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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    color genetics
    Hello friends,

    Is there somewhere to request that in-depth color genetics code that I'm seeing everywhere? I've played with that "horse color genetics" site and I can't seem to make it do what I want it to. 

    do you mean just knowing the color genetics of your characters?
    if so, i’m a nerd and would love to do that for anyone :p
    I was also about to volunteer to do color genetics because I love them hahahaha.

    J'adore I think all new babies are getting genetic codes assigned but old horses it's up to you to find them or get someone to find them for you if you want them. :3
    I just want to know what my girl Raewen would be (because I'm curious). She's a red roan blanket appy. Anyone want to try that??

    Big Grin
    Can you tell us what colors you image her parents to be? She's for sure ee and Lplp but other options are going to be variable but color of parents could help.
    hmmm good question. Maybe a red roan crossed with a chestnut blanket? With my luck there's no way that would yield my pony... but -fingers crossed-
    with two chestnut parents, the only thing for sure is that she's ee and Lplp, like Devin said
    she could be ee aa Lplp, ee Aa Lplp, or ee AA Lplp

    appy genetics are still pretty up in the air as far as science and testing goes, so its really up to you is you want her to be AA, Aa or aa when it comes to agouti. A is what causes bay, so basically the more captial A you have, the higher the odds are that she'll have a bay based foal. That's a simplification since it does depend on the potential father too, but since she's a lineless horse you can really make up whatever you want when it comes to genetics. Since she's a rocky mountain horse, she could theoretically carry silver too (though it wouldn't show up since she's chestnut).

    If you want to spice up her odds of throwing interesting/unique foals every time, I'd say your best option for her genetics would be something like: ee Aa Lplp Zz
    may I suggest playing around with this site http://www.animalgenetics.us/Equine/CCalculator1.asp
    Also http://www.jenniferhoffman.net/horse/hor...0200701021 where you can input the code you get from site 1 into site 2 and see a basic idea of what the horse may look like.
    Kindred- Loess
    Oh wow this got intense! Thanks everyone! Can someone tell me what the Z stands for?

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