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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    and when i breathed - lagertha

    and when i breathed

    my breath was lightning

    She returns from the Falls before the others, though she hopes that some of the sisters are not far behind them. So many had gone. Too many. It definitely breaks her rule of no more than three. Though she had suggested, with something more of a command, that everyone but Prague and Sunday leave the Falls. They were lucky that Texas had decided to help them at all, that the sisters in their haste hadn’t just dumped Scorch into the waters not understanding how they worked.

    Perhaps she needed to have a lesson on the kingdom entities for everyone.

    But right now, there were other matters to attend to. Namely, Lagertha, who had stayed behind (someone had to) when half the Jungle had up and left to basically invade the Falls. Tolerant ally. She would have killed another kingdom if they had done the same here. She appears somewhere in the middle of the Jungle, not coming back into view until she’s well within the border of her kingdom.

    She’s not too far from the heart of the Jungle and their usual meeting place. She’s guessing there’s a likely possibility Lagertha will be here, though she doesn’t know for sure. Still, it’s the best place to start. Sadly, despite all her traits, she can’t find anyone other than the good old-fashioned way. By looking. And calling. So she lets out a call for her friend and her new Khaleesi, and then settles in to wait.  


    the electric lioness of riagan and rayelle

    this will never end, ‘cause i want more, more, give me more
    They should probably be Co-Khaleesis, as each of them handled their ‘half’ of the Kingdom with equal dexterity and skill. Rhy is the Peacemaker. Lagertha is the Executioner. By default of their titles, they were opposites, and therefore potentially odd besties. Had Scorch named Rhy her successor, Lagertha would have bowed to her friend, and then quietly killed the former ruler in a vicious act of revenge.

    Before she talks to anyone else, before she makes proclamations and starts to change the Kingdom and by default, Beqanna, she wants to talk to Rhy. Lagertha is well aware of her lack of diplomacy skills, though she likes to think that some would call that straightforwardness refreshing. Regardless of what the other monarchs would think, she is not as familiar with all the kingdoms as the gold and white woman is. They are at a branching in the path, and there are many options to weigh.

    Of one thing she is certain: the Jungle, who is her family, comes first. She will not be angling to put her children on thrones. Also, she only has one son - and he has been a sore disappointment.

    Lagertha has been waiting for her return, springing forward when she smells Rhy, and already on the move when the request comes. The horned queen comes into view, moving towards the center of the clearing at an easy trot. When they meet, Lagertha’s nose brushes lightly against Rhy’s shoulder, because the truth of the matter is that while Rhy has Kratos, Lagertha only has Rhy. She could be Khaleesi without her friend and sister, but she doesn’t want to be without the mare at her side. “Glad to have you back. How is she?” When Rhy tells her, she nods and then shrugs a little, and moves on. There is nothing she can do, and there’s no point in pretending to bemoan the woman’s state. Not that she wanted Scorch to be ill, or lose a child, but… maybe it’s karma.  

    “I’m sure it almost goes without saying, but you’re my Erinak. No one else could be.”

    carnage x grim reaper; amazonian khaleesi

    and when i breathed

    my breath was lightning

    Perhaps they should be Co-Khalessi’s, but Rhy has never sought the throne. She wasn’t upset when Scorch gave it to Lagertha, and if everything else hadn’t been so dire at the time, Rhy would have laughed at Scorch’s reason why. It was entirely true. Lagertha may have bowed to Rhy as Queen, but she would have murdered Scorch in her sleep. Or with eyes wide open. Either way, Rhy’s fiery friend would quite dead.

    Rhy is instead glad to see Lagertha rise to the position. The gray mare is capable of leading this kingdom into something great, and capable of not getting them all killed as long as she listens to Rhy. The gold and white mare excelled in knowledge, but she could never lead an army should the need arise. She did also have this very new handy trick of being able to sneak into kingdoms while invisible, gather information and leave without ever being noticed. There were more magicians around than before, and so it was getting harder, but she typically managed to sneak in and out.

    She may be kind, but that doesn’t mean she won’t do what’s best for her kingdom.

