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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mock]  Oceane

    Since it seems we both like learning new things, how about we figure out some basic defense skills? 

    Standard rules - 
    3 attack posts. 
    Max 1000 words. 
    No time limit since this a mock and the holidays. 


    15.1 hands
    Healing, Glowing Markings, Immortality

    I can go first unless you'd like too. 


    OOC: Let me know if I need to change anything.  Big Grin
    but it's all in the past, love
    it's all gone with the wind
    I accept your terms and look forward to this adventure with you. Please feel free to begin!

    16.3 hands
    Wings, Zoolingualism

    i must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
    and all i ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by
    "Thank you," she says because who else would start a sparring match this way but the chestnut mare who stands here?

    There is unease in her stance and the way that her shoulders yield at the weight of this place says what the Taigan diplomat will not. There is uncertainty at the edges of her eyes and when she goes to meet the opalescent gaze of her Loessian partner, the crimson mare lifts her chin. Just a little but enough to summon a courteous smile and a sense of pride that the smaller mare carries with her. She is here to represent Taiga and to do something that both mares seem to want - to learn.

    The smaller chestnut is not a fighter by nature; she sports a lean and smaller frame, a lighter build that seems more suited for the peacekeeping words of diplomacy instead of clamoring hooves and throat-curdling battlecries.

    She isn't made for this but for Taiga, she will learn.

    Lilliana takes silence of the moment to study Oceane, to admire her beauty and marvel at her wings in the way that she always does. But there is a practiced edge to the gaze now, intent in the depth of those blue eyes as the copper mare studies the stature of the pegasus, the difference in their sizes and the advantage she carries with those lovely wings. (Is she really going to do this?) Bile is building and burning at the back of her throat. She feels sick and she gulps back the memories, of the way everything in her tells her that she shouldn't be here. That in all the walks of life she could have taken, this is the last place she should have ended up.

    (Lilliana knows the price that a battlefield can demand, knows all too well the way a triumphant stallion can gloat while still blood drunk on victory.)

    She remembers and she uses it as the very kindling she needs to fuel this fire. She uses the embers of those memories to spur her forward.

    Lilliana nods her head and lets the emotion build, lets it give her enough of an edge that she can nod and cast the first stone. She doesn't turn her back on Oceane and instead steps back, one step after another to put distance between where the two mares had once faced each other. Its a touch of the wind that makes her decide which way she will go and so Lilliana turns to the left, exposing a shoulder adorned with gold -  a small marking in the shape of a flame that she wears like a badge of honor. One step becomes a second and they are soon followed by a suspended trot as she stretches out her legs, sending that fire that has been burning for so long into each exaggerated stride.

    She tucks her head to her chest and it is only when she looks to meet briefly Oceane's gaze that she decides something.

    Lilliana uses that flowing energy to shift her weight to the outside on her front leading leg and when it does transfer, the Taigan twists her body and pushes her hind legs out to the right - towards Oceane. They extend towards the underbelly of the iridescent mare, hoping to find purchase beneath her wings. She focuses on sending that energy out and keeping balancing on her forefront, on not letting herself become unstable with this first attack.

    Her first move.
    A move that is the first in a statement to Beqanna that says she will play the game but she is done being a pawn.

    ooc: so this is my first battle post since... 2005? 2006? its terrible but hurray for learning
    but it's all in the past, love
    it's all gone with the wind

    O C E A N E
    Hath in her veins,
    to beat and run,
    the glad indomitable sea,
    the strong white sun.

    Oceane is not a creature of war. She does not revel in blood spilled or find a war cry invigorating; she does not pride herself in the pain she could cause in others. But Nau-Aib had taught her that she is not in the majority ─ there are others who will cause hurt for the sake of it and scream their victories loud. They think it brings them greatness.

    And perhaps it does. But she has seen too much pain to want greatness for herself in that way, and regardless of her desire to keep herself distanced from war and bloodshed, the Loessian Lady knows full well that it is a reality of their world, and to be unprepared is to be the defeated. Thankfully, though, the opaline woman had happened upon someone who feels similarly; and while neither desire to stand here with the intent of inflicting damage, they know they must learn.

    So she smiles kindly at Lilliana when the chestnut woman thanks her. "The things we must do in pursuit of knowledge..." she responds, gracefully dismissive, as the two mares take a few silent, pensive moments. Oceane considers the areas of her delicate body that Mchawi used to target: her forelegs, the fragile bones at the edges of her feathered wings, the soft flesh of her throat. The thought of these targets, of the narrow bones and warm flesh of Lilliana's legs and throat, draws discomfort through Oceane ─ but she must learn.

    The Loessian jumps into a lazy lope at much the same moment her chestnut counterpart begins to circle; she tucks her iridescent muzzle to her chest to protect her throat much the same way she had done when Mchawi used to seek her out, and settles her bright amber eyes analytically on Lilliana's movements; when the chestnut woman adjust her weight, Oceane is tense and ready ─ despite the way she pivots away, her lavender hooves digging into the hard dirt beneath her, Lilliana's hooves glance off the muscle of her flank. They cause enough of a connection to pull a grunt from Oceane's lips and a dull throb behind her barrel.

    Attempting to ignore the distraction that is proof of Lilliana's first hit, the pegasi woman turns back toward her opponent and bounds forward to make up ground; she comes to the chestnut's shoulder before attempting to use the weight of her winged body to shove the other woman off balance, her head lowered to nip at the tender flesh of her foreleg ─ but not hard ─ because while she desires to learn, she doesn't want to injure someone who had done her no wrong.

    @[Lilliana] @[star]

    neamrel / thedayofshadow

    I.... did it??????
    i must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
    and all i ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by

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