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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the dead are crawling from their graves (ALL KINGDOM)
    "you say I'm crazy, but I think I'm freaking amazing."
    I was never one for my mother's plans. For years she had created children with the most powerful stallions she could find in hopes of producing heirs to thrones. Her lust for power had been a most strong one and I had never shared that lust with her. Her plans had never been my own. At least that's what I thought. Though as fate would have it, somehow her plans seemed still align with my life. in ways I could understand what drove my mother to follow the paths of her lust. but I never saw her following those paths for the correct reasons. somehow they all thought, those who lust for power, that they would become eternally immortal. but just like the simplest of horses the memories of queens and kings came and went, the only ones who make significant differences throughout time to be the ones that are truly remembered.

    Though this wasn't at all why I am doing what I am today. I am simply doing this because of the silence that had dug it's claws into the valley. The mornings had become so silent and devoid of equine life that the only creatures that seemed to be heard from were the soaring black birds and flighty deer. I had come here from the tundra thinking the forests of the valley and the surrounding mountains were the perfect place to hide during my periods of being a hermit. I had enjoyed watching the members of the valley grow and multiply. But I had hated seeing the valley fall into a stasis. It was all but of an image of what once was. And it was time for those left, and for the future to help it grow.

    i had been trying for the last year to help the valley grow in the best of ways. New life was always a perfect way to help those of us left to help the valley grow in life and back to the glory it once held. only a team could do this... but as each passing day came and went, I had begun to grow frustrated. my efforts, though many and well made, were too small. and I still found myself wandering the valley's forests in seclusion and quiet torture. it seemed as though without life, a kingdom became undesirable to most no matter how much potential it held within it's borders. recruits had come and gone. sometimes they were unsuccessful in his trying, while others disappeared, never to be seen despite their promises of coming along.

    then the travelers. oh the travelers in search of homes. they never stayed too long. his greetings mere nothings dancing along the wind only to be carried away and becoming lost words. the valley was in a sense a monster in hibernation. waiting to be awoken by those who truly care for her survival and growth. and now was that time. I could feel it somewhere deep inside of me the moment I woke this morning. it was as though the valley were calling silently and as I found my way towards her beautiful center the calls got even louder. adrenaline shot through graying body causing my dappled to tremble. my wings tucked tightly against my sides as the jaguar spots began to glow slightly brighter in reaction to the sudden spike in adrenaline. ears pricked forward, and eyes shining bright I glanced around me and took a deep breath.

    it was time for us to make a difference. it was time to write history. it was time to make a change for the better of the valley as a whole. and with that my nostirls flared before I huffed slightly. and then I was sending out a whinny loud enough to travel across most of the kingdom thanks to the silence spread from corner to corner. it was then I waited for them to come forward, slinking out of the shadows like I had at the beginning of this year. it was always times like these that brought the best from the darkest of corners unable to ignore the changes and drama that situations like these brought forth and it was now that they were needed. all those who were still active within the valley's borders and living their lives with hopes of the activity growing once more.

    who were they to keep the valley from it's full potential? and all he heard from others lately was of the boredom that was overtaking their small lives. so when they were finally standing infront of me, I cleared my throat in order to silence their thoughts and draw attention. "hello everyone. for those of you who have not met me I'm demian," my voice was deep and scratchy, the lack of use evident as I met each of their eyes with my own. "I've called you here today in order to discuss the valleys... state." taking a small breath I stopped to catch nish's eye before continuing. he was probably the closest to me in the sense of a brother, our similarities so well paired. "We have been silent as a kingdom. almost dead in the simplest of terms for too long. the silence has creeped in past the borders, setting us in a sort of slumber." one, two, three. a just long enough pause for the facts to truly sink in. "we as a whole will be noticed by the rest soon enough. the valley will be seen as weak, easy to take. free for conquer if we do not step up to the plate. we must change things. we must grow. we must build... before it is too late. Eight has been gone for too long. The occasional visit is no longer good enough..."

    "A ruler should be constant. A kingdom as a whole a united front. Activity should be crawling within these borders rather than the silence that now does. And the valley should be seen as a force to be reckoned with. We can do this. We can make these changes. Together. As a whole. But we cannot do these things if we continue to flit around ignoring the facts." another deep breath, a temporary pause. again just enough time for them to understand what he was saying. oh yes. that's right lovelies. I am making a move to help the valley and it's up to you all, not just me, on whether or not this will work.