    It doesn’t take long for Lagertha to find her, and either Rhy had appeared at the best place possible, or Lagertha had already been looking for her. Maybe both. They may know each other a little too well. Rhy returns the gentle greeting. It still startles her sometimes that others will touch her. Even though she has long since gotten control over the electric, she remembers Kora and even her parents, always keeping their distance. She remembers the many times Riagan did not, and the many shocks he took for her.

    She does not let affection go unnoticed, or without reciprocation. Not when she knows how important it is.

    ”Bad,” she says at the question. Oh, so bad. The whole thing had been rather crazy. “The other sisters, other than perhaps Sunday and Prague, should be returning soon. There were far too many sisters lingering in an allied kingdom for anyone’s comfort. And Scorch. There should have been twins, but there was only one. No second body, no nothing. The second child is just gone.”

    It seems so impossible that something like that could happen, even in a land where everything is possible. And so eventually this too had happened. But who would steal away a child? Though in the end, there’s only a handful that could.

    She grins slightly, and then laughs. Typical Lagertha, no real tact, but Rhy rather loves it. She’s blunt and to the point, and sometimes even Rhy gets tired of the pretty words. “Well you’d probably burn the kingdom down without me, so yea.” Her eyes sparkle a little bit. Lagertha could absolutely lead this kingdom without Rhy, but together, they could do it better than alone. Besides, Rhy has to tease a bit.


    the electric lioness of riagan and rayelle

    this will never end, ‘cause i want more, more, give me more
    Lagertha chuckles, saying, “Yeah, but wouldn’t it be an epic way to go? Anyways, let’s try to make us powerful again, shall we? I want to raid, but we aren’t strong enough for that yet - “ She catches herself, cutting off her words before she leaps far into the future. If she had her druthers (and the womanpower), she would start her reign off with a bang, but that doesn’t seem so smart the moment. Even she knows that. Plus, she has no idea which kingdoms are currently powerful and which ones aren’t - which ones would be worth hitting, and which they should potentially team up with to do so.

    She exhales heavily and surveys the open clearing. “I wouldn’t call them bloodriders exactly, but as far as advisors go… Tantalize and Prague have both ruled before… but Prague is arguably unreliable sometimes. And I don’t know them as well as I would like. What are your thoughts on working closely with them?” If utilized correctly, the four of them could combine their knowledge to be a very effective force. Is it, however, the smartest move to promote them so quickly? She knows they’re both on her side (mostly), but perhaps a long walk with each of them is in order first.

    All of a sudden, everything has become ten times more complicated.

    carnage x grim reaper; amazonian khaleesi

    and when i breathed

    my breath was lightning

    “Be careful what you wish for,” she says. Wanting to raid may not be as far in the future as they think, or would wish, because they aren’t that strong. Not that she’s heard of any plans against the Amazons, and she doesn’t think there are any. But she knows her cousin, and she can’t be pleased with the number of successful and attempted steals on the Chamber from the Amazons. Another nudge or two, and she wouldn’t put it past Straia to be the one starting the raid. Rhy knows very well what manner of creatures live in that kingdom, and she is even more familiar with its Queen. Not that Straia and Rhy have ever been close, as far as family goes, but the familial connection has come in handy at times. "If we poke the Chamber enough, they might just beat you to it."

    She isn’t necessarily against a raid, but a raid just for the sake if it doesn’t seem like something they can do right now. Or necessarily should do. Is it worth the blood of the Sisters just to prove a point? She’d like to think they were more valuable than that. “We can remind Beqanna just who we are with steals, challenges, and active recruiting. They can’t ignore us if there’s a sister everywhere they turn.”

    Lagertha switches to the topic of advisors, and Rhy considers before speaking.  “When I found those two, they were both in the meadow uncertain as to whether they should even come back here. Tantalize was very aware this was once her home. Prague just seemed old and confused, so I give her a little more leeway with that one.” She trusts Prague, though the magician is not around all the time. She doesn’t know what she thinks of Tantalize yet. The mare barely seemed to remember Rhy, even though the gold and white mare was the one to bring her home. It seems odd, really.

