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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [private]  We all need that person who can be true to you
    Folded wings into flattening veins and fluttering eyes
    Carwyn made her way through the land Brilliant Pampas and sighed softly. Yes she was glad to be away from Ischia even if the visit was a short one. She was here mostly for a visit but she had no idea if she would be allowed here. The blue roan mare had been occupying herself with caring for her children and entertaining Ivar. She wanted to be more useful than she was at the moment. She wandered just how many call this home and who she may meet. 

    @[Aodhan] Sorry for the short and crappy starter. Also I'm not sure if you want this to be before she's pregnant or while she is pregnant with the triplets. 
    Somewhere my lifeline still hums and sings
    In the mess of all I have thrown away
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    little fire
    All that is gold does not glitter; not all who wander are lost
    The small white snake in the grass isn’t poisonous by far, and wouldn’t really have bothered anyone in his current mental state. He’s been dozing in the sun, lazily storing the autumn’s heat while a reptile still could. It’s not that he couldn’t change into something less dependent on outside heat; he just doesn’t care to, at the moment.

    However, the winged mare’s shadow made him open his eyes, and, as his green orbs and his heat-sensing organs scan the horizon for others, he finds that the pegasus seems utterly alone.

    Now, the Pampas has a way of seeming a little lonely and perhaps that’s why visitors land here so easily, much like himself at the time (though he had, repeatedly, offered a whinny for all to hear that he had arrived). Now, the shifter usually waited a bit to run up to a visitor, but he quickly decided that he would see this mare today. At the very least, she carried an Ischian smell and so far he favoured the women from that island, it seemed.

    One could argue that he should move there, but for now, he’d rather intercept them here and show them the Pampas’ brilliance.

    He shifted from his relatively small serpentine form into that of a warm-blooded hunter; a black leopard being as much out of place as he could imagine. But he needed the speed to catch up to her, and so he mewed and took off to see her.

    @[Carwyn] might be easier for timelines if she is pregnant? But I don’t really mind
    Folded wings into flattening veins and fluttering eyes
    The winged girl continued on her way through the Pampas and smiled softly. She had hear that Noah her half sister was the leader of the land. She turned when she heard something coming up behind her. She noticed that the figure was a black leopard coming towards her and watched them cautiously. She knew there was shifters within these lands and figure by the males scent that he was an equine. She gave the male a smile and said Hello, My name is Carwyn. I came here to visit with my half sister Noah. What is your name? She shifted uncomfortably trying to get comfortable.

    @[Aodhan] I'm playing her as pregnant.
    Somewhere my lifeline still hums and sings
    In the mess of all I have thrown away
    HTML by Call-pic manip by Devin
    avatar by Sprite <3

    little fire
    All that is gold does not glitter; not all who wander are lost
    The mare is not the angsty type, or perhaps she’s very smart and has figured that he’s not an actual leopard. He did his best to stand out as not-normal, this is true, he supposes. But most horses have some initial fear when they see something move their way, and she didn’t show.

    When he nears her, she greets him as she would a normal horse. He stops, extending his feline muzzle to take in her scent, then sits and purrs at her a greeting. ”I’m Aodhán. Noah and I are perhaps not that compatible at the moment,” he says as diplomatically as he can, ”so if you want to meet her, I can leave to give you two some space, if you like?” If she was home today, that was - but he hadn’t kept track of where the strawberry roan was, only that she wasn’t near him to disapprove of him in some way.

    He supposed that he had to figure things out, soon.

    @[Carwyn] I think he hasn’t noticed yet since it’s early in the season?
    The roan mare gave the male a little smile. It wasn't weird to her to come across a shifter in these lands. She lived on an island that has many different types of shifters. She listened to the males words and noted his name so that she would remember it. She said "It's a pleasure meeting you Aodhán. I'll come back another time to see Noah." She was quite excited to meet someone who she wasn't entertaining or someone who was family. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy what she did but she needed a change. 

    @[Aodhan] That sounds fine, and sorry for the short replies. I'm writing them on my phone
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    little fire
    All that is gold does not glitter; not all who wander are lost
    The baroque stallion who is now a black feline, licks his paws to wash his ears. He looks at her with big green cat-eyes, then gives a slow no. ”You’re very kind. Thank you. I’m sure she’d like to speak with you as well though. We can keep this as long or short as you like.” he still offers. That way, the decision is hers to get to know him on a deeper level or just get acquainted.

    She seemed very inquisitive about both him and the Pampas, so the feline stands. ”Would you like a tour, perhaps?” he offers. He lets the golden spots on his hide reappear, in anticipation of a change back to his normal form - the one he was born in, anyway. After all, it’s probably more polite to show her his true self, he thinks.

    @[Carwyn] phone post <3
    The hybrid mare gave a small smile to the male. He seemed like he was nice and interesting. She said "I'd love to go on a tour. I haven't been out of Ichia in a while." She was happy to have met the male. She looked at the male with excitement and fascination. She gave him a bigger smile as she spoke again. "Tell me a little about yourself?

    OOC: I'll try to have a longer and better post next
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