neck to reach his muzzle to brush along the child's skull-like face.  "My son.  How have you been?  Looks like Jack here is taking good care of you."  His face lifts again and looks to Jack, "But where, I wonder, are the other two?"  His glowing eyes would roll in a pondering expression, if capable.  

    With another step forwards he brushes past his progeny to stand closer to the large bay.  "I do hope they are alright," a devious grin curls his grotesque lip as if insinuating something bad has happened to them...

    ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS

    @Jack in the Box
    *Be Warned*
    Possesses health transference
    and may steal your health.
    //Blight-Undead Appearance-Fire Mimicry-Fire Immunity-Health Transference-Shadows\\
    Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Radiant Heat (warm to burning), Aesthetic Smoke
    Jack grins and nods enthusiastically at the idea of bringing apples back to Aurora and Escence. Suddenly, a sense of unease settles over the orchard. His ears twitch as he hears a twig snap, causing his heart to race. Jack takes a moment to compose himself, refusing to show any fear in front of Eviction.
     With his head held high, he turns around slowly, only to find the bay sabino horse, Zain, standing next to Eviction. "Zain. I'm still here. What brings you here?" Jack asks, his voice tinged with a hint of aggression. As Zain nuzzles Eviction, Jack instinctively moves closer to the colt, protective and wary. "I made a promise to you last time we met. I'll take care of them," he says, careful not to reveal Zain's dark secret. 

    "She's having a mother daughter day. I thought it would be nice for him to spend the day here in the orchard, don't you think?" Jack maintains a friendly tone, masking his true intentions from Eviction while sending a clear message to Zain.

    @ Eviction @ Zain

    He watches in amusement as the large bay begins to posture himself in such a protective manner.  The undead things shoulder rolls in a sort of shrug at Jacks question, "Just enjoying a fine summer day."  The shadows stretch lazily from his frame as he stands near them.  "That you did," he answers, "Just as I promised to return."  His stance has remained unchanged even as the other moves closer towards the boy.

    His expression peaks with interest at the whereabouts of his daughter and the children's mother.  "Isn't that just the sweetest thing," his tone mildly fake yet slightly amused.  His gaze shifts from Jack to his son only briefly before adding, "Care if I join?  Wouldn't it be nice for the three of us to spend some quality time together... Jack."  He smiles the most cunning of smiles as he awaits a reply...

    ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS
    *Be Warned*
    Possesses health transference
    and may steal your health.
    //Blight-Undead Appearance-Fire Mimicry-Fire Immunity-Health Transference-Shadows\\
    Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Radiant Heat (warm to burning), Aesthetic Smoke
    Jack gazed at Zain, carefully observing his every move. "It's such a beautiful day. It would be a shame if something were to spoil it."

    "We were actually heading back. I'm not exactly sure of their whereabouts..." His body tensed at the thought of joining them. "Alright, Zain," he said as they embarked on their journey home, picking a handful of apples to take back to the girls. “What have you been up to since our last encounter?”

    “Do you want another apple or do anything else before we meet with your mom and sister?”He asks Eviction, reassuring him everything is ok. Maybe not okay to Jack.

    @ Zain @ Eviction

    A shame indeed, he thinks with a sly grin.

    He watches as Jack begins to gather apples and speaks of their impending leave.  "Going so soon?" He prys, before looking to his son with his ember eyes.  "I've been... around," he is vague on the details figuring neither Jack nor the child had the stomach for the truth.  He moves to curl around the pair, his eyes narrowing on Jack. 

    His ears flicker to hear the colt's answer. "Ya Vic, what would you say to spending some time with your dear ole Dad?"  He lowers his face to the boy's height, "We are a lot alike, you and I."  The glow of his eyes matching that of Evictions.  Tendrils of smoke rise from the opening throughout his body as his bodies heat intensifies.  "I've got something to show you," the demonic grin curls his lip once again as he looks up to Jack, motioning the colt to watch.

    His magic stretches from him.  It is not the shadows this time, nor is it his health transference.  It is his first magic, the one he had been cursed with since birth.  The sickness spreads, shriveling the apples Jack gathered.  Their shiny exterior turns muddy brown, their crisp interior turning to mush.  He chuckles softly as the sickness begins to spread around them...

    ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS
    *Be Warned*
    Possesses health transference
    and may steal your health.
    //Blight-Undead Appearance-Fire Mimicry-Fire Immunity-Health Transference-Shadows\\
    Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Radiant Heat (warm to burning), Aesthetic Smoke
    Jack flattened his ears against his head as Zain circled around them, a low growl escaping his throat. His teeth were bared, and his tail swished tightly against his hind legs. Positioning himself between Zain and Eviction, he lowered his head, meeting Zain's gaze with a fierce intensity. "Leave us alone!" he snarled.

    As he observed the once-fresh apples decaying, a pang of sorrow gripped him. The sight of the once-juicy fruit turning into mush saddened him deeply. "You have the power to make things die, but why?" he questioned, lashing out with a kick from his front leg. He circled around to block Eviction from Zain, nudging the colt away from his sire. Surveying the now-rotten and spoiled surroundings, he couldn't help but ask, "Why do you seek to destroy everything good in this world?"

    @ Zain @ Eviction

    The reaction he receives is quite satisfying.  Anger, as hot as the flame, burns within the large bay.  He wasn't sure Jack had it in him and yet here it was.  

    The stallion speaks of the death that begins to wrap around them.  The grin on his face grows when Jack lashes out, his own ears perking forward in amusement.  "Because Jack, I am the Chosen to harbor such a curse... Be glad it is not you," his head rises proudly, stepping nearer to Jack.  "Fore without the darkness, you would not know the light.  Without sadness you would not know joy.  Without evil, you would not know good,"  he says in a maliced whisper before simply turning to walk off into the shadows for which he came...

    ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS
    *Be Warned*
    Possesses health transference
    and may steal your health.
    //Blight-Undead Appearance-Fire Mimicry-Fire Immunity-Health Transference-Shadows\\
    Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Radiant Heat (warm to burning), Aesthetic Smoke

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