04-06-2015, 12:11 PM

this will never end, ‘cause i want more, more, give me more
For a warrior who endures pain fairly often, whether it’s through sore muscles or bruises or lacerations, this is oddly unendurable.
Labor seems to last forever, and when she finally pushes the child out, Lagertha sighs in relief. But only for a moment. Something tells her that the tiny little thing inside that sac probably wants to breathe fresh air, so she tears it open, revealing a wet, dark, little boy. Aww. For being only a little bigger than a drowned rat, he was kind of cute… she whuffs at him affectionately (no comments from the peanut gallery, please!), and after she pulls herself up, urges him to stand as well.
She supposes the child must have a name (all children have a name), and so she mulls it over, rolling strong sounding ones around in her head. Finally, one seems appropriate - she wouldn’t want to give him expectations to grow in to (though let’s be real, by definition of his lineage, he has some already), nor something too wishy-washy. “Dalten,” she says simply. “I will call you Dalten”
carnage x grim reaper; amazonian general