You know how, at the beginning, I told you this is my story? Well, here I am. You’re finally meeting me, though it’s probably not what you expected.
Hi, my name is Voracious, but I don’t really think that fits me well, so I go by Voro. I am a Peryton, but I don’t belong here. And that’s the trouble, you see. That’s why you’re here. My commander set this up so I could finally get my kill. But I don’t want to kill. I never wanted to kill.
But when you’re a Peryton, that’s supposed to be your job. It’s the worst job in the world.
What my fellow soldiers don’t realize however, is that I think I’ve finally found my chance to escape. And I’m so sorry, but that probably means you’re going to be in a lot of danger.
There’s good news and bad news. The good news? We got out. I’m still not entirely sure how, but we made it. The bad news? I got my kill. To be honest, I thought he was a soldier coming at me. With those wings, he looked like them. I guess I didn’t notice until too late. I’m not sure I’ll ever get that picture out of my head, but I don’t have time for regret. Not right now.
Congratulations on surviving Atlantis! If you guessed it was the shadows that were different, you got it right! Unfortunately not everybody can be a winner, and you guys made this an incredibly difficult round to judge.
@[Popinjay] - Your story was creative, humorous, and charming. You provided Voro with just the distraction he needed to get you guys out of there. For your aid, you have been granted Lightning Bird Shifting
@[Beulah] - Your kind determination and willingness to help was not missed. Despite not knowing Voro’s true purpose, you chose to help him anyway. For your kindness, you have been granted Angel Mimicry
@[Aislyn] - You recognized that Voro was different from all the rest, and even though you didn’t know what waited on the other side when offering your help, you did it anyway. Just like you freed the dragon from his prison. For your bravery, you have been granted Bravery Illusionism - the ability to sense when others are afraid and give them a temporary boost of bravery.
For everyone else - I wish you could all be winners. On the bright side though, you all make it back home. If you hung around, Voro shows you the way out. Those that didn’t can either follow him, or you’ll have the luck of running into a helpful little fairy that decides she doesn’t want to see you get murdered by Peryton’s (very original, I know. You’re welcome).