    "I have been trying for weeks to build activity and to recruit new members to our kingdom." catching their eyes to show just how serious he was he continues, "But I have had little to no success. Not due to lack of effort, but simply because the lack of activity in our beautiful kingdom, is not very.. how do you say, tempting to most. Silence fends potential members away, while it brings in those from other kingdoms who wish to take over. and what doesn't make sense is why we would allow for our kingdom to be put at such a point of vulnerability." And that was exactly what they were at this point in time. Vulnerable. They couldn't allow this to last for much longer. Not if they wanted their home taken from them.

    "I gathered you all here today to bring these facts to your attention. But also to suggest that a new ruler be put in place of Eight, though great as he is--," I mean no disrespect and I try to make that obvious before continuing my little speech, "--to rule our kingdom for a time and help it to rebuild." The nerves are slowly wrapping up my legs and with a soft release of air I glance at the entire crowd before putting forward my own suggestion. "I ask for you all to consider myself as an option. I have a plan, that if chosen, I will discuss with you all after this. But I can tell you my only desires and goals are to help the valley build and grow and become the kingdom it once was. though my plans of course include for us to do this together as a whole."

    I choose not to divulge my plans because I don't want any others who wish to take a chance at the throne as well to use my plans as their own or even if possible, against me. sometimes it was good to stay quiet until those right moments. so maybe this is why I refuse to state how my rulership would only last long enough for someone else to prove themselves. I honestly don't want anything to sway their decisions.

    The most important thing was this: if he were to be put in place, he wants them to choose honestly. not for potential future gain. the valley for now was like a delicate flower. and choosing wrong could end them up in an even more difficult situation than they were now. especially when they were unprepared for even the tiniest of disadvantages.


    carnage x adalind

    Fennick’s timing had never been great. He often wondered if it was something he was doing, or if he really was just that unlucky. He wasn’t sure if he would prefer the latter. If he was just terrible then maybe he could change, if he was an unlucky son of a bitch…well there wasn’t much to be done about that, was there?

    This decision, however, Fennick was sure about. He was going to the Valley, and it was going to be great. Really great, he was sure of it. He would make a name for himself, he would shape the life he lived, and the world he lived in.

As he wound his way through the rocky path, and the mountains surrounding the valley loomed up before him. He felt his confidence grow, a sense of purpose he never felt before blossomed in his chest.

    Fennick wasn’t sure why he wanted to go to the Valley, and that’s why he was so sure about the decision. It was totally random! As far as he knew, he had no family there, no friends. There was no reason at all for him to go there. It was best thing he could do, to remove himself from the equation, to not use an ounce of logic or reason when making this decision. When he thought about something it never worked out for him. In a way, this moment was the ultimate test. If he was truly just unlucky, then this decision would blow up in his face. If it worked out, well then he would know it was his thought process that was causing him nothing but grief.

    Fennick grinned. This plan was perfect.

    The stallion’s steps faltered. Ahoy there! A kingdom meeting in progress! What truly perfect timing! He would arrive, introduce himself, and his new life of prosperity and good fortune would begin. Fennick could hardly contain himself, and he allowed a few jigging trot steps to hasten his way to the gathering.

    This was the first day of the rest of his life, and he must not be late!

As he neared the gathering the shapes, so fuzzy and small in the distance, began to form. There was the speaker, strange with his jaguar spots, and a crowd of faces beginning to cluster around. Who was he, the speaker? Did he rule the Valley? What was his name supposed to be? Fennick sighed inwardly, he wanted this decision to be random, but maybe he should have researched it just a little bit before arriving. He didn’t even know who he was supposed to speak to.

    Oh well, there was nothing to do but catch up. Fennick quietly joined the group and struggled to catch up with the conversation. 

    Ah, so this chap was Demian…good, good..whoever that was…

    And they were discussing the future of the Valley! Excellent, that was a future Fennick wanted to be apart of!

    Demian thought a ruler should be constant. So did Fennick! Wow this was going well!

    Wait…hold the phone…what was he doing now? Suggesting a new ruler?

    "Ah, damn it!”
    Fennick all but wailed. Why did this keep happening to him?

