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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Not All That Glitters is Gold


    The journey had been long from the Meadow.  There were many challenges faced, and many more to come.

    After crossing the water border of the Dale, they take a moment to rest.  The feathered gown draped down her body, ruffles in the light breeze while she stands resolute.  The twins, again lit with their usual flame accents, begin to hunker down for a well-deserved nap.  She watches them for a few moments, thankful they have arrived safely. 

    Her golden flecked eyes find Jack and Amen settling within the new land, before she is looking to the scenery they find themselves part of now.  Or hope to be a part of.

    Wandering thoughts go to who they may find living here and if they would be welcomed or not.  Kingdoms can be fickle things, and they very well may have come all this way to be told they are unwelcomed.  She carries with her great burden, with flammable offspring and a seemingly unescapable past.

    Not all that glitters is gold

    Keeping it short and sweet for the sake of many pieces at play.  Basically, seeking to make the Dale their home Smile
    @Jack in the Box 
    @ Beyza
    As they embark on their new life in The Dale, Amenadiel leads them through the rugged terrain of the rocky hills, carefully guiding them towards the lake that awaits them at the opening of the Meadow. Amenadiel takes a few deep breaths with a sense of relief, attempting to calm the simmer in his chest after the long journey. Although he could have easily flown to their destination, he chose to stay on the ground with them, wanting to bond with them and experience the journey together.

    As they reach the lake, Amenadiel gestures towards the surroundings, offering them a choice of where to settle. He suggests they can stay close to the lake, where the grass is lush and the temperature is warm, or venture up to the hills, where the terrain is rocky and more challenging to traverse. He points to a nearby rocky overpass, which he believes could serve as a temporary shelter until they decide where they want to establish their permanent home.

    @ AuroraElis
    Jack walks behind the group, his body language clearly indicating that he wants nothing to do with Zain anymore. He is determined to live his own life with Aurora and the twins. As they travel, he takes in his surroundings, the rocky hills with jagged edges forming a natural barrier from the outside world. He glances over at Aurora, hoping to gauge her feelings about their potential new home. It's a far cry from the Meadow they were previously in, and he's uncertain about what the future holds. He knows that whoever controls the Dale will ultimately decide their fate, and he remains vigilant and cautious. He owes that to Zain, who has taught him to always be on guard.

    Eventually, they pause for a break, and Jack takes the opportunity to rest with the children. The journey has taken a toll on him, and he needs to catch up on the sleep he missed the night before. As he closes his eyes, he hopes that they will find safety and acceptance in this unfamiliar land.

    @ AuroraElis


    The twins' cat nap is short.  As they've grown their naps have become fewer and shorter.  Each day they gain more independence, it both delights and terrifies her.  Especially with the wild eyed girl…

    As they follow Amen through the territory, she looks up to the stone daggers that reach high in the sky.  Only the mythical Mountain she could recall had such formations.  But this land is new and unfamiliar since her time spent tucked away from it all.

    Her golden flecked eyes watch both the twins and Jack as they move along.  He seems lost in himself again and she worries he is unhappy.  Her own mind mulls over all that has happened recently but she couldn't let that get her down.

    As they near the lake they break out into a grassy flat.  She smiles at the tall wildflowers swaying in the summer breeze.  Painted across the dusk skies were streaks of orange and pink clouds.  The hyaline lake and mountainscape as the backdrop was near picture perfect.

    She turns to look at Jack and then looks back at the view, “Beautiful isn't it Jack?” Her voice has a reminiscing tone. 

    There is pause in her movement as she looks out across the land.  The darkness of night was coming quickly and she couldn't help but notice Amen directing them to look at a rocky shelter.  She smiles and nods before calling the twins to follow.  It would make for the perfect temporary shelter for the evening….

    Not all that glitters is gold

    @Jack in the Box 
    @ Beyza
    Jack stands in awe, his eyes fixated on the stunning surroundings that envelop him. He takes in a deep breath of the crisp, fresh air and lets his gaze wander over the magnificent landscape. "It is truly a sight to behold," he murmurs, extending his muzzle to caress Aurora's soft fur. "I apologize for being distracted earlier. I couldn't help but notice Zain lurking in the shadows, watching us cross over."

    As he speaks, his voice is filled with tenderness and affection. He looks at Aurora and the twins, his heart swelling with pride and love. "But as long as I have you three by my side, nothing else matters," he declares.

    He pauses, his eyes fixed on the crystalline lake that stretches out before him. The water is so clear that he can see the rocks and pebbles at the bottom. The gentle breeze creates ripples on the surface, making the lake appear like a shimmering sheet of glass. "This place is almost as beautiful as you are," he smirks, a playful glint in his eyes. "But first, we need to find shelter for the night." As the temperature begins to drop, a sudden gust of wind sweeps through the area, rustling the leaves and causing a chill to run down your spine. The air grows heavy, and the clouds above seem to darken, signaling an impending storm on the horizon.

    He follows Amen as they make their way towards a rocky overhang. As they settle in, Jack takes one last glance at the breathtaking scenery before closing his eyes, content in the knowledge that he is surrounded by those he loves.

    @ AuroraElis @ Beyza

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