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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  i hear the voice of rage and ruin
    suffocate the fire  i started--------------------
    right when it kindles

    Myrna looks out over her homeland.

    The rolling hills of the Gates are lush and green, and amongst the thick grasses are countless flowers. Flowers that blossom as she walks through them, even the early spring and late autumn florals opening in the presence of the Crown of the Gates. The floral headpiece hands between her spiraling horns, the same summer flowers decorating the twining green and brown branches.

    A curious swallow passes by, drawn by the bees that flutter about the pale palomino mare. Myrna whickers a quiet greeting, but the little bird does not linger for long. Alone again, she continues through the meadow, lulled by the sound of birdsong and the warm summer breeze as it drifts across the kingdom.

    Though she looks now and then for familiar faces, she does not seek anyone out. If they want to talk, they will find her, and if they do not: she is content to wander beneath the warm sun. Perhaps later she will doze in the sweetly-scented shade of the Mother Tree, or chase Feather through the stream.



    This place, with the floral center and open sea at its shores was as close to home as I have come to find amongst the many lands of this new Beqanna.  It wasn't the tropical oasis of Ischia, but the parts were mostly all there.  All but one, my waterfall.

    As I reentered the kingdom -after descending the mountain- I am relieved that the light of day had rose over the horizon and the sun was now seated high above.  It put me at ease that my demons were tethered to the darkest of nights now.  No longer would I have to fight for control each waking moment.  I was thankful in my wanderings of the lavender kingdom that I had beached on Her shores and encountered EverClear, however rough their initial meeting had been.  I would find him again, I think, and thank him.

    The sun rays shimmered against my iridescent scales, casting prisms of color to dance along my flesh as I moved across the rows of floral fields.  I had no real destination in mind as I traversed across the land.  Perhaps internally I only sought the peace that had overcome me now as I watch the songbirds flutter about without a deep primal instinct to snatch one out of midair with my row of sharp teeth.

    A few more paces along the path I follow, I notice a change in the flowers.  Being on the tail end of summer I do not expect to see blooms usually seen in other seasons of the year.  My delicate head tips in curiosity as my pace neither slows or quickens.

    Moving along the obvious trail that thickens of flora, I look up only briefly to gauge my position within the kingdom.  It is then that my reptilian-like eyes land on a golden figure in the distance.  I stop, watching as they move through the land with a regal ease.  The twining crown of wine and branch mixed within horn atop their head causes my musings to peak.  We were very different in appearance, quite opposite really, but there was the same aura of peace radiating from them of equal proportions.

    I simply watch for a moment more, debating on whether I greet the stranger or turn tail for the sea.  On any other day of my past I would have fled to the safety of my water home, but today I feel inspired and so I call out across the meadow a whicker in greeting.

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    @ Viszla
    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\
    At the sound of a call, Myrna slows her abling walk through the kingdom. Lifting her head, she looks across the rolling hills until she finds the source. She’d not recognized the voice, and though the figure is as dark as many of her loved ones, the mare that Myrna beings to walk toward is not one that she recognizes.

    She wears the polite smile of a monarch, but there is a warmth in it beyond that of the sun upon their backs. “Hello there,” she says, meeting Deiti’s reptilian eyes with her blue-grey gaze. Having had a change to get a better look at her as they drew closer, Myrna is fairly sure she knows the answer to the question she means to ask. This is the mare that she’d seen speaking to Everclear, and that association had instantaneously made her more comfortable with this mare despite having never met.

    “Is it you I’ve seen swimming in the water?” She asks curiously, her attention catching briefly on the iridescence of the other’s bright scales. Myrna does not admire them long, turning her attention back to the blue-eyed stranger.

    @ Deiti

    My song carries across the pastel fields, beckoning the stranger to seek the source out.  It is a melodic sound, much brighter than the being for which it came.  

    I step lightly towards the pale stranger, noting the confidence in her steps.  My own are unsure, being my unfamiliarity with walking on land or my new personal enlightment, I am unsure. Still I move amongst the flora and settle to a stand when they come within a reasonable distance to one another.

    My obsidian ears tip forward at the mares greeting, a meager smile on my feminine face.  I try my best to not reveal the row of incisors that fill my mouth.  Many times, they have swayed others opinions of me, and though the darker parts of me still linger beneath a surface of rainbow sheen scales, I am in control now.

