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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  To Be Alone Or Not?
    [Image: B67136-EA-1021-40-A6-B0-FB-7257403-F0-FAE.png]
    Being confused, angry and hungry is never a good mix. And being cold on top of it all was a perfect recipe for disaster, at least for Nerica. Her black and white coat was thick and fluffy, but it hardly seemed to keep the cold out, and the mare stood shivering under a barren tree. She hadn't eaten since yesterday morning, her picky palette refused to accept the dry dead bushes, so she spent much of her time looking for grass buried under snow or hidden somewhere. She had hoped to find something growing by the river, but she had found nothing appetizing yet. On top of it all she felt terribly alone and confused. There was no goal in her mind, only to survive. That's how she had been the past eight years. She saw no future for herself, she never knew what to do next. Never knew what she would do the next day, month, year. She had no dreams or wishes. She lived day by day, alone and angry, restless and scared.

      Nerica's face was twisted into a scowl as she pressed her eyes shut, trying to rest as she leaned against a cold dead tree. Her stomach grumbled furiously and chills ran down her spine every few seconds. She cursed under her breath, not sure what she was cursing at, the weather, the dead grass, herself? Her patience with the cold was wearing thin and she struck an annoyed hoof at the stiff dirt. "Damn you winter." she fumed at the air. Pushing herself away from the tree she shook herself off, hoping to shift away the hunger. The black mare began a slow, aimless walk. She had no clue where she was going, but she couldn't bear standing still any longer. Meandering slowly through the few trees, her face still holding a put out expression. 

      The day felt so grey and empty that a sickeningly familiar feeling filled Nerica's chest. Her head lifted, her piercing blue eyes gazed over the landscape as she tried to remind herself that this is totally different. She wants to be alone now. Right? Nobody left her here, she came on her own four hooves. And she has control over her life now, she can do whatever she wants. "I want to be alone." she whispered under her breath. If only it were true. If only she would let herself accept her need for others, her fear of having no one. But she didn't want anyone, others annoyed her, they drove her insane, they angered her, but they also made her feel comfortable. Nerica's mind couldn't wrap itself around her feelings. Instead, it left her cold and angry. 

      Nerica stopped, her mind blank and her legs tired. She had walked for some time and her hunger had intensified. She sighed, blowing out a breath in a buff of steamy air. Her head lowers and she blinks slowly, a feeling of emptiness sweeping over her. What do I do now? She questions herself, slowly shifting her weight back and forth from one cold leg to another. The small star on her forehead glistens as she lifts her head, her forelock falling away. Her dark eyes find the grey clouded sky and she remains frozen staring at the slowly moving clouds. 

    Open to anyoneSmileFrom here she will either get better or worse... depends on who she meets...heehee...Big Grin

    i hear the wicked get no rest, but when you do
    ---------- i hope you dream of me

    Around Gale, the world is brighter, illuminated by the soft golden glow that emanates from the brindle stripes along his neck and barrel.

    Fear, Anger, and Loneliness.

    The emotions have drawn him down from the sky, and he folds his white feathered wings along his body, avoiding looking at the left and its bold crimson V out of habit.

    The navy stallion’s magic grows as he follows the invisible trail, and he makes no move to hide his movements in the open Riverlands, at last unconcerned about the possibility of being seen. Thanks to Tephra and its waterfall, he has no need to fear anything at all.

    Especially not a shivering mare.

    She is tall and broad, with a curious speckling of white across her blue black coat. Most definitely the source of the emotions, and Gale moves closer, hoping for more. There is a smile on his handsome face, a mask above the writhing shadows, and it is impeccable.

    “What brings you to the River?” he asks, hoping it is a sad story. If it is not, perhaps he might break her bones, and draw strength from her pain.


    Those same emotions that draw Gale are the same that lure his sister, Aela.

    The slender palomino had left the Pampas for another trip to Field – wondering if she might someone else of interest for the Flower Court as she had done with Aloy – but returns home empty. There had been no one to catch her interest; not until the sensation of gnawing hunger distracts her. The hardship of winter is nowhere to be seen on the striking young mare. Aela is slight but that comes from her heritage, not lack of food.
    There is anger, and the Empath drifts towards the River, keen on finding the source.

    It doesn’t take her long. Those that are new to Beqanna often have no idea how open they are with their emotions or their thoughts – even their memories – and it makes it easier for the Aela to find the spotted mare. Cassiell had been interesting, speaking of a place called Solaria and how it had been drowned by Magic. She has divine designs on this world, but her curiosity doesn’t end there.
    Information about the places beyond Beqanna could prove useful someday.