    ”What am I?! Some god damn bad luck charm?” Fennick was starting to lose his cool a little. Why did everything he touch die?! He’d been in the valley for less than 10 minutes. Less than 10 minutes! And they were already staging a coup.

    Fennick took a few shaky breathes. He had interrupted their meeting, and he was beginning to grow embarrassed about that. He cleared his throat, awkwardly, and tried again.

    “Erm…pardon me. I’m Fennick, and I came to join the Valley. Clearly you’re in the middle of something, carry on.” Ah yes, a smooth recovery. Fennick smiled to himself. All in all, this wasn’t going so bad.

    my father was a whale

    Many times there had been a spark, but they’d yet to see a fire. Unless it was his own fire, of course, but that was always his own doings and for his own benefit. The Valley changed as dramatically as the seasons; warm for months before waking up one morning to snow. His father would be disgusted (surely he knew the state of the Valley, he was the Dark God after all). Flamevein had wandered across the borders however many years ago, a young boy searching for a drink and the cup of power. He had never even been given a damn taste. Promises upon promises make only bullshit upon piles of bullshit.

    And now yet another steps to the helm, waving his banner as if it’s the only banner around. In truth, perhaps, it may very well be. Eight seemed to have done a runner, and a ship without a captain is bound to run aground.

    Flamevein hears the call from his spot in the forest. He’d been lighting fires out of boredom, raising them higher and higher before drawing them back to himself, leaving nothing in their wake but scorched earth and the stench of smoke. When the last ember had died he made his way to the call, albeit in a most lackadaisical way. He’d seen this show twice before, it would take a spectacular showman to sale him on any idea. Finally he reaches the caller, a stallion he had seen but not spoken to. A newcomer really, though he seemed to have many irons in the proverbial fire. Flamevein listened, a smirk toying at his black lips while the flames instinctively climbed his legs like stockings. “Clap clap clap…I feel like I should congratulate you, though truthfully I’ve heard this so many times before. Same damn dance to the same fucking song. Flamevein, by the way.” he said, tilting his head, his blue eyes searching the other stallions. The strange nebula face blazed bright, while the lacing on his back flickered demurely. First it had been with the boy king, then when Eight had rose to the throne in a cloud of ash, smoke, and magic. Neither had succeeded in the way they had promised. In the midst another stallion approaches, though Flamevein pays him little attention. A flick of an ear, perhaps, but nothing more. For now his attention was trained fully on Demian, the man of the hour or so it would appear. “Charming words lose their appeal when whispered through prison bars>“ said Flamevein with a smirk, tossing his head and replacing his traditional tangled mane of black hair with one forged of flames bright and hot. “But…if you do as you say you will, then you have my vote. Twice now I’ve watched the Valley burn brightly for but a moment before dying like an ember in a rainstorm. Its as discouraging as it is disgusting. This kingdom used to be feared; now it’s a laughing stock. I’ll continue to stay here under your reign, provided I’m offered something…more, shall we say? Something more than titles and the usual political bullshit. I’m always for hire provided the terms are agreeable.” With that he falls silent, though his blue eyes never leave Demian. Sure he loved his kingdom to an extent, but mostly he loved himself. There was no reason the two of them couldn’t work together and come to an agreement that would benefit them both.

    i set fire to the rain

    I heard the storm before it arrived. The mental rumblings, the flashes of insight. And all I have to say is, I saw this coming. I even considered it myself, but perhaps nostalgia for Eight slowed my steps. And also a desire to watch and guide, rather than jump in feet first.

    Ah, old age. It does make one wiser. Or something.

    I saunter closer to the gathering place, a very familiar scene re-enacted before me. I am not the first to arrive, but I may be the last if this place doesn't get some new blood. As always, it is impossible to tell that I am immortal. I simply look to be an average red bay mare with black points. Oh, and hawk wings. Musn't forget those darlings. My eyes glint with intelligence. In a moment, I know the minds of everyone here.

    "Well this is a sad and pitiful gathering. Perhaps not the welcome you envisioned, Demian?" I nod at Flamevein, a new mind, and Fennick, a newer one. Flamevein reminds me of my son, which can be both bad and good, depending on my mood. The musk of his body shares the same smoke and flame quality.

    Just don't burn down my home and I won't be cross with you, darling. We'll be best buddies in no time. Perhaps even find some outlets for our… creativity.

    I listen, neutrally except for the twitch of my ears, as Flamevein speaks. I recognize his emotions as a mirror to mine.

