"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
08-08-2021, 03:07 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2021, 03:45 PM by Aurboro.)
History can be defined as the study of the past. However, should you leave the past behind you, can you still be pulled in by the history? The complications of different histories that plague the various souls around her sing out like screams. Each has their own stories, their own shadows, and each define themselves in such interesting ways. The femme pulls herself in, absorbing the land that slumbers before her. The sway of meadow herbs and the morning dew that clings to each stalk tickles her pasterns. Her habit of rising before the sun has not diminished with her excitement of new adventures. Raising her eyes, she watched as the cosmos sparked out of existence, replaced by the cool colors of daybreak. Violets and blues streaked across a clear sky making the viridian land appear crisp and vivid. The time is almost here. Her preferred season of autumn lies just beyond the seas of green leaves and yellow flowers.
Her namesake, her image, her warmth and sense of calm. All takes root during the time between hot days and frozen nights. She could almost taste the sweet fruit that blossoms during the fall, could almost scent the spicy cinnamon bark. She reminisces on those flavors and memories as she takes a step forward. The unfamiliar land is trodden by worn paths and waking strangers. She lingers along a tree line, quietly surveying. Since the time of her home falling into rubble, her sense of loneliness has grown. The death of the elders has shaken the foundations of the nomads, and the troupe had eventually diminished. Families had moved on, and with them the young ones that she had been charged with guiding. Her sense of self had seemed to follow. Who was she if she couldn't teach and protect? She has discovered that she had too much time to loiter and wallow.
And thus, the russet mare had followed suit, saying farewell to the life she knew in favor for new beginnings. It has been some time since she had wandered into unknown territories, and her nerves were starting to show themselves. Flutters cramp her stomach and she flicked her ears back in confusion. She had never been considered apprehensive or shy before. With a flick of her tawny train, she mustered what determination and courage she could, ignoring the burning questions that were her own plague. Can she make new friends? Will she be accepted? Why would anyone want her around?
08-08-2021, 05:58 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2021, 05:59 PM by Aela.)
Aela will never be able to leave the past behind her.
It comes in glimpses and fragments. Sometimes they are broken, like hearts shattered beneath a bower. Sometimes they absorb her so completely, Aela can lose track of where she is. When she had been young, they had overwhelmed the palomino to a point where she couldn't speak.
She cowered and she trembled and had she a voice, she would have cried.
But then, Aela learned to conquer the memories. The past might be resurrected but she had the ability to reduce them to dust. She could bury the ghosts and those moments in time begging to be remembered would be wholely ignored by the golden mare. The striped girl learned how to be bigger than the memories that might haunt her; she learned to become that while they were perpetually trapped in time, Aela would always be going forward.
The lovely Empath does so now, moving idly through the summer grasses. They graze against her legs, trail against her slender sides, and the dew that had clung to them darkens part of her gilded coat. Early mornings are nothing new for Aela; she has a habit of rising while the dark still lingers across the Pampas grasslands. It makes it possible for her to greet daybreak as the sun rises across the Field. She hadn't intended to venture so far but with autumn creeping across Beqanna, Aela knows that soon she will have to withdraw to the Common Lands.
With fall looming so close, it makes her restless.
And it's that unsettled feeling that keeps her walking through the Field, with her blue eyes glancing around for something of interest. Aela had meant it when she said the Brilliant Pampas would be a court filled with the beautiful and the powerful. Having brought a rather attractive Ischian and a powerful Chieftain to the little territory, she knows that she's done her part. But she still can't help but want to do a little more, just one more thing to achieve before winter.
Feeling the apprehension in the morning air, the lithe palomino turns her gaze towards a chestnut mare. A little older than herself, Aela decides. A little warier but to those just arriving to Beqanna, the Pampas' Seneschal considered it a positive trait. A sign of her intelligence. Beqanna was filled with strange and wonderful magicks.
A horse never knew who (or what) they might be dealing with.
"The Field is somewhat overrated," the slender female says to the other with a wry grin; her countenance almost conspiratorial as she introduces herself. "I'm Aela."
