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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'm baaaack :|
    Hello all! Don't mind me after like two or three years being absent and then showing back up and sneaking in through the back door. But I haven't written anything since then and I'd like to write some really slow words with you guys again! I have no idea what's happening major plotwise around here so I thought I'd throw out some lures here instead. I most definitely will be writing Michaelis cause he'll be buried with me but I'd also like to pick up another pony or so. Except I'm completely undecided because when I left I had several ones I would have liked to flesh out so I'll get your guys' opinions instead! I'm basically open to anything - random meetings, friendships, recruiting, maybe there's a plot you have in mind?

    Cicrus x Impulse
    male blue roan mustang hybrid
    darkness adaptation, telekinesis
    Michaelis is kind of an odd one to explain. He was born and raised in the meadows so he tends to be a wanderer type instead of a hardcore kingdom guy. So you can recruit him but don't like expect a fighter but more of a kinda diplomatic march to his own drum type of dude. He's very open-minded, honest, and friendly. He's attracted to powerful people and likes to surround himself with them (kind of like a dragon's hoard). He doesn't want to manipulate it though, he wants to be a support behind the scenes type of guy. He doesn't really follow societal views on morality and isn't put off by unusual characters whatsoever (in fact maybe he prefers those types?). Once he establishes a person or thing as put into his hoard then he would consider them as his to protect, so his loyalty can be hard-earned but worth it. Um anything else of importance would be that he is the orignator of darkness adaptation trait cause he did a quest where he got turned into a toy by ginormous fairies and then had to protect a sheep who turned out to be a demon sheep in disguise (the betrayal haunts him to this very day). So he generally travels at nighttime cause he has severe dayblindness. Also I already threw up an open starter for him in the forest if you're interested.

    Offspring x Michaelis
    female blue roan hybrid
    telekinesis, twin to thana
    Thana and Isra were born of magic between Offspring and Michaelis where Offspring had come into some contact with magic which then turned some Michaelis' shadow tendrils into babies. They were born basically right before I left as most of the rest of this list so I didn't really have a chance to flesh her out. She would have most definitely been raised by Michaelis because he's fiercely protective and nurturing of any children under his care or he has a relationship with. So I imagine she would as a young lady be inquisitive, friendly, proactive, etc. A less weird and female version of her father I'd say lololol

    Tarnished x Kerowyn
    male blue roan hybrid
    skeleton shifting (can shift body into a skeleton - horse skeleton only)
    Another one I didn't really get a chance to flesh out whatsoever. His lines are very special to me so I'd like a chance to actually play him. He'd be an adult cause he had quite active parents. But I imagine he basically had to fend for himself as a child and so he's a little bit of a wild child. Perhaps a lack of social manners and understanding of social cues, but he'd be blunt and straightforward in return. He'd be wary of strangers at first but when fully accepted as a friend he'd regard them very highly and probably stick to them like a herding pupper. I also expect him to be very stubborn.

    Lupei x Azlyn
    male anglo-arabian hybrid
    mint green with violet ombre mane & tail, and violet markings (birdcatcher spots)
    Lestrade was the baby I got to post the most out of these four but even then it wasn't really that much. Essentially he got separated from his mom by a huge magical fire and he was found by his dad who guessed he was his entirely by the fact that he was mint green. It was a distant upbringing by his father who was a very busy dude in the kingdom and also wasn't the most fatherly. Plus, he was an angsty kid who fervently missed his mom, was in a kingdom full of some odd ducks, and basically sulked in a corner by himself in self-imposed isolation. So I imagine him to be snarky and full of piss and vinegar and sarcasm. He'd be guarded and a really hard egg to crack and win over. He'd definitely be more of a loner type but I'd love to see him get stuck with an extrovert who decides to adopt him as their friend and he keeps trying to be a tsundere instead.

