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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  me and my shadow, we were living as one

    me and my shadow, we were living as one

    Adulthood suits him.

    So does loneliness.

    Perhaps it is because of the way everything beautiful withers beneath his molten step. Perhaps it is because of the summer storms that trail him, lighting up the sky above him in a view of barely pent up violence. Perhaps it is the unseeing way that his gaze catches people, the disconcerting way that he holds them there and does not blink, does not waiver, does not look away. Or perhaps it is simply the consequence of his roaming heart, a thunderstorm that is constantly moving onto the next plain.

    Either way, Drakon grows up mostly alone, save for the occasional reprieve with his twin. He haunts the parts of Beqanna that grow the hottest if only because it is less exhausting to simply be in those circumstances. Today though he shifts away from these corners and he comes into the meadow. His charred body moves amongst the brittle winter flowers, and he smells ash beneath him as they smoke.

    The sky above him is pregnant with promise but he does not unleash the rain and the thunder.

    He does not rain down upon the wintery meadow with all that he can.

    Instead he feels the kiss of winter and lets himself soak in the discomfort. He pulls back his own powers so that summer does not bloom around him and instead the cold air carries on. It hurts to live like this. It aches to withhold his heat and he feels himself weaken beneath the wintery gusts, but there is pleasure in the pain, and he throws back his wide-jawed head and grits his teeth, forcing himself to feel that pain.

    Forcing himself to live in the cold that he normally shuns.

    If his body smokes in protest. If the flames crackle weakly into life. If the cracks in his body hiss.

    If they do, he does not notice.

    every day I tried to fight it, but my demons always won


    That evening it began to snow with only a heartbeat’s warning- the temperature suddenly dropped just before the first flake fell. It came thick and fast, in fat flakes that clumped on eyelashes and whiskers. She watched it fall, all night and into the morning. It reminded her of the stars and mirrors and islands. It reminds her of herself because there are universes inside her, black and speckled with stars and comets and black holes.

    All the white of winter is calling home to each glacier sliding through her soul. A breeze whispers through her mane and she shivers when it cuts against the shadow of her skin. She whispers a lament and her lungs feel ice cold and the air feels like not enough to fill those icy organs.

    She can feel her heart beating inside of her chest, as steady as it is slow, and oh, it feels wrong, wrong, wrong. Each beat echoes inside of an empty chest, each thrum of her pulse in her ears makes her feel like she’s caught somewhere between waking up and falling asleep, always stuck in that endless in-between world where there is no light, and no soul, to cast shadows.

    She breathes in. The air is so cold it scrapes down her throat like solid ice. Her lungs feel like so many flowers struggling to bloom, roots freezing in the ground, leaves turning to follow the sun, pores opening to the air.

    Today the need to break up the frozen silence weighs on her heart like a stone. She finds him. Elliana looks small and bright next to him, like a flower, or a faraway star. But she is no spring blossom or summer night.

    Elliana wants to ask him what he's waiting for. She wants to ask him how he can stand so still when every inch of her is screaming to run, run, run until she finds the end of winter and the beginnings of spring. She exhales and tries so very hard not to make it sound like a sigh, like she's pulling one of her sharp pieces loose. “What are you doing?” The words come out like a sigh anyway. Like the sigh on the winter wind hanging to a snow-coated pine. She should stop speaking to strangers because she is not her mother’s daughter, and yet she is, for all that she doesn’t know. She should stop speaking to strangers. But this is cold as ice and something in it sparks ice-fire in her blood. It feels like freedom.

    find her with the flowers. the roses, the marigolds. find her telling stories that she’s never before told


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