08-08-2021, 10:29 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2021, 10:30 PM by Aurboro.)
Her bodice swelled with anticipation. Or, perhaps apprehension? In her time apart from others, she had fantasized about stumbling upon living souls. People with whom she could converse with. Laugh with. It turns out that she isn't a great conversationalist, at least when it came to talking to herself. The buzzards and birds would circle overhead, and although she didn't understand their squawks, she was certain they were laughing at her. Truth be told, if she were outside of herself looking in, her brow would raise as well. Is she losing her mind? She had always prided herself on her ability to forget judgements and opinions, but failed when it came to her own sanity. She was an extremely difficult prosecutor of herself.
It was still early, and the morning finches had just started whistling their tune. However, as the world is rubbing the sleep from it's eyes, the autumn mare finds herself in the company of a golden lady. The stranger almost seems to glimmer in the morning light, and she can't help but feel a ping of jealousy. This mare, unknown to her, strides up, and if the palomino had told her that she was queen of the realm, she would believe her. The mare, introducing herself as Aela, seemed younger then her, though not by much. Creamy locks fell from her skin, much like her own. But where Aela dazzled in gold, she gleamed in copper. She nodded her head, a small acknowledgement to the other mare's introduction.
"Hmm, I find it rather quaint. Especially during this time of day. It's my pleasure, Aela. My name is Aurboro, but please, call me Ro."
Aurboro returned the mares smile with a quirk of her own lips. It has been a while since she had spoken to another, and she can hear the notes of her accent breaking through the syllables. She had to remind herself of the small nickname given to her by the young charges of her previous herd. For a moment, she wondered how they were fairing. The mothers were guards and fighters, while Ro was their gentle guide. She remembers teaching the colts how to weave daisy's into their sisters forelocks and in turn, teaching the girls to stand up for themselves. With a nostalgic feeling welling up her heart she met Aela's sapphire eyes with her amber ones.
"Are you part of a herd, Aela? Or are you a nomad like myself? I must say, it can get quite lonely with just myself to talk to. It's much to quiet on the road and I'll admit I find myself a bit annoying."
08-10-2021, 09:07 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2021, 09:10 PM by Aela.)
"I never understood the point of waiting,” Aela muses to her new companion. Her voice is soft and lilting, the perfect accompaniment for the rising birdsong surrounding them. The palomino, though, speaks as a Beqanna native. She had been born in a territory not far from the Field, in a place surrounded by fog; a place that could be perceived as mysterious to a stranger as the Field was to Aela.
But she never bothers in being mysterified for long.
Not when there are other things - more present things - like the chestnut sabino.
A delicate ear flicks to the slender female, as Aela glances out across the grasslands. Other horses have started stirring and her blue eyes settle on a small group of young horses. A roan filly, a brazen stud colt who attempts at being a herd stallion by snaking his dark head out. One of the horses squeals and Aela can’t help but shake her head.
"Neither, really.” The golden mare answers, turning her attention rightfully back on Ro.
"I’m part of a Court,” Aela goes on to explain with a graceful shrug of her shoulders. "We’re a small group but everyone that has come to the Pampas has a claim to intelligence, beauty, or magic.” She had told another horse once that she meant to fill Obscene’s territory with the brightest and most beautiful horses that Beqanna had to offer. Some have come from political steals and now Aela is curious to attempt a different outlet; she makes an attempt at recruiting.
Aurboro - with her memories of someplace else, attractive features, and exotic way of speaking - is tempting.
"Where did you come from?” Aela asks, because the young sabino plays the memories in her mind so clearly. She takes the opportunity (because Aela wastes none) to replay a few of them back into Ro’s mind and tilts her blazed head inquisitively, waiting for an answer. "It’s clearly not Beqanna.”
