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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    keep a little fire burning; solace & svedka
    Keep a little fire burning;
    however small, however hidden.

    "OOOOoooOOOoohh, child, things are gunna get easieerrrr," Smoak sings loudly as he roves through Tephra, his belly full and happy and ready for adventure. His hazel eyes drink in their volcanic home as he bounds over narrow lava streams and skirts playfully around wider ones, head perpetually thrown high in anticipation for the unknown. He's seen some other kids around, though none with bits of bone like him, and when he'd questioned Mom about them, she said to be proud. And so he is, with playful smirks and powerful strides.

    But, he has discovered, that if he wants to be wise like Mom, he will have to learn as much as he can by making new friends, and so the champagne colt had set off this morning in search for the blue-accented twins he'd seen near Tephra's creek the day before. They'd seemed nice enough, and their Dad was pretty cool looking. They could probably be good friends.

    Smoak hums the same line to his song as he nears the bank, his small hooves beating rhythmically along the length of the creek, making sure to avoid the occasional path of plasma that intercedes. "Hello?" he calls, "Twins?" The bone-armored colt is patient in his search, though, and he continues down the creek, letting it take him wherever it goes.

    lineart colored by sanaa

    @[Solace] @[Svedka]


    Solace trudged across the open landscape with her eyes downcast. Each tiny hoof struck the ground with more force than was necessary to carry her lithe frame. Clods of dirt crumble as she intently steps on each one, enjoying the satisfying crunch as the turn to powder under her pale hooves. 

    Svedka. Is. So. So. SO.

    So annoying. 

    Each step has its own emphasis as she simmers internally. She wanted to be more like her sire, so noble and level headed, but Svedka made her CRAZY sometimes. UGH. If he would just listen to her maybe he wouldn't get into so much nonsense. 

    The girl's lungs expand as she takes in the deepest breath she can, Tang said that helped you think better if you get angry, and reluctantly pulls her gaze away from the ground. 

    If her lung's hadn't been full she would have gasped. The buckskin and cream filly had been heading to the creak her family liked to frequent, just to get a little space, and there she sees someone she had never noticed before. Someone pale like her brother and the same age too. Her anger melts away and she lets out her breath in a thin high whinny. 

    Her vibrant blue eyes are full of curiosity as she approaches the colt. "I'm a twin!" Now that she is closer she replies to the words she just managed to catch. "But sometimes I wish I wasn't!" as soon as the words leave her mouth she regrets them, but not enough to take them back. They were true after all- sometimes she did wish she was an only child. 

    you are my sunshine

    I'm so excited for the three of them!
    @[Svedka] @[Smoak]


    the secret of the world is written in the stars

    He’s with his sister (because when is he not?), exploring and venturing throughout Tephra together, like they always did. Sometimes Svedka would prefer to be venturing alone, but he found that his mother and father would allow him to do more things if Solace was with him. He’d try to lose her on some days when he was bored, just to see her fret and worry about losing her brother, but eventually he would grow tired of it and reveal himself. She would be angry at him, but her anger was exceptionally entertaining so he did not mind the gentle rake of her teeth against his neck in frustration, though the look of happiness when she saw him emerge from his hiding place let him know that she did truly care for him immensely. But then she of course would tell father of his little ‘trick’ that he played on her and then he’d get in trouble again, which is most likely the reason he wasn’t allowed to go anywhere on his own just yet. 

    Solace is trudging before him, leading him to the creek that they visit nearly every day. He’s farther back, becoming distracted by every little thing he passed, lingering to romp or roll in the grasses, or to give chase to some seagulls who had made their way inland. Currently he’s flopped on the ground after tripping over his own hooves, the cool dirt and grass giving him a break from the sweltering heat. The tall grasses cover him and if Solace were to look for him he would be unseen, so he lingers on the ground a few moments longer. The humid wind plays with his short mane, a red and black feather that his mother had tucked carefully behind his ears twisting in the breeze. It had been a gift, his mother always tells him (Solace had gotten one too), and they should wear it proudly. It had something to do with something he didn’t quite understand yet, but he did rather like the idea of wearing something that was special to his mom. 

    He hears the voice at the same time Solace does, and immediately he lifts himself up, his tiny ears peeking over the grasses. To him, it suddenly became a race to see who could get there first. He didn’t announce to his sister that it was, in fact, a race – but that should be known without saying. He leaps forward into a clumsy canter, his body covered in dust and sweat, his spindly legs carrying him towards the voice – he rushes past Solace, nearly bumping into her as he races forward. He is too young to think that any voice he heard would be a bad one, and does not hesitate to slide to a breathless stop in front of another pale colt, his wistful blue eyes searching him blatantly and curiously. 

    Svedka laughs at Solace’s statement, for nothing she could say could truly offend him. He wrinkles his nose at her, prancing on tiny hooves in jest. “I’m going to tell dad you said that!” He threatens her with a gentle whine in his voice, stretching his neck forward to tug playfully at the two-toned color of her short forelock. He leaps away, knowing that she’d either try to bite him or yell at him, which either way would be fun for him.

    The colt firmly plants himself beside the pale colt that had called them, tilting his head curiously as he compared their shoulders. “That’s supposed to be on the inside, I think.” Svedka muses, reaching forward to sniff curiously at the white bone that protrudes from the colt’s shoulder.

    @[Smoak] @[Solace]
    Keep a little fire burning;
    however small, however hidden.

    Smoak continues down the riverside with a bounce in his step and a bright glint of happiness in hazel eyes that match Ellyse's. He doesn't expect to find the Twins easily, and is in fact quite ready for an adventure, but it's with happy surprise that the bone-armored colt hears small hooves reverberating against the earth behind him. He spins happily in the long grasses, pivoting his lithe champagne body in a half circle so that he's facing the way he'd come, gaze falling on the two blue-accented foals that approach him.

