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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    to-doooooo { 09.08 }
    Young magician, doesn’t quite know right from wrong so he just chooses chaos. He lives in Nerine and likes campfire stories.

    Baby bodach, doesn't realize he drives everyone around him crazy. Just vibin.
    to liesma
    to bolder
    Hey, want to thread Vulgaris and Ilma together sometime again? He might go visit her in Hyaline, or she can see him linger around Loess. She'll have to go back there for another diplomatic meeting anyway after I finish this thread with Solace Smile
    Vul and Shiya should chat it up again Big Grin
    Larva to Raul in the forest unless you'd like to scrap that idea and try a different pair?
    Big Grin 
    I feel like Crowns and Obscene would get along but kinda want him to meet Katarine too if I can be selfish Big Grin
    Obscene || Fyr || Ciri
    Link || Bardot || Vindictive || Stendarr
    On Pause
    Ledger|| No Crosses Count || Joplin || Gryffen
    Wilt and Kamaria would be fun because she's young and likes to use her empathic projection for shits and giggles so she could make him feel all loved even though she doesn't give a crap about him
    Can I snag a Crowns thread? I don’t really care/know who with (unless he wants to meet great grandpa again, bc I can always post him somehow- currently active are Leilan, Oren, Eurwen; but I can drag Kukka or Kirsi out of the closet too since they are in Tephra.
    Anyway I adore him and also yay chaos. I can do a dice roll if needed ^^


    I can do a starter to Crowns if you wanted to start the Katarine one?
    If they're going to the Icicle party, I can just start one there!
    Obscene || Fyr || Ciri
    Link || Bardot || Vindictive || Stendarr
    On Pause
    Ledger|| No Crosses Count || Joplin || Gryffen

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