"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
05-19-2019, 08:10 PM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2019, 10:29 PM by Jakub.)
Jakub had been on the brink of a void he wouldn't be able to return from. He could feel the energy from his inner most soul depleting, finding its way back to the earth from which all come. Ashes to ashes, how ironic. But no sooner did he accept his fate before a warm voice coaxed him back to the living and the chaos around him. His body screamed in agony as a muzzle found its way to his gapping wound, muscle fibers, tendons, and veins reconnected and skin reformed and pulled tight closing off the lose of blood. He gritted his teeth against the pain, forbidding himself to wriggle away from the healing mares touch. As quickly as the jarring pain came it left, leaving his body healed but exhausted. "Run! I will try to hold them off as long as possible while you find cover. the same mare yelled at him.
As Jakub struggled to his feet the scene around him left him baffled. He took off as quickly as he could pain still throbbing within his body. The rain began to pour dousing the raging flames as he picked his way around others facing off. Creatures sprung from the earth tearing through what ever they could get close to. Jakub pulled up short crashing down into a small form of earth, sending him back to where he belonged. Sweat mixed with rain on his hide as he pushed through the murky grounds of his home. Magma and mud burned and coated his legs and his underbelly as he made his way closer to the Volcano, he needed to help Magnus and Leliana.
He paused for a second on a newly formed platform pelted into the side of the volcano by some way word debris, he assumed. He took in the destruction of Tephra, his first home that he vowed to protect, and now she was nearly gone. He spotted those innocents he had gathered at the shoreline, the group seeming to have thinned out and a great sorrow filled his heart as rage filled his mind. Jakub pushed on closer to the top of the volcano, his body and stamina threatening to give out completely with every fumbling, climbing step. Leliana came into view along with those she had been warding off for so long, and Magnus fighting along side her protecting her like he should be.
His voice calls out across the vast volcanic top "Magnus I'm here!" As he started towards his queen and mentor, carefully picking his footing while watching the threats that may be his end, the volcano began to rumble. Tephra has finally come alive, slowly opening her mouth to take any and all she could with her on her self destructive path. Jakub's eyes glazed with fear as the magma from her core rose towards them bubbling over. Jakub ran to make a last attempt to be the protector. "Magnus, Leliana! he screamed as a portal opened beneath his feet. Time seemed to slow as he lost his footing and began to fall, his eyes catching Leliana fall from the volcano's edge towards Tephra's ground beneath. "My Queen" slipped from his lips as he fell away from Tephras grasp, her magma scorching his back as the portal closed behind him, he did not know if Magnus had heard and followed or if he was stuck within Tephra's heated grasp.
and out he came, holding his brothers heel
@[magnus] Jakub would like to talk to his mentor about his next step. I can make a starter in Sylva or hit me up on discord.
05-19-2019, 09:56 PM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2019, 09:56 PM by Brennen.)
There is a moment he worries that she will not accept his help, because he is a stranger and the danger so great, but she is either desperate, trusting, or some part of her recognizes that he is no danger to her – or some combination of the above. She takes the mental hand he is offering and the magic pours out of him and into her, bolstering her fading strength. It is easier to work through her, to add his years of practice and finesse to her intentions, and so that is how he answers her plea. There are others fighting the physical battle around them, Magnus and a boy he doesn’t recognize the closest, and his soul yearns to join them. To feel physical flesh beneath his hooves and blood in his mouth – but he forces himself to leave the physical side of it alone, and to work in concert with his granddaughter instead.
Someone comes through and snatches vision from many of them, but she doesn’t touch Leliana or Brennen – not that it would matter. They wouldn’t need eyes to see the carnage ahead of them, or the paths to try and stop it. The shield is taking an immense amount of power, and the many attacks on it at the same time – some sort of light, fire, shadows, and dirt golems, and it’s taking too much of their attention. He admires the determination she has behind it, but is starting to think they’d be better off defending individuals. He doesn’t have time for words, but as connected as they are they won’t need them. They begin to pull power from the shield for other things, and several of those allied with Loess come crashing through. Castile makes straight for Leliana but it’s handled by the earth-mover, and that is just as well as someone else demands the attention of the magic-users.
The shield becomes portals – he matches her one for one, calling to mind some of his own favorite safe havens. In the chaos, he remembers Grye and the egg on the side of the volcano – the bay snatches them directly from there to somewhere else, only half aware of where that even is. They’re in the air now, Brennen is shadowing her without even being conscious of where they are, pushing and pulling and shoving to get people out of the path of the magma’s destruction. Tephra is fast becoming a wasteland, abandoned by enemies and guards alike. Across the link they’re sharing he feels her falter, but realizes as he tries to catch her that he doesn’t have a huge reserve left either. The gold magic is gone, run out, and the portals close as she lets them go. Anyone who was stupid enough to resist being shoved, dragged, or thrown into a portal by now will have to fend for themselves.
Still, he could catch her, could spirit both of them away to a safe place. But a million futures flash before his eyes and he realizes that the easiest way to stop this – for now – is to let anyone still watching from the air or from afar to believe she has died. So instead of catching her he cushions her fall, encasing her in a protective bubble of his own blue magic as she slides under the magma. Exhaustion hits him as hard as it had hit her but he’s used to fighting through the impossible so he banks his wings and glides across the heavy thermals to drop into the ocean, his source of power, spreading his wings across the water’s surface to help him stay buoyant. Dark lids lower over his bright eyes and he drops into a state, half-asleep half-meditative, using only enough power to keep her safe under the new earth while they both rest and recharge and wait. Eventually, one of them will be rested and rouse enough to rectify the obvious issue, but for now let the world think the volcano swallowed them.
Brennen supports whatever @[leliana] does, sends his grandegg and Grye away along with everyone else, until she collapses and then he just keeps her from getting truly hurt and goes to take a long nap. :|