    If the taller woman could be made to focus that long, Aela thinks. The other mare shifted her weight from one side of her body to the other, a futile attempt to keep the cold. Feeling the warmth of her fire crackling beneath her own golden skin, the Empath moved easily over the frozen ground in time to see the familiar shape of a certain brindled stallion step forward. She listened as he asked the stranger why she had come to the River and then came into their line of sight. Gale,” she chides her half-brother, sounding as if they had been siblings reared together instead ones that tore each other apart.

    “Don’t be rude,” she says (meaning his lack of an introduction), settling comfortably near the pair. Sparks flew around her, which gave way to the warmth of a few small fires rising through the now melting snow. Gale had meddled with her things recently, and as she glances to the newcomer, Aela thinks it only fair that they share. "I'm Aela." She smiles at the thought and looks between them both. ”You can come closer and warm yourselves, if you’d like.”

    @Nerica @ Gale

    enjoy my first ever phone post, sorry if there are typos lol

    [Image: B67136-EA-1021-40-A6-B0-FB-7257403-F0-FAE.png]

    The scent of another didn't reach her nostrils until the last moment and she fling her head around, her eyes immediately set in a cold glare. Whoever dared to intrude upon her confused loneliness was not welcome. Nerica turns slowly to face the other horse. A stallion, and quite a handsome one. But she couldn't care less at the moment. She didn't speak, staying silent to see what the other horse would do. When his question reaches her ears her face draws in an infuriated expression. She swallows the explosive response she was about to spit out and takes a deep breath of cold air. She lets her face fall into a neutral, but slightly annoyed expression. Her blue eyes squinted at the stallion in front of her. 

       Before she could think of a calmer response another horse comes into view. A very short horse. Nerica blinks in shock and even more anger. Not one horse but two? She takes in a few shuddering breaths. When the small mare greets the stallion she squints. They know each other? She questions silently. Nerica still does not speak but when the mare comes closer she lifts her head in surprise. The heat coming from the small mare was also approaching and Nerica's chilled body couldn't help but lean slightly towards her. The horses were not welcome, but the warmth definitely was. When the mare introduced herself Nerica let her eyes fall over the mare. Something about the two horses in front of her sent a shover down her spine. But Aela's invitation to warmth was quickly accepted, and Nerica took two short steps closer. 

       No words left the black mare's mouth. She wasn't sure how to address them. She was feeling a strange mix of fear, anger and comfort. Something about them was suspicious but the mare offered her a warmth that was giving Nerica energy and comfort. But of course her thoughts from earlier still rung in her head. Nerica squinted slightly, staring at the two horses, unsure of her next actions. On a normal day she would have issued several rude remarks and perhaps a hoof in their direction and then departed. But today her chilled body won over and she stood close to other two. "My business here is none of your concern." she finally speaks in the stallion's direction. Then looking to Aela she falls silent. The heat from the small mare was quickly energizing Nerica and her attitude was returning. "I'm afraid I don't make introductions to just anyone." she says in a sharp tone, her eyes now bright with the resurfaced annoyance she felt around other horses. She took a few steps backwards, letting her cold gaze sweep over the two others. Nerica turned and pushed into a trot, holding her head high and moving away from the other two. 

    As the black mare moved away, the cold once again seeped through, but an emptiness also filled her. Part of her wanted to turn around and introduce herself, to see if perhaps they would put up with a horse like her. Nerica let out a snort of frustration. Her mixed up feelings were wearing her down. They didn't make sense to her and she had no idea what to do next.


    i hear the wicked get no rest, but when you do
    ---------- i hope you dream of me

    The dark mare turns to face him, fury in her eyes, and Gale’s smile widens. He’d not expected such a response, but it is a welcome surprise, and even when she pulls herself back to annoyed neutrality he can still feel the negative emotions simmering beneath her skin.

    He follows her gaze to where a golden mare stands, impossibly beautiful and the recipient of an irritable huff from the navy stallion. His handsome smile turns to a dark scowl with more irritation than anger.

    It is not Aela in particular that he is bothered by - only the interruption. He’d not wanted an audience or a distraction. Though he is not certain which of the two Aela would prove to be, he does not care at all to find out.

    He watches as Aela summons fire and the swallowing mare inches closer to the warmth, only to snap at them and trot away. Gale snorts again, and this time his scowl is darker as he says: very low and very quiet for his sister’s ears alone, ”Don’t mess this up for me.”

    Then he pulls back with a sweet smile, and follows after Nerica, this time keeping a wider-than-previously space between them, his smile remaining as his blue eyes dance with what looks like amusement. “Luckily for you then, Aela is not just anyone. She is Seneschal of the Brilliant Pampas, and sister to Kings.”

    Four Kings, he thinks, and wonders if her lack of royal title bothers her. No, he decides after brief consideration. If she’d wanted to be a queen, he has no doubt she would be. “And I am Gale, her brother.”