    "What you are saying is sound and all, but I hazard a guess that many true Valley lovers feel and know the same. So is there a point to this meeting other than you talking about what should happen and isn't happening? Not that you don't have a way with words, but I think it takes a little more than words to attain the goal you're reaching for. Perhaps a show of arms? Or proof of your plan."

    Come now, little one, keep talking. Prove your worth. I would love to hear what makes you qualified to do what it is you are thinking of. Your secrets might be locked away in your head but it only takes the right key to pry them loose. Don't forget that I can tell what you are really thinking.

    Oh wait, except you don't know that. What fun it will be when you do find out. I grin wickedly, turning my eyes to Fennick.

    "Hello Fennick. I'm Gallows. It's a pleasure to have you here, and let's hope you are ready to get your hands dirty."

    It's not that I dislike Demian. I appreciate his fervor, but the Valley inhabitants are a skeptical, difficult to govern lot, and they will want more than a speech. I flirt with ideas, but decide to wait. Might as well see what else is said before I shake anything up.

    G A L L O W S
    We must all hang together or, assuredly, we shall all hang separately.

    ooc: love it. ;-)






    Cress has never liked Eight.

    You could say that he is one of the reasons that Cress left the Valley in the first place. She had spent the first months of her life there, healing from a life-threatening injury—it nearly killed her—and had grown to despise him. Mother vanished just before the earthquakes began and Oxytocin was dethroned just days later—by Eight. He claimed that Oxy was not around enough; that he was not a good enough King; that Eight would be so much better. The few that had shown up had agreed to overthrow her father and Cress had left—at less than six months old—with no intention of ever returning. Not, at least, while Eight was still on the throne.

    She has heard whispers—haven’t they all?—of unrest in the Valley. Eight is not around much, the whispers tell her, and he has left the kingdom worse than dead. There is almost nobody residing within the borders and those that are there are hardly around. Frankly, Cress is not surprised. She has remembered his empty promises for all of these years. Did he deliver on any of them? Probably not. Of all the horses for her to not trust, she chose him. Why should she has any reason to like him or trust his words?

    Sheer curiosity has turned her hooves back towards her childhood home. She makes no rush of it but the sun is still high in the sky when she scents the border of the mythical kingdom. A few moments later she crosses over it, sighing a little as the familiar scents roll over her. The Valley does not look exactly the same to her, only familiar—trees have grown, others have fallen. The undergrowth is an ever-shifting landscape and she feels a bit nervous that she cannot hear the distant howls of wolves. Have they vanished in the years since she left? Did they die out?

    A few minutes pass before she hears the murmur of voices, and cannot help her surprise. The rumors had said that the Valley was mostly deserted—she is surprised that there are enough members to call together a meeting. Maybe some of them are like her; maybe they, too, have heard the murmurs on the breeze about the failure of the evil kingdom. Maybe they are here to see the inevitable changes take place. Cress isn’t sure why she returned, but perhaps that is one of the reasons. She wants to see her home thrive, not die.

    She emerges into a clearing—again, so familiar—where there are several horses gathered. Four, she thinks, is not many. So the rumors were true; the absent king has killed the Valley. And he tried to say her father was the downfall of the kingdom?

    The small gathering is silent when she emerges, and she is certain that all eyes are turning to her. Who is the quiet golden girl who looks like she belongs anywhere but the Valley? Where the hell did she come from? “I’m Cress,” she says, loudly enough for them all to hear her, but she only has eyes on the brightly spotted winged stallion who seems to be at the head of this entire thing. “If you’re gathering today to dethrone Eight, let it be known that I stand by you completely.”

    Once upon a time, she would arrive and announce her title as the Princess of the Valley, daughter of the fire King and Queen, Oxytocin and Kindling. She would be respected and one day expected to become the mate of another royal child from a different kingdom to ensure the royal line. Her older brother, Davorin, would probably become King after their father’s abdication, and she would have countless younger brothers and sisters. She would have children of her own and they, too, would be royalty. Her firstborn son would end up ruler of whichever kingdom she ended up living in and she would learn to love her significant other. They would grow old together and their family would spread to all corners of Beqanna. She would be happy—she’d have the happy ending she’s always dreamt of.

