It's hard to say how things have come about for Kimber, a once left for dead foal in the Valley with the then child-Queen to take under her wing. Now, she stands without purpose but with plenty of attitude within the field's parameters.
Teenagers, pft.
She's that newly 18 found freedom, fuck the police, fuck my parents (she never knew hers anyway) let's do drugs, drink all night, smoke, vandalize shit. She didn't have a name to live up to so she took full liberty of that particular freedom. She has seen so many grow up beside her with this fear in their heart to be something, fulfill expectations. Expectations can fuck right off. Kimber was in that cess pool of genetics with the nebula's and cosmos's - she was black and faded to a blue; ombre type of shit. She didn't know what she wanted out of life but something called her here...maybe she was a basic like all the others, searching for 'purpose'. At a ripe age of three, she stands before you with all her angst and strength.
Prime is wasted on youth. kimber
i'm on the wrong side of heaven, and the righteous side of hell
He had a lot of ass kissing to do, and what better place than the Field? The congregating place for the homeless and the lost, the down trodden and at least two or three general wastes of oxygen. Warship had run into those types more times than he cared to think about; they didn’t last long around him. Insolence ranked high on the list of things that pissed him off, and he had never been one to keep quiet when he was pissed off. So now, he was more careful about who he approached in the Field. They had to have a certain something, that something that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. It was an aura around them maybe, or perhaps it was something in the rise and fall of their chest. Whatever it was he looked for it, carefully avoiding those with the vacant stares and drool-coated lips.
The Field was busier than usual these days, and while that was definitely something to be happy about, it didn’t make his task any easier. In fact, he had to pick even more carefully, damn near staring at individual horses to see if that had that “it” that he looked for. Finally, he spotted it. It lay on an odd-colored mare, clearly one of the products of the “Carnage turned into space a fucked everything with a vag” era. In the years following that little tryst, every other horse in Beqanna looked like space in some manner or another. But it wasn’t her coloring that called him over (though it had caught his eye) but her overall demeanor. She wore “fuck off” like he wore his scars; proudly, confidently (though she may now have known how that showed through). “Tell me what you’re looking for, and I’ll tell you if I can provide it.” he said by way of greeting, swishing his tail across his hocks and cocking a hind hoof. It was unconventional, perhaps, but so was she. And really the whole “namehomeoffer” thing got boring. If there ever was a time to mix it up, now seemed to be it. “Warship.” he offered, gazing at her impassively, as if searching for more evidence of that “it” that he was constantly looking for.
The longer she stood there the more perturbed she became. Why such thirst in FEMALES? If it's one thing she learned while being in the Valley as a young child was that women ruled the roost or at least during that time. Why beg to be considered somewhere? Perhaps some things are just genetically unavoidable.
Being a bitch was likely one of those, thanks egg donor.
Was it true that men liked bitches? Must be because a man was approaching quickly, tall, strong, black. Hmm. "No, you tell me what you bring to the table," she side eyes him, if anyone had crossed her mother they'd know those eyes were passed down to nearly all the female children; honey sweet in color but sharp like daggers. "I mean, really do you want me to say I need shelter? protection? sex? Women must be thirsty." Kimber knows nothing about sex, her demeanor probably doesn't elude to that. She's innocent as can be, her hands aren't covered in any blood, her womb fresh, her heart unbroken...but her mind is quite beautiful, even if psychologically fucked up. "Kimber."
All the best girls are psychos, right?
i'm on the wrong side of heaven, and the righteous side of hell
Children had never really been his thing, and he sure as shit hadn’t kept up with their lingo. He knew that children were given to being mouthy little assholes, and that they tended to chaff around the collar of discipline, but other than that, they were a mystery to him. And now he stood before the greatest mystery of all; a girl child dressed up in a womans high heels, with a mouth and wit far beyond her years. A part of him (a large part, he wouldn’t lie) would like to bring her to heel, take her down a peg or two. But the other part of him admired her sharp tongue and the hidden glare in her eyes. A laugh bubbled up from his throat, and he was sure in doing so he was being rude, but he didn’t much care. “What a mouth you’ve got!” he says, his tone like that of a father tsk tsking his child. “But you also seem like a clever girl. Surely there’s a brain beneath that pretty face, hmm? Clearly I’m not here looking for your womb- after all, it is breeding season, and yet I stand here calmly. So that must narrow it down. I’m from the Chamber, army specifically.” he says easily, cocking his head in amusement. “You seem like you’ve got a lot going for you, your smart mouth not withstanding. You’d do well in our ranks.” and he’s more serious now, thinking how well she would fit in with Straia. “Also,what does women being thirsty have to do with anything? When I’m thirsty, I go get a damn drink. Surely women don’t need pointed in the direction of a watering hole?”