    [Image: B67136-EA-1021-40-A6-B0-FB-7257403-F0-FAE.png]
      Nerica heard the approaching hoofbeats and pinned her ears back to show her anger. Glad of the distance the stallion was keeping she relaxed, thinking he would eventually stop and turn away. But when he spoke she gave a soft groan of frustration. Why couldn't he leave her be! The stallions words turned over in her mind. The smile that she clearly heard in his voice only served to annoy her further. Sister to kings? Did he think she cared about titles? She didn't. She had never belonged to a kingdom and never bothered to educate herself about them. Words like king or queen meant less than nothing to her. She rolled her eyes and continued her pace, speeding into a fast extended trot, her shadowy wings streaming behind her. 

      At the mention of being related, Nerica snorted. Without another thought she slid to a stop and spun around to face the oncoming blue stallion. "I'm afraid I couldn't care less!" she snorted, her tone harsh and confident. Her long black tail was swatting in annoyance and frustration. "Now if you would kindly turn your pretty ass around and go back to princess sister I would be very thankful!" Her voice was quiet, but it held a furious tone. Her patience with the situation was long gone now and she wanted to move on, leaving the frustrating blue stallion and the warm golden mare behind. 

    After the words left her mouth, she began to slightly regret it. She knew very well that there a was point that every horse could be pushed past. And her harsh, foolish words might anger the stallion. Nerica pursed her lips together, a slight flicker of nervousness flashing through her eyes. She wasn't afraid. She was never afraid even though she was always aware that she could be hurt. But she didn't particularly want to fight with anyone today. Her body was still cold and hungry. Her feelings tangled and confusing as ever, the tall black mare stood frozen. Trying to stand taller to match her confidence. She would never show fear. 


    Aela sighed amongst her billowing flames, casually watching the Appaloosa draw away from their warmth. Her blue eyes quickly flick towards Gale, wondering his impression of the strange mare. His dark scowl makes her smile curve prettily against her pale lips, and gives the brindled stallion a look that says she would never want to ruin anything for her precious brother.

    She's almost tempted to stay where she is, where the heat surrounding her can keep out the winter cold. But there is the potential here to play a game with Gale - and her own abilities - so the lithe palomino douses her flames and moves away from them with a graceful stride. She didn't break into a trot as the others had, and so when she joins the group, Aela catches the phrase 'princess sister'.

    As the spotted mare gave a rather ornery display - swishing her tail and snorting - Aela remained seemingly serene. At odds with the emotional atmosphere that the stranger was projecting. "Seneschal, actually." She corrects her, not willing to accept the other's trivial title. The Pampaiian knew she was royally pedigreed - one of the best that Beqanna currently had to offer - but her achievements in the South have been her own, regardless of the King's blood that flows through her veins.

    And Aela will never accept anything less than what she is entitled.

    This one is certainly spirited, she thinks. And past time for a lesson to learn to think before she speaks.

    "Perhaps it was you that needed the reminder on manners," Aela says, and then tilts her head towards the lone pegasus in their group. Her blue eyes widen in mock disbelief, like she was shocked at the audacity of the strange horse (she's seen far words; monsters, devils, demons, Magicians) before adding, "Gale is one of those Kings."

    A King with a pretty ass.

    Would it change something in the other mare's demeanor? She doubted it, but Aela enjoyed making the verbal connection to their companion. Wondering what to do next with her, Aela considered plucking the memory of her name from her mind. It would be easy enough to do; she could do it as easily as blinking. But where was the fun in that? And she had told Gale that she wouldn't ruin it, so she contemplates her other options. The fear was there, flickering from the other as well as the confusion. Aela could change both, but refrains. They aren't for her, anyway; the tumultuous creature appeared to think her brother was the only one who could be pushed over the edge.

    Smiling wryly, Aela silently pushes back by draining all the emotional energy surrounding her.

    The fear. The confusion. The anger.

    There is a bitter winter chill and the pretty Seneschal, smiling slightly as she wonders what they think of this game.

    @Nerica @ Gale

    [Image: B67136-EA-1021-40-A6-B0-FB-7257403-F0-FAE.png]
    Nerica's dark eyes express clear displeasure when the golden mare rejoins the group. Instead of losing them, she had gained both of the nuisances again. Her face drawn in a tight scowl, her ears constantly pinned back. At the arrivals words, her black ears flick forward slightly. Seneschal? She had heard the title before but never bothered to find its meaning. It must be another fancy title. She thought, still not caring, even though there was a spark of suspicion growing in her mind. Why were these two horses so intent on chasing after her? Could they not clearly see she did not want company? When the other mare spoke again, Nerica froze. A king? Really? her mind raced. As much as she didn't care or respect titles and fancy positions, she knew full well that those horses were still powerful. And the thought of being face to face with one made her breath falter. A creeping nervousness covered her mind and her breathing was quickening. Why did today have to take such a horrible turn! She fumed in her mind. Encountering two other horses had been bad enough, but now that she knew they were royalty. It had gotten so much worse. She wasn't sure why she despised the thought of royalty and title so much. Perhaps it was because normal horses, were automatically given respect and power just because of a fancy title. Whatever it was, the nervousness in her stomach did not overcome her anger.

