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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Not All That Glitters is Gold[Birthing-Rou]


    Unlike the several other times before, the child comes quietly and without complication, in the dead of the night.  She has done this a few times now and labor was much easier than the first.  The filly is perfect.  A spitting image of her father, and remembrance of her brothers -Phoebus and Diavoli- when they were born washes over her.  So innocent, so sweet.

    She gently bathed the girl with her tongue.  Licking her dry and warm, a soft nicker leaving her lips.  One to soothe the child and one to beckon her father to come see.

    "She is perfect isn't she Rou," she coos, remaining curled around the girl, her feathered wings lightly cloaking the foals body.  "What should we name her?" Her dished face looked up to him with starry eyes.

    Not all that glitters is gold

    @Diable Rouge
    //Healing-Peacock Wings(flightless)\\
    Diable Rouge
    AuroraElis had begun to feel the effects of labor many hours before. Diable Rouge stayed with her, embracing her, soothing her the best he could. He'd seen this scene play out before with Phoebus. The labor had been long and intense, and anxiety brims at the surface of Rou's heart as he watches Aurora agonize again. 

    However, as twilight fell upon the couple, their child emerged. The filly, a spitting image of himself and his first child, Phoebus, began to nurse silently. Diable Rouge smiles at the sight, watching as Aurora's motherly instincts kicked in. She bathed the little filly, nuzzled her gently - Aurora had always been such a fantastic mother. The chaser could watch her for hours. They looked particularly beautiful in this light - the moon glowing off their coats as they bonded. A singular, happy tear rolls down Rou's face as he catches Aurora's eye. 

    What should we name her? Aurora asks, and Rou approaches. He stares into his daughter's beautiful azure eyes, and she looks at him with curiosity and unconditional love. He glances up at the night sky, blanketed with stars, then back to his family that lays before him. 

    "Astelle." He says assuredly. "Our beautiful little star." 
    I'm learning how to put the pieces back together, turn the aching to composure

    @ AuroraElis <3
    The child had spent what felt like ages in her mother's womb. When the filly finally did come, it was a chilly spring night. She opened her eyes and they were met with a night sky that was still brilliantly shining. That was her first memory - the stars. 

    Her second memory was her mother's tongue upon her head, her muzzle tracing the delicate edges of her small frame - solace came in the form of her mother's touch. The filly cooed, staring up at her mother's angular face. Her smile was comforting, and it gave the child the courage to stand on four wobbly, spindly legs. It took several tries, but finally she was able to stand and take a few steps. It was awkward, those legs, but she managed to find her footing. Soon after, she began to search for her mother's breast. It wasn't long before she found it and started to nurse. 

    It is only when her mother speaks that the filly realizes they aren't alone. She stops nursing for a moment, looking up at the towering figure before them. Astelle... She listens as he speaks. Our beautiful little star.

    Astelle...it was fitting, after all. A star, born on a sparkling night.

    @ AuroraElis
    @Diable Rouge

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