    Oberst x Worn
    female buckskin with green dorsal stripe hybrid
    I have absolutely never posted with her but her trait was a very cool pleasant surprise when she was born right before I left. I'd totally wanna play her as a kid to be adopted since her parents weren't really active and just a rando breeding at the time so a timeline wouldn't be affect. It'd be cool if she were to be taken in with the intention of using her abilities for one's future endeavors - one of those I'm grooming this kid type of situations. Without an idea of where she would end up I haven't really developed her personality whatsoever. Maybe she'd appear to be an innocent girl on the outside but devious and manipulative on the outside once she understands and grows into her powers. Or maybe she'd be more of a vacant doll type who basically worships one person and strives to do everything they tell her to do. Or maybe she gets adopted by a nice person and she turns out completely normal instead. I am definitely open for whatever with this gal. I just think she has some potential for a cool plot idea.

    So let me know what you guys think or would be interested in posting with. <333
    Also why the hell are all my characters blue roan :|

    I've got a few ideas:

    maybe Torrid and my mare Mazikeen could meet? She's usually pretty nice but can be a little sassy and blunt. She's part of the shifter pack that has moved into Hyaline and maybe she could try to recruit him?? They don't have a skeleton yet


    Michaelis and Beyza - who's my girl with white magic, which basically means she has to follow a moral code when she's using her powers and lately she's been experimenting with the idea that she can kill if it's saving someone from pain. She's living in Pangea with a motley crew of interesting characters so she'd probably invite him to come check it out!

    I feel like I'm bad at describing my own characters so here's a link to a thread with Beyza and one with Mazikeen so you can see if either of them would be interesting to toss one of your kids with!!

    I've only got a few active at the moment, but one who could be fun is Chemosh. He's a skeleton shifter and a komodo dragon shifter. He is a pretty low key guy, likes to lurk around in the darkness, but he's not mean/evil. I can put up a post if you're interested!

    I play @[Yanhua] who's interested in trying to start a herd-ish family in his home, Taiga. He'd probably be interested in meeting Isra? It looks like they share family values and are both the "friendly" type, lol.

    And I really think Lestrade should meet his great-nephew, @[Narcisus]! I need to play him more and their vibes are similar, but Narc will probably end up being an extrovert Big Grin
    Apothica • Tiberios
    You guys gave me so many options, tysm <33

    @[Squirt] lol yes to everything! I currently have a mich post in the forest already or I can reply to one of your starters if you prefer to make the setting! Same for Torrid, I can throw one up or if you prefer you can :3

    @[broken] I'm most definitely interested! Who do you prefer to post with? Or you can throw a starter post up and I can throw whoever at you instead.

    @[Calcifer] Yes to both! I like low-key herds more than kingdoms especially when I'm just getting back into it. I think Isra would most definitely be content with herd life and a family-centered lifestyle. I'd absolutely love for Lestrade to meet some of his other family besides Lupei! Especially if they're extroverted and keep meddling in his life ahahaha. Do you wanna throw a post up for Isra and I can throw a post up for Narcisus.
    YAY!! I'll have Beyza stop by Mich's post and then once Mazikeen is out of the alliance I can toss up a starter for her and Torrid? That way we're not launching you into 500 threads at the same time (and gives me a chance to get her post list under control haha)
    @[Squirt] sounds perfect because I'm the best at getting overwhelmed with posts! Especially I'm not familiar enough with most of these guys to crank out posts. :|
    @[Holli] I should have specified, lol!

    Torrid and Chemosh, the creepy bone boys? I can throw up a starter post, or if you've got another open one, I can reply there! (PS @[Squirt], Chemosh would also possibly be interested in joining a shifter pack!)
    @[holli] I got your DM so just let me know what you're wanting to do with Lestrade; otherwise I can certainly throw up a starter for Isra <3
    Apothica • Tiberios
    @[broken] Of course! If you'd put up a starter wherever you'd like, I'd really appreciate it <33

    @[Calcifer] I messaged you back! >:}

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