Ro lets out a content breath, joining the palomino in spying the youngsters. With a new day breaking upon the horizon, the waking seem to be bursting with energy. Squawks and squeals accompany the twiddling birds and the sounds of hooves through the foliage provide the percussion to the dawn symphony. Ro felt a twang in her heart as she watched a bachelor chase after a filly. She yearned to teach him better ways of wooing his goal. Sweet whispers and careful awareness had always won more hearts then the chase between prey and predator.
Her gaze traveled back to Aela as the mare's voice carried over the distant laughs and jests. A court? A vision of castles and dragons and damsels in distress flashed behind her eyes, and the thought made her lips twitch. She had never seen such a regal gathering of souls such as a court. Did they have different ranks? Generals and knights? Commoners and a monarch? Did the ruling party have the task of overseeing the group like an alpha mare, or did they rely more on advisors to come to conclusions?
"What an interesting thing, hailing from a court. I suddenly have many questions. "
Ro listened as Aela spoke, her attention now fully upon the golden mare. Intelligence...beauty...magic? Brow furrowed, she thought of the latter. All she knew of magic was from lullabies and fantastical stories told by the grandmothers of her former herd. She had matured with the impression that such things were just tales woven to entertain children. With a shake of her head, she pondered this latest news as she answered the questions that Aela posed.
"No, I am not from here. Beqanna you said? What a nice name..."
She thought about her previous herd. Her home. As it dissolved into dust, she had raised her hopes that someone would help keep them together. She had believed they were a family, but she was too soft to protect the land, cast aside to care for the foals. She didn't mind. In fact, her heart grew with each day she spent with children of such hard lines.
"I apologize. I seem to be flooded with memories all of a sudden. How strange. My herd...well, it's gone. Everyone moved on, and so I had to follow suit. Aela, I always though magic was nothing more then legends and stories. I'm having some difficulty believing that there really is magic in this world. Do you mean, like the magic of music or family? Surely control over actual mystical things isn't...well, a thing?"
Her eyes twinkled, her interest as peaked as it ever was as she thought of rings of fire and flying equines and souls with the ability to shift their form. Wouldn't be amazing if such fairytales came true?
@Aela OOC: No worries! same to you. My teething 8 month old is failing at this walking thing so its been a lot of chasing him around the last couple of days. XD
"Well, perhaps I can answer them for you." Aela said, and flicked her flaxen tail quietly against her haunches. She had come across untraited horses before and they usually didn't garner much attention from the Empath. The ungifted were usually disregarded by Aela, as she was always so curious to test her own powers against others.
The chestnut mare furrows her brows and Aela finds she is rather enjoying this meeting.
Aela took another step towards the sabino, attempting to catch a clearer glimpse of Auboro's memories and the emotions she was radiating. She was familiar with there being other lands beside Beqanna, but the Pampas mare rarely came across them herself. What had driven her here? What did she leave behind? How did other horses exist in other realms? She sees the barest glimpse of a herd, of days spent with foals and her lovely head tilts in the direction of the other female.
"Did you have no magic of your own?" Aela counters to Ro. For the few strangers she has encountered from other lands, she has never heard of there not being magic. It's as much a part of her as her stripes and the palomino can't imagine herself without the ability to wield flame or sense emotion. "I mean, we certainly have those that sing and there are plenty of families in Beqanna."
Large families, including her own.
A hoard of siblings and relatives that Aela never seemed able to escape from.
But the images in Auboro's mind are as clear as the summer morning they stand in. A small smile curves on the edge of her mouth and the ring of fire that the russet-hued mare imagines becomes reality as Aela surrounds them in flames. The flames aren't overly large and will burn out, as she has no desire to seem them both reduced to ash. But Aela liked the spark in the other mare's eyes and she wanted to illuminate the scope of powers that a horse could hold in Beqanna. "I have a companion who can take any shape he wishes." Aela boasts, and then flashes an image of beautiful Skandar with the constellations glowing against his dark blue skin. "Our Prince can heal almost any wound." She continues and flashes another memory of handsome Obscene, his golden scales gleaming in the Pampas sun.
Remembering that Auboro had mentioned family, Aela adds as the memories clear: "I even have a brother who could tell you your future."