    But this is reality, where Cress is just the daughter of two fallen rulers who have disappeared. Her brother vanished before she was born and she has never even met him. She has two other older siblings—only half—that she has never met, either. One of them ruled the Valley with her father after Kindling left. She doesn’t know her family; she isn’t royalty. She is just a nobody, just a homeless wanderer, just Cress. They don’t have to know who she is.

    do you remember

    when we learned how to fly?

    Skegg\uc0\u491 ld, Sk\'e1lm\u491 ld, Skildir ro Klofnir
    The only Valley Thorunn knew was the Valley that involved her father and mother.
    They were both dead, and with their death, the Valley died.
    She felt the shift the minute they left this earth and went elsewhere. Which elsewhere Thorunn didn't know. She didn't dare cross to the Afterlife to seek them out, though the thought entered her mind time and time again. Could she brave those waters? Surely not.

    And a kingdom meeting is called.
    And a horse is speaking.

    Unlike the others Thorunn hasn't noticed this song and dance. She's never heard these words before, she's not so disillusioned as the rest. She sees only endless possibility, a new thread of life. Couldn't it be true? Wouldn't it be true? She feels a flicker of hope in her soul, something to throw herself into.

    Then the dissension comes, and she's easily swayed with each word.
    Does this happen often, she wonders?
    She elects, then, to stay quiet and judge the turn of events as they happen. That's what her father would have done...right?
    immortal, mind-reading immune daughter of Covet and Librette

    no matter what they say, I am still the king

    Responsibility can be a crushing thing – I’m sure we all know that. There are those that are simply cut out for it – matronly females who cajole over their flock of subjects with doting hands. Ruthless killjoys who rule with an iron fist. Carefree, happy go lucky souls who gallivant about like there’s not a care in the world. And then, there are those that just don’t give enough fucks – the people who can’t be bothered. Who have no true desire in life for anything – fame, power, riches, progeny – and they can’t be bothered with the weight of a world on their shoulders. And Eight would be one of those.
    The Valley was dying when he came around – stagnant and muffled with the sound of the dead. And yes, he had built it back up again – until his true calling had rang out. Eight is no king – his rule comes from the power inside his veins, it comes from the charm and bite from his mouth – but he doesn’t desire a crown of thorns on his head. He would much rather mill about – come and go as he pleases. He doesn’t need the eyes of a hundred staring down at him.
    And so when Demian comes, Eight is almost relieved. He had seen in his mind the plot that swirled through a thick fog in the young mans mind – it was his time, the time to clutch power between his hands and step up to make a thing of the Valley. Eight had seen him coming perhaps long even before he knew himself. And so Eight was ready.

    The crowd has gathered – as it was wont to do when new things arose. Faces new and old crept in – faces that had long been hidden, and faces that had stuck through. Eight came quietly, appearing in the back of the crowd, beside young Thorunn – with no fanfare or fight, just a quiet brush of the wind and his body solidified behind hers, hidden behind the mass that had gathered.
    His eyes trail to Demian and his thoughts reach out into his mind, beckoning the young man to make eye contact – and when he does, Eight gives a small nod – a concession and a welcome to the Valley.

    and now the storm is coming, the storm is coming in

    "you say I'm crazy, but I think I'm freaking amazing."
    Patience. That was what was key. It was something that I had learned long ago. Patience was what led to the outcomes you desired in positive ways despite the struggles it brought along with it. For a while I stood there waiting for the few of what once was many to make their way to the small gathering place. I was never expecting a large turnout. For the obvious was quite clear. There were so few here and I had wisely known that when I decided to act on the god's wishes. It was Fennick I looked at first after my speech, his stumbling in causing the slightest of distractions as I waited for the others to speak.

    His loud exclamations and cursing made me slightly wonder what made him so quick to assume this was his fault. It must be mommy issues. Boys tended to blame themselves for everything when raised by mothers who always blame their sons for their troubles. At least that was what I had come to find. Then again, who am I to say anything. I have never had children and my mother actually rasied me with a good mind despite her constant hunger for power and the largest drive in the world to produce powerful heirs to thrones throughout beqanna. It was with a slight nod and quirk of the brow I caught his eye before speaking gruffly, directly my words just at him.

