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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    rainy days; Toivo
    Although Isilya did not yet feel any tug to become a mother herself, she was finding that she rather enjoyed spending time with foals. Or, at least, one foal! It was hard to believe a year had passed since Ilma had given birth to Toivo here in Tephra. The flower-strewn mare enjoyed spending whatever time she could with the boy and she was rather hoping, on this summer afternoon, they might explore a little together.

    It is, regrettably, not a perfect sunny day but the rain that is falling is gentle and many of the drops do not make it through the lush Tephra foliage to meet Isilya has she wanders beneath the trees. Her green and gold eyes are bright, it is never hard for her to find a smile especially in her home, and they are on the look out for her young friend. She weaves together some of her flower-bird friends and sends them on a search for him as well. It’s very possible that today he is not here, but she hopes that he is.

    Perhaps they could even explore the new waterfall! It was already raining, what was a little more water?

    For now, though, she is content to wander and search - the soft patter of the drops on thick leaves making her feel utterly and completely peaceful.

    simple and sweet


    for @[Toivo] <3
    The perlino colt enjoys life in Tephra - it is warm, full of pretty flowers and other interesting plants (some of which sadly could not be eaten), and there are multiple other horses around, including the other colt that he’d met in a rather unfortunate incident involving a tumble and the loss of the trail of the dragonfly, though the two boys had been rather happy together after that.

    Today, Isilya wanted to take him somewhere, and although most of his initial investigative nature had passed - he was a yearling, which meant almost an adult already! - the woman had always been great at inspiring his curiosity and playfulness, perhaps due to her own. So, he follows the bird that finds him eagerly, his playful chuckle audible long before he reaches her.

    He crashes through the bushes like the kool-aid man through a wall, already covered in foliage and some of the ashy dust that can be found in certain Tephran places (honestly the boy has been dirty all day, he hasn’t bothered to keep his light coat clean or clean up any time afterwards). His grin splits his face as his amber gaze flutters up towards the mare he idolizes. ”What are we gonna do today, Isilya?”

    There’s already a sunny grin in Isilya’s green-and-gold eyes before he emerges from the foliage, and it bubbles into kind laughter. She does not move to pull the twigs or leaves from his hair because she adores the way they stick out and add some wildness to him, and the coating of ashes only makes him look like a true member of Tephra - of leaf and fire, twig and ash.

    All foals should be so carefree.

    It warms her heart that he would willingly spend time with her, and the young boy has quickly become a good friend.

    “Do you want to come with me to see the new waterfall?” Her gaze shifts towards where it has appeared, a cascade of clearest water among those of fire and lava. “I haven’t had the chance to check it out yet.” She admits, though she does not normally need a reason to explore something new - it is enough simply to follow whatever whim comes to her, especially with a friend! Even if he had checked out the cascading water and cool waters before, she hopes he’ll indulge her in tagging along anyway.

    simple and sweet


    For lack of a mother - technically, he knows he has one, and he knows who she is but that’s about it - Isilya was the closest thing for Toivo, like maybe a big sister or an aunt who took care of him. Unbeknownst to him if the reason for it had been something happening to his birth mother or if Isilya had even wanted to care for a child in any way at all - be that as a friend or a family member - he was carefree around her, having known her all his life to be the one thing he could count on - well and the volcano obviously.

    Raindrops seek to bother him, but they’re as soft as the magician’s voice, and the boy beams as she mentions a trip. ”Yes! Yes yes!” he dances around her, then stops, a deep childish frown etching into his light features.

    ”Where is it?”


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