    “If you choose them as your advisors, I would name them as such and save the position of Bloodrider for those who suit that position. The Bloodriders are sworn to the Jungle, not you, as I am and your advisors will be. As for advisors, you are free to choose who you like. I don’t think they are bad options for that role.”

    And this is perhaps the number one reason why Rhy does not want to rule. She serves the Jungle loyally, but the crown is a burden she does not seek. Because everything is always more complicated with a crown weighing you down.


    the electric lioness of riagan and rayelle


    I am iron and I forge myself

    Lagertha is ambitious, yes, and eager, and those two can be a very interesting (and even compulsive) combination. But she isn’t stupid, which is why she is going to keep Rhy at her side. To tell her No. To shock the blood-thirstiness back into control. “I agree. I’m honestly not trying to provoke anyone at the moment, at least until we get alliances set up. But it may happen sooner, rather than later. Joscelin has a captive from the Chamber, and Liz rescued a Chamberling girl from her father, at the mother’s request. And earlier I tried to steal their Lord and head diplomat… before everything changed.” That, she couldn’t possibly have known might affect things later on. It wasn’t successful, anyway. So there is no reason for the Chamber to get their panties in a twist.

    “I know we aren’t strong enough to hold off a serious attack by ourselves, or to even make a dent on a worthy target. Trust me, I won’t throw our Sisters into danger unless they want to go, and success seems more than likely.” She pauses, knowing that this sets her plans back at least a year, maybe more. It’s ok, though. It’s the smart thing to do. “With that in mind, I would be careful about who you send to the Chamber. A warrior should accompany a skilled diplomat or two.” To make sure they all return, safe and sound. Just in case. The very real possibility that they don’t return would mean war. She’s never heard of a Kingdom kidnapping another’s peaceful envoys, but there is a first time for everything.

    And if a Kingdom wanted revenge? If they wanted to stir things up? It is what Lagertha would do, in all honesty. Make someone come to her, where she has the advantage of knowing the land and being able to use a sort of guerilla warfare within the Jungle’s depths. It is suicide to try and attack the Amazons within their home unless the enemy has a vastly superior force, which is why she will not raid unless it is with an ally, or the target is… smaller, or their force rapidly grows.

    “I think that distinguishment is something Scorch had trouble with,” she murmurs, recalling the various rapid promotions and demotions she received at the hairless rat’s command. “I’ll think on it some more… ask them if they’re up to the task.” There is no sense on forcing the role on someone who does not think they can handle it. Or want it. Lagertha sighs and smiles, turning to scratch an itch on her flank with the tips of her horns. God, that was so much easier now! And then she turns back to Rhy with a slight smile, asking, “Do you have any concerns, or things you want to talk about before I call the meeting?”


    warrior queen of the amazons

    [yaaay funky BQ time, haha. ALSO HAVE I MENTIONED THAT I LOVE THIS HTML???]

    and when i breathed

    my breath was lightning

    There are plenty of reasons for the Chamber to get their panties in a twist. And the number one reason? Because they are the Chamber. Because despite the fact the divisions of good and evil and all that are gone, they are still the Chamber. And Straia is still Straia. She is not kind, or compassionate, or particularly concerned about any loss of life. And neither are most of the horses that follow her. They seek blood, and chaos, and destruction for the sake of it.

    “Oh, I know. At least about the successful ones.” She couldn’t know all the attempts that weren’t successful, but she does keep tabs on the captives coming into the Jungle. Lagertha continues, aware of all of Rhy’s concerns. She has no plans to let just anyone go to the Amazons, and so she simply nods her head slightly. If she needs to, she’ll go and remain invisible, just keeping on eye on things. She doesn’t think anything will happen, but of course, it’s hard to tell with her cousin. It would be to their advantage to have the Amazons attack them, with the pine forests acting as it’s own army before the Sisters ever get to the horses.

    But Rhy also knows that the relationship between the Valley and the Chamber is tentative, with a new king on the throne. The Chamber stands mostly alone, and it wouldn’t be the smartest move to have the Amazons and all their allies descend on them either.

    “Call your meeting, Khaleesi,” she says with a bit of a grin. They might as well get things rolling around here.


    the electric lioness of riagan and rayelle

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