    "Hello!" I reply happily.

    My long dark tail swishes against my hardened scales, a few strands catching within the crevices between them.  They felt different ever since I had left the Mountain.

    She asks of the water and my smile grows revealing the jagged edges of my crocodile teeth.  "Most likely.  I am a siren of the sea," I say with impish grin before offering my name, "but you can call me Deiti."

    There is a shift in my stance, adjusting the weight distribution of my athletic build between my four limbs.  The journey back from the Mountain had been long and my muscles ached for the soothing salt waters.  "Do you swim?" I inquire of the golden mare.  It had been some time since I had swum with another.

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    @ Viszla
    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\
    suffocate the fire  i started--------------------
    right when it kindles

    The other mare replies with a greeting of her own, and Mynra’s bright smile remains. She seems shy, an observation Mynra makes just before the other reveals her long rows of teeth in a grin. Years of practice keep the surprise from her golden face, but there is no fear to disguise. The horned queen is from a family of shifters, and while she had never seen a kelpie before, she knows better than to think that she has seen all there is of the world and its creatures.

    She’s a siren of the sea, the mare says, offering Myrna an impish grin that sends a jolt of awareness running through the palomino mare. Perhaps it is some innate part of her prey mind recognizing a predator’s grin, but if it is? She does not recognize it as such. She feels only the thrill of adrenaline, the sensation of dancing along an edge.

    “Deiti,” she repeats the other’s name to commit it to memory, continuing. “My name is Myrna, and yes: I do swim.” She pauses, just for a moment, before adding with a playfully sly smile on her golden mouth:“Though if you’re trying to lure me out to sea, you’ll find me rather hard to drown.” Her tone remains light, and teasing, and she turns her blue gaze out toward the sea. “I’ve worn many shapes,” she admits, “But nothing like a siren of the sea.”

    @ Deiti


    The thin slitted pupils of my reptilian like nature are mere threads in the bright light of the day.  Their light sapphire color mirrored that of the clear blue summer sky above.  When the mare replies that she does indeed swim, my smile grows, lighting up my facial features.  Oh, how I loved the water!

    The mares next words catch my off guard.  Aware of my past transgressions, and the tendencies of my kind, I could not fault the mare for thinking I was capable of such this. I was very well capable of such heinous acts.  My expression faulters slightly, but with the stranger's playful tone I offer my own, "Ahh, but it would be fun to try, wouldn't it?"  My crocodilian smile turns into a smirk, my gaze following the mares out to the sea.

    "There are many interesting life forms in the ocean," I say plainly, thinking of all I have seen in my time there.  "I haven't always lived at sea though.  There was a time I lived in a deep pool in the middle of Ischia.  It had the most beautiful waterfall, and I was the only creature that resided within its waters," the thought brings a smile back to my face as the memories flash by.  My face turns back to the gilded mare adorned with flora of all kinds.  "It had the most beautiful flowers too...  Hibicus blooms of every color and as big as your head!" I laugh lightly as I reminisce.  "You would have liked it there I am sure," I add.

    Again, my body shifts and I step towards the sea, "Care to join me?  I promise I don't bite...hard," I say in a joking manner.

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    @ Viszla Not sure where you want to be timeline wise so feel free to decline : )
    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\
    suffocate the fire  i started--------------------
    right when it kindles

    The dark haired mare matches Myrna’s lighthearted tone. The queen’s face is bright with amusement as the siren says it would be fun to try, and remains curious as the other speaks of the sea, and then of Ischia.

    Ischia, she thinks, had that place existed when she was a child? There have been a myriad of lands in this world, rising and falling, sinking and burning. She had been raised in Hyaline, now lost beneath the waves. Her fondness for the place seems mirrored by Deiti’s memories of Ischia, and MYrna smiles in agreement.

    “It does sound quite beautiful. And I am rather fond of flowers.” At that she tilts her head, the floral crown shifting only slightly.

    The other begins to move toward the sea, and Mynra’s gaze follows hers. It is with no little regret that she shakes her head. “Not now, I don’t think.” She pauses, just for a moment, and adds: “But if you’re often along the beach, I’ll take my morning runs there for a while. Perhaps we’ll run into each other and can go for that swim?”

    @ Deiti


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