[3] In the beginning of the movie The Rescuers Down Under, what was the name of the waiter that attended Miss Bianca and Bernard at dinner? Francoise is the little homie's name and this is one of my all time favorite movies as a kid.
[5] In the season one opening credits, how many times does Clarissa change her outfit in Clarissa Explains It All? The answer I was looking for is 5. The original Clarissa Explain's It All into credits depict her getting out of bed and eventually changing her outfit five times. However, half way through season one the director changes it. But because I did not specify the original intro credits and they both appear on season one, I didn't mark anyone incorrect for this question. But the video can be seen here, Clarissa Explains It All Season One Opening Credits and i've also included a link where the director discusses it (#9) http://mentalfloss.com/article/60340/27-...ins-it-all
[7] In the TV series Roseanne, how much younger is Roseanne than her sister Jackie? Sike! This was a trick question! Roseanne is three years OLDER than her sister Jackie.
[5] What sweatervest wearing TV character hates the idea of ever having to eat liver and onions? Of course we all know it was DOUG, but anything for a chance to get jiggy with Patti Mayonnaise right?
[5] In the beginning of the movie ANTZ, what does the banner on the left say when you first enter the mega tunnel? Rest once, work twice. Once they pass beneath the sign that reads, "Mega Tunnel, construction ahead" immediately to the left is a banner that reads, "Rest once, work twice." Alot of you mentioned looking through the script, however the question was obtained by watching the movie. If you have Netflix, its at approx. 1:18:58 during the movie but here's a screen shot, which is a bit blurry but visible during the movie.
[7] What name belongs to the round candy that came in a box and once you bit through the edible outer shell, had hard candy pieces (and sometimes other prizes) inside? The answer I was looking for is THE WONDER BALL. However, I had no idea Kinder Surprise Eggs existed but they also fit the same description, so I accepted that answer as well. FUN FACT: Kinder Surprise Eggs are banned in America!
[3] Fill in the blanks; DOUBLE THE ______ DOUBLE THE _______ Oh SNAP! The answer is DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE, DOUBLE YOUR FUN (Doublemint gum!) Everyone received credit for this one.
[5] In the movie James and the Giant Peach, why was the girl refused admission to view the peach? Because she wanted to touch the peach and/or "had too many cheeky ideas."
[3] In the first four seasons of Rocko's Modern Life, what is the name of Rocko's favorite diner? It was called the Chokey Chicken up until its eventual change to the Chewy Chicken due to the sexual innuendo. FUN FACT: Rocko actually worked as a phone sex operator in one of the episodes. ![[Image: cddab263f09d5d9968300ed0792a678e3fd708ab...FRocko.jpg]](https://img-a.zeebox.com/images/proxy/cddab263f09d5d9968300ed0792a678e3fd708ab?src=http%3A%2F%2F28bd173fmosq1rnrlm3g2fip1894.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fsites%2F8%2F2014%2F10%2FRocko.jpg)
[10] On the Lisa Frank file folder titled “Rainbow Reef” depicting a single seal underwater, how many fish are in the scene with the seal? Okay, I was specifically looking for the "file folder" version, not the one adapted to fit onto a canvas, etc. But being that there are OTHER folder versions where some of the fish are cut out(JFC Lisa Frank had to be on some serious LSD), I didn't mark anyone wrong. However, the answer is 42 and YES A SEAHORSE IS A FISH
And nobody better say shit about my paintjob skills.
[3] Finish this sentence; No blue buzzard, no three eyed dog……. No blue buzzard, no three-eyed frog/Just a feline canine little CatDog! Man, you guys are off the heasy! A wrong word doesn't even jack you up!
[5] What are the names of the two wasps at Insectopia in the movie ANTZ? Chip (Chippy) & Muffin (Muffy)
[7] From what show did the main character, at some point, work as: a freelance reporter, a barista,a journalism intern, and a reporter for Scorch magazine? Sabrina the Teenage Witch, aka Sabrina Spellman
[5] How many seagulls fly over the city in the opening scene of the movie Pocahontas? 10
[7] What character was born November 26 1964, had a best friend named Valerie and whose parent’s name's were Sylvia and Morty? The Nanny! Francine Joy "Fran" Fine-Sheffield. Niles was always my favorite though.
[10] From what TV show did a grandparent take their grandson to break into an aquarium to set a sad reptile free? I know this one was hard, but it was meant to be! It's an episode from Hey Arnold where Arnold takes a field trip to the local aquarium to see the "terror of the deep" aka Lockjaw the turtle and is saddened by its bleak home and graffitied shell. After telling his Grandma about it, she decides they have to break in and free him!They roll Lockjaw off the pier using the skateboard, and have him land in the water, where he then swims out into the distance. When they get home, Grandma decides to have some turtle soup. One of my favorite episodes!
[5] In the show Rugrats, what does it say on Spikes gold collar tag? Nothing! I thought I'd get you on this one but you guys are just too bitchin'.
