"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
10-20-2015, 01:32 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2015, 01:33 PM by Rhynn.)
she slept with wolves without fear
Tiberios eh?
She’s heard of the Falls king of course, but she knows little about him. He’s a quiet king of a quiet kingdom and has done little of note besides rise to the throne. Normally she would have paid him little attention, but for whatever reason he’s caught her benefactor’s attention. So here she is.
She stops at the border of the kingdom, dark eyes taking in what little she can see. From her position she cannot hear the famed waterfall, but roaring in her ears tells her that it must be close by. She is curious to see it. But, not yet. As quiet and weak as the Falls is, it would not do to offend them by crossing their borders without permission. She is thankful again that she has such a non-threatening appearance. Her small frame and delicate limbs mean that she would be utterly useless in any kind of fight (or at least appear to be), and her flawless acting skills only help to enhance that image when she wishes. Her new mental invisibility, thanks to her benefactor, will help any hide any stray thoughts, and the blasted ‘V’ that Demian had insisted all Valley members carry has been hidden by her ability. Of course she will still smell like the Valley, but that is easy enough to explain. To the eye and to the mental senses, she is entirely weak and inoffensive.
No members of the kingdom rush to greet her however, so she settles in to wait under the shade of a spreading oak, tiny frame almost hidden in the shadows. Hopefully someone will be along soon, though the lack of variety in horse scents does not seem promising.
Even though he is a king, Tiberios is still as much a slave as anyone. He thinks he should have stayed hidden in the wilderness, but thoughts of his children would have kept him awake at night. Still, even that doesn’t seem to make much of a difference these days. He’s seen neither of his children for quite some time. It’s killing him. However, a slave is a slave, and Tiberios is now indentured to serve the Falls as long as he can and as best as he can manage, which seems to be not very well at all. That is - according to those around him. Nevermind that he’s kept the amazonians as their strongest ally and nevermind that he’s secured a blood tie with the Dale. Forget the fact that despite their slowly swelling numbers, he’s kept the Chamber at arms reach by trying his best to appeal to Straia’s better side and by leaving his own child behind in that wretched place.
Don’t ever say he didn’t try.
When he smells the newcomer on the dying wind of autumn he’s almost convinced to just let Texas handle it. The ancient bay had pretty much done whatever the fuck he’d wanted to up until this point, so why should the burnt man even put forth any effort into culling the radically stubborn immortal? His amber gaze flicks about and to his disappointment he doesn’t see hide or hair of his general, so he musters what enthusiasm he can and heads out for the border. There, a rather harmless creature waits. If anyone knows looks can be deceiving - it would be Tiberios. This one though, unlike the others, has manners so he greets her with a short nod.
“Can I help you?” He asks, not all sure if he actually wanted to. The phrase has become such a mantra to him these days he simply recites it for superficial purposes. He’s tired of playing the game of kingdoms, and if he had it his way he’d sooner just as see some asshat take over the throne here. It wouldn’t make a difference.