06-18-2016, 01:41 PM
The black stallion with the bone-white face makes his way across the border of Archam's territory with no ceremony about his ways whatsoever. He limps and his marred coat displays the evidence of a recent battle. Archie's most likely looks marked up too, but unlike Chem, he only fought once. Somehow the speckled stallion managed to get himself into two fights, one just after the other.
Victory was his both times, but his body has been equally punished after the task.
He didn't care if Archie saw, or if the stallion even came to greet him with viciousness. He'd only be greeted with a swat of Chem's tail or simply silence, unless of course he was looking for another ass kicking.
Chem stays on the outskirts and gives out a low whicker. If she does not come along by dusk he will call again, and again, and eventually if she does not show up he will go hunting for her. For her sake, she'll probably rather just show here and now and go peacefully back to the Village with him.
astra inclinant, sed non obligant.
You can wait until her and Archie breed first if you want. And your reply can be in the Village or here, whichever. He's just here to drag her back home. If she has a foal, that thing comes too lol plus the one in her tumtum