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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I am really trying to get back into writing because it does tend to be my happy place when I am able to devote an hour or two a day.

    So, I have Smother who I am bringing from the closet with hopes to bring her justice after not doing so for such a long time.

    I am playing her around the age of 10 or 12
    Python shifting
    Has a familiar ball python named Turkish
    Bay Tobiano

    She has only had the company of a snake for almost her entire lifetime. So, she is a little socially awkward. Right now I envision her to be under the control of Turkish. He is more of a guide to her. I don't know what turn this will take, but I am anticipating he is going to be the antagonist of her story.

    Looking for all sorts of plot ideas. Use/abuse her, manipulate her, be the hero in her story, etc. Looking for anything to help me stay committed to writing Smile

    I can promise to get done at least 2-3 posts per week, so as long as you're alright with "minor" delays, I can definitely keep up with some good plot lines.

    Anywho, let me know if this sparks any interest!
    Sounds fun!
    I have
    Aodhán / a shifter who would probably like to mimic her snake (eg be the other conscience, if Turkish is the little devil on her shoulder he can pretend to be the angel version) though I don’t know how long he would keep that up. Is otherwise sometimes naive, very much drawn to pretty things (there’s a huge age gap though so he probably won’t try to woo her)
    Leilan / A recently/soon to be heartbroken (again) ice dragon mimicker who needs a new storyline probably. I don’t know what he’ll become yet
    Ilma / Your favourite neighbourhood (grand)mother who looks like an angel but could be sassy
    And some babies coming up this season, but they’ll be slowly getting shaped

    Also I usually reply fast but I have the tendency to sometimes post once a week and sometimes post back within the hour for days at a time. I hope that’s alright...
    PS I live in Europe, so I may be working or sleeping at times you’re online


    I'd love me some Kindling grand babies <3

    I have Sinner (Rodrik x Brunhild) who is a hellhound. He pretty much is the bad side of what Rodrik should have been. He recently was Sylva leader but lost a challenge to take the throne from Castile so he has been living a wild free life of hunting and causing trouble. I think him and Smolder met long time ago briefly. He is up for anything really though he doesn't really love... and making friends is not really his thing. He just more uses people haha.

    Some others I have is Dracarys (Sinner x Valdis). She will be an adult in September, but pretty much had to grow up after dealing with a whole family thing between her father losing Sylva and learning that Castile was her grandfather. She lives in Loess now. She is pretty independent and strong-willed when it comes to what she wants. Currently trying to get dragon mimicry because she was raised thinking her blood (being hellhound/dragon) is powerfully (perhaps a bit superior than others). She could use a friend or so. Then there is Eva (Lucrezia's last kid) who lives in Ischia. She is a nereid and is mostly shy and curious about the world and others. She mostly grew up living on her own in the sea before Adria found her and learned there was more nereids out there than herself. She's up for anything as well!
    currently playing
    Astrophel | Divest | Falter

    I want to throw Oxy at her since she’s a kindling grandbby!

    But also I have Cress still, she desperately needs something to do before she’s killed off! She “lives” in Tephra but currently resides in Loess because she was stolen there and just hasn’t left yet. She’s the same Cress she’s always been, super loyal and kind but quick to anger like her dad lol.

    Also there’s Dawn, who is Ledger x Cress. She’s queen of Pangea and is super sweet, a little naive, and not totally in control of her temper (which tends to involve her rage-shifting into a polar bear). She has a complicated FWB relationship with Litotes and is currently pursuing Valek as a fling and is trying very hard not to let her past haunt her because her childhood was pretty depressing. She desperately needs friends.

    Meraxes is my tiny dragon boy, Ophanim x Anabel. Living in Loess and is best friends with his younger half brother, Malone. He has a love-hate relationship with his stepmom Starsin and constantly plays pranks on her. He just lost an eye from a quest and Malone challenges Djinni for it back in exchange for his heart, so he has mismatched eyes now. He’s sweet and playful but could definitely have a mean streak. He needs friends, potential girlfriends, etc.

    I have a ton more but those are my favorites atm lol
    I don't really write anymore

    SHELBIIIIII <3 Ahhhh hooray Smile Alright, Shelbi I feel like I owed you a Sinner post so I tossed a starter up in the Forest for us Smile

    I will pm you all about some plot ideas and we can go from there! Thanks for reaching out, super excited to post with you guys <3

    Can't wait to reunite some fire Affy Smile

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