"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
The two are in tandem again, beating a steady tempo into the sands as they fly alongside each other. This time, though, they’re not in the battlegrounds and Longclaw certainly hasn’t agreed to put away his traits for the benefit of the older stallion. He dives ahead, plunges into the pace of their competition and smiles wickedly when, all of a sudden, he’s pushed himself closer to the bigger brute. It takes only one motion for him to jerk a blue-colored shoulder into his opponent, to slam the weight of his smaller frame against Diable in an attempt to knock him off balance before switching leads to jerk away again.
A pleasant nudge, of sorts, one he knows Diable can easily brush off - but he wants his peer to know, “There’ll be tricks ahead, so bring your A-game…”
Down the shoreline they plummet, Pegasi without wings yet they seem only a blur of color to any who might happen to glance at them passing. “You think you have a chance, old dog?! Longclaw shouts, eager to boast and following the prick with raucous, bellowing laugh. “Try this!” He yelps, turning to look ahead once more as a low wall of blue-white flame springs up from the sands.
It’s meters ahead; they have plenty of time to plan a jump and Longclaw has no intentions of purposefully hurting his newfound comrade, but there’s also no avoiding it if Diable wants to stay in the running. They’ll both have to leap and besides: where’s the fun in a normal race?
@[Diable Rouge] I'm winging it, so if you want anything changed just let me know!!
Diable Rouge holds no abilities, no traits, he must rely simply on his speed and his strength to help him win the race against Longclaw.
A friendly, yet powerful nudge from the blue stallion moves Diable Rouge a tad to his left. He lets a laugh escape him as his young friend yells taunts his way...this race was definitely going to be an interesting one.
"Try this!" Longclaw shouts, and suddenly a wall of blue flames appears in front of them. Diable Rouge had seen his opponent's powers before, but never like this. And since there was no way to avoid it without jeopardizing the race, he figures he has no choice but to jump it.
He dips his head, forcing himself to gain speed. His heart beats rapidly in his ears as he comes up to the warg's side, and with a burst of energy, jolts into his shoulder like he had done not moments before. The chaser lets out a laugh.
"Turns out this old dog does have some tricks!" He says, grinning as he pushes forward towards the wall of fire. When he finds himself close to it, he uses his back legs to catapult into the air, curling his front legs towards his chest. His red body soars over them, and he allows his front half to catch him on his descent. A quick stumble, and he is back to galloping along the beach, excited to see what Longclaw would do next.
in the eye of a hurricane, there is quiet.
@[Longclaw] lol no this is fun! Rou's actually enjoying it a lot lmao.
With a crack, Longclaw’s forelegs jerk up to his chest and, trailing now behind the stream of Diable’s fiery tail, leaps to clear the low wall of fire. The stark reply his peer had given only serves to paste a permanent grin over Claw’s mouth; that old dog sure did have some tricks up his sleeve.
He pounds ahead. The strides he’s lost from manifesting the wall must be regained, Longclaw struggles to extend his gait to the fullest as they streak over the Tephran shoreline. On hooves he’ll never be able to beat the lankier stallion but to his surprise, the beach is beginning to curve away from them and ahead Claw can spot the worn opening to a common trail. “You bested me in this body, I’ll give you that Diable.” He shouts out, legs thrumming beneath him as he switches leads.
“But I wonder how deft those long legs are when they’re up against the wolf!” He yells, pushing off to lunge forward with a mighty burst of power. His body transforms, mid-leap, trading blue skin for silver fur, hooves for adept toes, and a soft nose for a mouth riddled with sharp teeth. When he lands, the newly-transformed animal twists aside to bound down the shadowy path. “Come if you dare!” The predator growls, slipping easily between root and branch.
Even if Diable chooses to end the race, to take his win and turn his focus to other things, Longclaw will simply continue until the scent of his companion fades away.
Diable Rouge enjoys the company of his blue companion. As quickly as his anger had began, it subsides, simply a faint fizzle in his mind. His business with Karaugh is far from over, but he will soon find he will have an easier opportunity to confront her. But for now, he continues to gallop in front of his friend.
That is, until the other stallion trades his sleek blue pelt for silver fur, and shifts easily into a wolf. The canine bolts past the rusty stallion, and with a whooping laugh, Diable Rouge follows to the best of his abilities.
"You certainly got me there!" He shouts from behind, slowing his pace to a canter. He isn't so foolish to think he could beat the predator, but in the company of Longclaw (whether wolf or equine) he doesn't feel so stressed.
A realization causes Diable Rouge's brows to furrow. It seemed as if the blue warg was the closest thing he's ever had to a friend. It is sad, but true. In his youth, the chaser hadn't much use for allies; he was simply better off alone. Ellyse was a wonderful acquaintance, but her business with Tephra didn't allot her much time for social interactions, and although he adored Tangerine, their relationship was short-lived. The twins and Kaiode were children, and AuroraElis was his lover. He had never had another stallion to just have "guy time" with.
With a soft huff, he lets himself stop. His heart is racing heart racing, his lungs burn, his body is sweating profusely. "Maybe one day I'll get some magic, then you'll be no match!" He jests, walking over to the wolf.
in the eye of a hurricane, there is quiet.
@[Longclaw] Rou tried his best to follow but was like "awh damn i'm no match for a wolf" xD We could continue guy time here, or in another post, or just wrap it up if you'd rather? It's up to you.