Spanish draft hybrid mare
Silver black tobiano, glitter mane (Ee/aa/nZ/nT)
Shapeshifting, telepathy
tegteg [SHAPESHIFTING][GLITTER MANE][TELEPATHY][color changing][regenerative healing]
Anglo-Arabian stallion
Grey w/ black base (Ee/aa/Gg)
God magic
tegteg [GOD MAGIC]
I'd like to request a filly named Sofie, to be played by Affirmative. Name is unused/not reserved. If glitter mane rolls to be inherited, can it mutate to star mane/tail? And if other traits inherit and mutate and such could they possibly be star related? I would also like fairy's choice for a 0-space trait! <3
If twins are rolled *naturally* I would like to request another filly, named Elide. My only request for a twin would be maybe something flowery/nature related if traits are inherited and mutate.
Thank you so much!!!
Spanish draft hybrid mare
Silver black tobiano, glitter mane (Ee/aa/nZ/nT)
Shapeshifting, telepathy
tegteg [SHAPESHIFTING][GLITTER MANE][TELEPATHY][color changing][regenerative healing]
Anglo-Arabian stallion
Grey w/ black base (Ee/aa/Gg)
God magic
tegteg [GOD MAGIC]
I'd like to request a filly named Sofie, to be played by Affirmative. Name is unused/not reserved. If glitter mane rolls to be inherited, can it mutate to star mane/tail? And if other traits inherit and mutate and such could they possibly be star related? I would also like fairy's choice for a 0-space trait! <3
If twins are rolled *naturally* I would like to request another filly, named Elide. My only request for a twin would be maybe something flowery/nature related if traits are inherited and mutate.
Thank you so much!!!
I don't really write anymore