    "No matter. If you're to be making the valley you're home, then the interruption is understandable and forgivable. Though think right. You're not always to blame for everything. Undeserved blame is what hinders one from being successful in their lives, young one. Grow in confidence and you will do just fine here." A small smirk quirks at the corner of my lips. My words were not to embarrass the dark boy, but simply to give him slight encouragement. A true leader, no matter what side they aligned with, wished to see those that surrounded him succeed and didn't hold them back from their potential. That was something I had strongly believed in all the years of my growing up and so I chose to stick with it.

    It was at this point my attention is drawn to the fire man. His darker side makes my smirk slowly wrap upwards into an amused smile and with a twitch at the corner of my eyes I purse my lips together trying to silence the slight laughter that perks at the top of my throat. "I admire you're blunt words, Flamey." I quickly state the small nickname just for theatrics sake. An attempt to show him I know exactly what he's all about and purely because I occasionally like to cause a bit of strife here and there, especially when things were so serious. For such games were what helped me to survive the boring seriousness that such meetings always brought on. "But don't be so quick to dismiss one's efforts. Unless you can see the future, you cannot tell how a situation will turn out. History may repeat itself, but that's all up to the players who hold their cards right, wouldn't you say?"

    He nods slightly, eyes sparkling before continuing, "I have the will and determination to help the valley burn as it once did. I may not reveal all my secrets at this time, but wouldn't that be just giving you all cause to somehow doubt me or blame me in the future for possible broken promises? I am not here to make promises. But to provide you all with an insight to what is possible. An insight to what is laying right infront of us. I will not make silent promises. Because I do not want to fail any of you. But because I want to be successful in my plans to make the Valley a great kingdom once more... Oh and Flamevein, I'm sure you and I could come up with something that is quite enough to keep you with us. You're a great asset we wouldn't want to lose."

    My amusement quickly turns to seriousness and I find myself glancing over at the winged mare. She is someone I haven't met yet. Someone who is cloaked in the age of the valley and I watch her with quiet interest as I listen to her words. Like with Flamevein though, my lips quirk into an amused line by the time she is done and I roll my shoulders in a gentle shrug. "The turn out was quite expected. The valley has been silent for almost two years. There's actually more here than I expected. So in a way, you could say that." I chuckle dryly before looking towards the back of the small group suddenly. Something deep in my mind had pulled my attention away just in time and through the darkness of the forest canopy I catch the eyes of the ruler I had come to put myself in place of. I look from the silent girl he stood next to, sending a quiet nod her way and then back to the magician, a shiver of nerves running through me for just a moment. His nod of acceptance and agreement making me nod in return and in my mind I thank him greatly for such approval.

    To be honest, the magician king's acceptance and welcome was more than enough to know I was doing the right thing. And besides tarnished his approval was all I truly needed. It had taken a lot for me to stand up to a man I had looked up to for so long through the stories told. So this show of support was beyond more than most could provide. My face remains stoic, but I know that the magician can see the smile in my mind and before I stay focused too long, I turn to look back at gallows. "A show of arms? Proof of my plan?" My words are quick and I mean no harm, but the idea to me is silly. "Isn't that what those who have failed in the past have done, only to show they were not going to be able to follow through with their first worded promises and worded dreams in order to gain their position?" My lips purse together slightly.

    Is that all they wanted, promises of power, a show of power? "I am not here, like I said before, to make weak promises of nothing. I am here to do what is good for the valley. So I will reveal at the right times different ways we will be building the kingdom and I will provide you all opportunities to help these plans come to fruition... I do not tell you because I do not have any plans. But simply because of what I stated before. I will tell you this though. My plans involve making us as a kingdom work together, building a united front and becoming a team. In time, your efforts. Your hard work. It will help the valley to grow back into what it is meant to be and the magic tree that most have not yet noticed," he slowly looks to his left where a small sapling grows in an unplaced direct patch of sunlight. "Will thrive because of you. The way the other sources of magic are thriving in other kingdoms. You will notice these though, when you travel there if you so chose. My plans will also lead to a new leader being chosen and taking my place. But the only one to replace me will be the one who works the hardest for it."

    And that's what it was about. Finding someone who was truly right for the valley. That was why I was here. That was what my goal is. I don't plan to be here forever. Just long enough to get the ball rolling so to speak. And once it was rolling, it would be up to them and those who come after to keep that ball rolling. Slowly he looks to cress and smiles slightly in her show of support. "Hello, and welcome to the Valley Cress. Thank you for the show of support."


    carnage x adalind

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