[5] What are the names and collar colors of Syke’s two dogs in the movie Oliver & Company? Roscoe (red collar) and DeSoto (blue collar)
[5] What toy required you to put a hoop over one leg and swing the toy underneath you as you hop over it? IT'S A SKIP IT!
Those who received the additional +2 points for being the first to get their answers to me with less than three incorrect answers were: Cal & Astri (#1), Kiara & Audree (#2), and Affy & Cress (#3)
Those who received a deduction of -10 points for not having the correct subject line as required in the rules for round one when submitting their answers: Cal & Astri, Affy & Cress, Leah & Ea, Hanna & Elysha, and Jeje & Ledger
Those who had all correct answers: Samshine & Annihilate, Tinsel & Vi, Anna & Fennick, and Jeje & Ledger (Good job you clever little shits!)
You will move forward to round two!
[105] Samshine & Annihilate
[105] Tinsel & Vi
[105] Anna & Fennick
[102] Kiara & Audree
[100] Sinexuss & Khalis
[100] Insane & Shahrizai
[100] Sarah & Sayaa
[95] Holli & Lucetta
[95] Jeje & Ledger
[93] Taz & Demian
[90] Calli & Gallows
[89] Calcifur & Astri
[87] Affy & Cress
[83] Sid & Volcan
[83] Leah & Ea
[83] Hanna & Elysha
[80] Lydia & Zharek
[51] Broken & Flamevein
JOHNNY BRAVO'D: CRESS, you've been Johnny Bravo'd! For the next RL week, you are hitting on anyone of the opposite (or the same, whatevs!) sex. Literally everyone, you can't help it. Oh, and you're going to think very highly of yourself as you do it too, you handsome devil. Randomly praising your own good looks out loud will be uncontrollable and anytime you pass your reflection, you can't resist the urge to stand by and stare at yourself for at least an hour.
RAMUNDO "RAY" ROCKETTED: VOLCAN, you've just been Ramundo "Ray" Rocketted! Everyone remembers the dad from Rocket Power, right? Always hungry and "cool with whatever man". Well, I THINK WE ALL KNOW WHY, he was stoned! For the next RL week you will have some serious munchies, bro. "Huh", "what?" and "I don't feel like it" will become common phrases in your vocabulary. Your eyes will be bloodshot, you'll have 'cotton-mouth' most of the time and you'll carry a strange "odor" that'll either smell good or bad, depending on who you ask.
![[Image: B-y2KXpW0AM-7xW.jpg]](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-y2KXpW0AM-7xW.jpg)
WALKER, TEXAS RANGERED: FLAMEVEIN, you've been Walker, Texas Rangered! For the next RL week you'll be involuntarily, annoyingly gung-ho and super helpful with any problem that comes your way. A branch has fallen across the path? FLAMEVEIN IS THERE and he is there with enthusiasm. You will physically not be able to help yourself and even if you hate yourself inside as you do it, on the outside you are ridiculously pleased to help. You'll also practice some Texas-style manners by greeting folks with, "howdy" and address people as "mam/sir" or "little lady/partner".
![[Image: hqdefault.jpg]](http://i.ytimg.com/vi/4LpoxFWyYTA/hqdefault.jpg)
DONNIE THORNBERRIED: ZHAREK, you've been DONNIE THORNBERRIED. If you've ever seen The Wild Thornberrys, then you know their adopted little brother Donnie. For the next RL week, you've just gone feral(kinda)! You'll make animals sounds and babble wildly as you flail about in random spurts throughout the day. You've also developed a new taste for bugs and no matter what you do, your mane and tail stay a disheveled and matted mess.
![[Image: latest?cb=20150528210046]](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/wildthornberrys/images/a/a8/Donnie_Thornberry.png/revision/latest?cb=20150528210046)
ANGELICA PICKLED: EA, you've been ANGELICA PICKLED! For the next RL week, everyone around you is going to need some real patience. Because you put the capital B in.......BRAT. Anytime someone comes around, you'll be overcome with the need to demand something from them. If they refuse, they'll be subjected to a tantrum of horse-sized proportions. That's right, full-on screaming and throwing yourself on the ground in a puddle of tears and kicks. You've also started constantly carrying around a weirdly shaped bundle of grass and twigs in your mouth, you've named her Cynthia.
![[Image: giphyangelica-gif.gif]](http://cdn4.teen.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/giphyangelica-gif.gif)
DARIA MORGENDORFFERED: ELYSHA, you've been Daria Morgendorffered! For the next RL week you'll be entirely pessimistic about life altogether! You'll be cynical and sarcastic, as a matter of fact, you're the epitome of an angst-ridden teenager. You'll try to stay away from people and be mostly annoyed by other's existences in general. Every reply to conversation will be scoffing and your demeanor will be visibly bothered(you hate this place). Your face is also stuck in a permanent expression of "over this shit", regardless of the situation. You like yourself, thats about it (maybe Jane, too).
If anyone has any questions or wants a breakdown of their points, just email or PM me, I have them! Round two will be posted tomorrow and will not be a timed elimination, thanks for playing everyone!