"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
there’s a hole in my chest but it’s mine, baby, it’s all i got.
He has reached the dismal conclusion that his wing is, in fact, broken. He keeps it tucked close to his back with little interest in moving the limb for the time being. Eventually, his father will find him here regardless of whatever barrier shrouds the northern region now. He has stared into the depths of his father’s jaws and seen that there is neither floor nor ceiling to his rage. Yadigar stands in the clearing of Nerine where the cold wind caresses his face. Though he cannot see it, he keeps his gaze fixed on the borders of this kingdom.
He must be ready.
Each day, he gorges himself on the sheep and other prey animals that call this place home. Their blood brings him no sense of satisfaction but rather a gnawing dread in knowing that their life fuels his own. The more he devours, the larger he grows. When Ghaul finds a way to tear down their walls, the Pangean prince will be ready to answer his war cry with one of his own.
His ears turn forward when he notices a figure approaching. It lacks wings and stands a bit shorter than his father, yet he remains tensed with his healthy wing spread slightly. There are many who put their faith in the promises of glory and victory that Pangea offers. He can trust no one. Yadigar decides he must not give the impression that he is fearful of the stranger. He swallows the nervous lump in his throat and lifts his chin, takes a few steps forward in feigned confidence.
“I don’t recognize you,” he begins, tilting his head as he observes him. “I am Yadigar, the misplaced prince of the east.”
Then he laughs at his own joke and he is surprised at how genuine it sounds.
07-31-2020, 12:12 AM (This post was last modified: 07-31-2020, 12:14 AM by Dacian.)
you have forsaken all the love you've taken sleeping on a razor there's nowhere left to fall
He does not travel from the cove often, but nothing can inspire him to move quite like Aurorae failing to return in what he deemed a timely fashion. He had granted what he considered to be a sizable grace period, but as the time stretched on, so did his nerves, until they were nothing but thin, fraying threads. He knew that he could not keep her tethered to this place – there is a sane (buried) part of him that would never wish that. He liked the wildness of her, loved that she was essentially living and breathing starlight, and though he could see her, he could never quite hold her.
But the sane part of him is often eclipsed by the mad part of him. The part that thinks he can own her as if anyone could ever own the night sky. He is a possessive, unreasonable creature, though, and the thought of someone else placing their mouth in all the same places as him was enough to drive him to insanity.
He paces the northern border of the territory as night bleeds into the early dawn, his jaw clenched until the bones ache and the muscles knot.
He lets his mind run rampant with worst-case scenarios, but only a few actually involve her well-being.
Convinced that she is not returning and that he would have to find her, he leaves.
He follows the shoreline, crossing water and trekking across rocky paths, while the sun continues to rise into the sky. By the time he reaches Nerine, the land is awash in the gray morning light. For a moment, the scent of the sea – somehow different here than it was at the cove, somehow wilder, relentless – distracts him from why he was here.
He hears waves crashing against unforgiving stone, and he hears skulls cracking beneath his hooves.
He turns just as the draconic boy approaches him. Though his surprise does not register on his face, he is once again reminded of how saturated with magic this new Beqanna is.
He should not be surprised, since the fire that lies in wait within his throat was not something he had been born with.
The boy states that he does not recognize him, and though Dacian fixes his gaze on his seemingly sightless face, he does not remark on how strange that sentence sounded. “Because we have never met,” he says in that low, nearly flat tone of his, a promise of smoke curling around the words.
But he mentions the east, and he glances across him again, searching for any kind of familiarity. He was not always the most observant in areas that did not concern Aurorae, but he thinks he would have noticed him, had he seen him before. “My name is Dacian,” he extends in an almost courteous way, at least by his standards. “I live in the east, actually. The cove, to be exact.”
There is a brief pause before he continues in a way that is almost curt, though really it is just the agitation of his situation creeping into the forefront of his mind. “I'm here because I am looking for someone. Her name is Aurorae.”
your body's aching, every bone is breaking nothing seems to shake it, it just keeps holding on
there’s a hole in my chest but it’s mine, baby, it’s all i got.
He smells the smog as it seeps from Dacian’s mouth. A part of him reflexively bristles at the scent and he thinks the worst, but he keeps control. He does not even stir on the outside. Yadigar has to continue playing this part a while longer before he can show his hand. So he gives a light nod instead when the other eastern resident points out they have not met. This one doesn’t seem to know who Gar is and it eases some of the tension from his muscles to hear realize it.
“Dacian. Always a pleasure to meet another member of the Cove” he offers with no sign of joy at the words. He tilts his scaled head at the pause that lasts a little longer. He doesn’t know the name off the top of his head, so he can only offer a light shrug of his shoulders. “As far as I know, I’m the only member of the east here.”
It is a lie, but Cirilla and Tarte are certainly not the one he’s looking for.
“Do you breathe fire, Dacian?” he asks, and the question hangs in the air, loaded between them. His blind eye remains trained on the other’s face despite the way it cannot see. Slowly, it awakens and foretells a hundred different ways this talk could go. Most of them end in fire, a few in the cold spray of the sea. Yadigar has learned to be still while the scrying eye shares its secrets.
He wonders which path they’ll walk down but he says nothing more.
you have forsaken all the love you've taken sleeping on a razor there's nowhere left to fall
He has never been much for conversation, and already he is pondering the ways he can get out of this one. None of them are very detailed; truthfully, he will likely turn around and walk away. No explanation, just leave. He has never been one for being dramatic, and he doesn’t think this man is going to stop him should he turn to go.
He is still not entirely satisfied that Aurorae is not here, even though Yadigar says otherwise. His eyes look past the young boy, searching the cliffsides in the distance. She would stand out here against the gray skies and dull green. His lips tighten, and he finally drags his attention back to Yadigar, nodding his head at his answer. He belatedly realizes that he cannot see the movement, so he gives a kind of grunt in response instead.
He asks if he can breathe fire, and his eyes sharpen onto him. He is still getting accustomed to the gift, and he forgets that others might be able to smell the smoke that lingers on his breath when he speaks. Still, it was not a question many just outright asked him.
He angles his head, deliberating his answer before finally, he says, “Yes, I can.” And then, without bothering to hide the suspicion that flickers like flames in his voice, “Why?”
your body's aching, every bone is breaking nothing seems to shake it, it just keeps holding on