      The cold chilling her bones was forgotten and her priority now was to leave these two horses behind. Her eyes glanced from dark stallion to light mare, then into empty space. "Well, then. I apologize for my language earlier." she speaks, her voice quiet with a hint of sarcasm. Another remark was about to leave her lips, but a strange feeling crept over her body. Her breath was caught in her throat and her vision was blurred into nothing. She felt like her heart was about to burst from pounding and her head was aching. Then a feeling of emptiness swept over her. As she finally exhaled, all of her thoughts left her mind. She felt empty and lost. Unsure of what was happening. Her breathing was quick and unsteady and her legs were trembling. What just happened! She raked at her brain, trying to understand. She felt frozen and helpless, no idea what she was feeling or what to do. Her eyes fell upon the two horses in front of her, the once smoldering blue eyes were now blank and cold.

    I wasn't sure how the emotion seeping power effected the victim so I hope Nerica's reaction is alright Smile

    i hear the wicked get no rest, but when you do
    ---------- i hope you dream of me

    The brindle stallion is quiet, drinking in constant barrage of emotions from the spotted mare. She is continuously angry, something that he finds as puzzling as it is delightful. The strange mare is entirely alone, seemingly defenseless save her hooves and teeth, but she continues to make demands of him as though he might follow the directions to turn around and head back to Aela.

    Give up the way her anger augments his power? Move nearer to Aela’s whose smug satisfaction drains him as much as Nerica feeds him? He would never. Gale scowls as his golden sister moves nearer, his handsome face twisting into dark expression. He turns to look at her and a lock of his pale forelock hangs over his face. It has grown long, but he can still stare at her through it with eyes the same shade as their grandmother’s.

    His dance with lightning, miniscule bolts that flicker across his skin and illuminate the way that the shadows at Gale’s feet have begun to rise higher and twine about his legs. His expression doesn’t change, not even as he feels Nerica’s surprise at his position, or her distrust and suspicion when she thinks of royalty. She feels such a wide variety of things, and only this keeps him still, keeps him from leaping at them both.

    The brindle stallion turns his eyes back to the appaloosa mare only when she looks at him, and then continues to inspect her while she pointedly looks away and apologizes for her earlier lack of manners.

    This is quickly becoming boring.

    Gale’s hind legs tense, and just before he lowers himself into a crouch to leap for Nerica’s throat, Aela sucks all of the emotions out of the air.

    Nerica responds by standing still, but the soulless thing that inhabits the brindle stallion is far less fearful. He snarls, raising a foot to turn. When he puts it down, the hoof has become a talon, and as his hind end pivots to fully put himself between the appaloosa mare and his sister, those feet have become pawed.

    The brindle creature now wears the shape of a griffin, standing as tall at the shoulder now as he had as a horse. The sudden stillness of his magic is nearly as disconcerting as the way his body had moved entirely of its own volition.

    Something is Wrong.

    He wants to leap for her, but is suddenly wary. A pointed blue ears swivels to catch any sound from the horse behind him as he says, his voice low and soft and deadly: “Give them back, Aela.”

    [Image: B67136-EA-1021-40-A6-B0-FB-7257403-F0-FAE.png]
       Without her anger and emotions, she doesn't know what to do. She can't bring herself to move, to fly around and run from these creatures in front of who have done Lord knows what to her. Nerica's head is pounding, her thoughts an incoherent blur. The helplessness she feels grows when the brindled stallion suddenly erupts into a new creature. I should be afraid! I should run! I should be angry and confused! She thinks, her eyes wide and stunned. Her racing heart leaves a sharp ringing in ears and she lowers her head, frantically trying to escape the sound, pain and situation. 

       When the stallion speaks, even though not directed at her, the deathly tone send shivers down her spine. Why am I intimidated by him? She shouts in her mind. Her eyes are darting quickly from the golden mare and strange creature before her. She feels so wrong, she feels something she can't even identify, maybe there is nothing to identify. Maybe she feels nothing at all. But that in itself is a feeling. One that she is desperately fighting. She needs to feel. She draws comfort from her emotions, they make her feel powerful, and safe. Now she feels exposed and empty. Just a cold black shell. The winter wind is effecting her once more and it adds unwanted shivers running through her body. Her breaths are gasps now, choking on the cold air. I want to disappear. She cries in her mind. I want this to end!

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