04-18-2023, 08:47 PM
The girl isn’t sure how she feels about the fall of her kingdom.
The land amongst the clouds has always been home to her, and though most Stratosians tend to strike out on their own at a young age, she is still close to her family. At least she had been; she hasn’t seen them since the change in the world, as Beqanna herself reclaims her land. Have they been scattered to the winds, or separated by the veil?
All she knows is that the loneliness is all-encompassing, and she misses them daily. Her elder sister had been her closest friend; her parents were her most trusted confidants. Her younger brother, barely old enough to leave their home cloud, had started to become her bravest adventuring buddy. He had encouraged her to set off on new adventures, day after day, no matter how tired she was from the previous day’s journeys.
Maybe that’s all this is.
A brand new undertaking.
It is that thought that has her circling Stratos that morning, her lavender eyes scanning the skies. Perhaps there are others like her, who have lost their entire families to whatever magicks Beqanna has brought upon them. She lands quietly on one of the larger, more residential clouds when she finally catches the eye of another, offering her a smile as she approaches. “Hi,” she says, suddenly shy as she tucks her wings in close. “What happened to everything, do you know?”
Perhaps she should recognize one of Stratos’s former council members, but Eva had never been huge on politics - even those of her own home. Her father would’ve been stammering and admonishing her, telling her to be more polite, more formal, but Father…
Father’s gone.
You’re on your own, kid.
The land amongst the clouds has always been home to her, and though most Stratosians tend to strike out on their own at a young age, she is still close to her family. At least she had been; she hasn’t seen them since the change in the world, as Beqanna herself reclaims her land. Have they been scattered to the winds, or separated by the veil?
All she knows is that the loneliness is all-encompassing, and she misses them daily. Her elder sister had been her closest friend; her parents were her most trusted confidants. Her younger brother, barely old enough to leave their home cloud, had started to become her bravest adventuring buddy. He had encouraged her to set off on new adventures, day after day, no matter how tired she was from the previous day’s journeys.
Maybe that’s all this is.
A brand new undertaking.
It is that thought that has her circling Stratos that morning, her lavender eyes scanning the skies. Perhaps there are others like her, who have lost their entire families to whatever magicks Beqanna has brought upon them. She lands quietly on one of the larger, more residential clouds when she finally catches the eye of another, offering her a smile as she approaches. “Hi,” she says, suddenly shy as she tucks her wings in close. “What happened to everything, do you know?”
Perhaps she should recognize one of Stratos’s former council members, but Eva had never been huge on politics - even those of her own home. Her father would’ve been stammering and admonishing her, telling her to be more polite, more formal, but Father…
Father’s gone.
You’re on your own, kid.