    "Hey! Twins!" he calls out excitedly, as the palomino colt races by his sister. Smoak laughs good-naturedly, his small hooves beating rhythmically against Tephra's soft ground as he prances in place, head tossing and short, wispy forelock flailing. He laughs warmly at the young filly and her confession, his hazel eyes darting to her brother in anticipation for the colt's response. He handles the jab in stride and Smoak is already a fan of their easy jesting as the pair come to a halt, the filly before him and the colt beside him.

    Smoak flexes his shoulder and extends his leg outward to allow the blue-maned colt a chance to inspect the bone plating, a proud smirk weaseling its way onto his maw as he scoffs at the other boy's observation. "It's exactly where it's supposed to be, thank you very much," the young son of Ellyse and Dahmer states artlessly, but with childlike innocence.

    "Where did you get your feathers from? They're pretty cool. I'm Smoak, by the way. Ellyse is my Mom. She's the Head of War," he adds as a finisher, with a shrug of his tiny, bony shoulders. "What are your names? Do you want to play?"

    lineart colored by sanaa

    @[Solace] @[Svedka]


    All of Soalace's grumpiness disappears as she sees their new friend prance and laugh. Smoak's happiness is contagious and she can't help but give a little buck as Svedka tugs on her forelock and spins away. "I don't think you will!" She laughs in response to his treat "Because, for every one tattle you have on me, I have three on you!" And her eyes sparkle at her tiwin as if to say 'and because you know it's not really true'

    But she has a moment of panic as Svedka blurts out something which is obviously very impolite, dreading that they will lose their newfound companion if they are not nice. But the other palomino colt takes the comment in stride - he seems to be as curious and eager to be friends as they are.

    She decides to try her hand at greeting a stranger the way she had seen her father intercept a newcomer at the Tephra border one time.  Her little body stills and she raises her head high on her skinny neck. "Hello Smoak, I am Solace and this is my brother Svedka. We are very pleased to meet you." She speaks with a formality that would be very comical to an adult onlooker but is completely serious for her. But after a moment her concentration breaks and his offer of a game is all too tempting. "A game would be fun! Let's play Kingdom! I Want to be Queen! And Smaok, you can be the Head of War and Svedka can be the bad guy." She scrunches her nose at her brother before sliding up to Smoak and giving him a queenly smile.

    you are my sunshine

    @[Smoak] @[Svedka]


    a quote goes here

    It’s his first time ever meeting a stranger that was their age, which was rather interesting for the curious palomino and ivory colt, who seems to not have learned to filter his thoughts before speaking them. Perhaps this habit would change with age, but until then, Svedka wears his mind on his sleeve. The matter-of-fact retort from his new found friend (to Svedka, everyone is a friend nearly immediately – he has no concept of someone being mean) causes the colt to raise his head in quiet surprise, a satisfied smile creeping onto the pale gold of his lips. Without hesitation he nips Smoak playfully on his equally pale shoulder, laughing good-naturedly. Smoak easily fits within the tapestry that is the twins, for the first time becoming three instead of two.

    Svedka’s brilliant blue eyes follow the hazel-green of Smoak’s as he traces the delicate bone of the feather with his gaze, it’s black and red hue standing stark against Svedka’s pale and patterned neck. Mimicking Smoak, he stretches his neck out in a proud boast, showing his friend the twisted feather that lay there. “It’s from my mom,” he says proudly, his eyes fluttering closed as he allows Smoak to investigate. 

    As always, Solace perks up in the conversation, her tinkling and shining voice carrying beautifully over the banter between the two young boys. His golden lids open slowly and his blue eyes finds hers, his tail flicking behind him as a soft snort leaves him simultaneously. So proper and frigid, yet full of pride as she announces their names. He muzzles his smart quip that he knows would start a fight between them, distracted by the idea of a game. Svedka loves games, though his games are not what Solace normally wants to play. 

    The twin nearly rolls his eyes in exasperation at his sister’s jovial idea of playing kingdom (how boring!), but is not able to do so because his demeanor changes as she gives Svedka his role to play. He grins mischievously, lowering his head slightly and pinning his ears in pretend anger. 

    “You better run then, queen!” he shouts as a challenge before quickly giving chase to his sister.

    @[Solace] @[Smoak]
    Keep a little fire burning;
    however small, however hidden.

    The colt nips gently at Smoak's shoulder, causing the young son of Dahmer and Ellyse to shy playfully to the side, his hind hooves thrown skyward in excitement over his new companions. He tosses his head and prances in place for a moment, full of newfound energy, but he pauses briefly enough to return to the blue-eyed colt's side to inspect the red and black feather in his mane. "Cool!" Smoak offers vivaciously as his nostrils flare to sniff at the sea brine in both the feather and the boy's blue-accented mane.

    The filly and her lilting voice draw Smoak's hazel eyes back to her and he plays the part of the polite diplomat in response, his own champagne head raised upward in formality with a more controlled smile taking its place on his maw. "And I am very pleased to meet both of you, Svedka and Solace," returning the filly's attempt at diplomacy before they are all thrown once more into excitement over the potential of a game. Solace sidles up to Smoak and he grins happily, his own head now tucked defensively to his bone-plated chest as he slips into his role as Head of War. Svedka is quick to play the part of the bad guy and the three of them are off, running through the fields of Tephra and over the lava streams as Solace leads the way and Smoak playfully nips at Svedka's sides and flanks, each stride large and bounding.

    His own ears playfully tuck against his skull and Smoak squeals loudly to get the attention of the bad guy before halting suddenly, his lanky legs splayed in a powerful stance. "Hey! Bad guy! Come face me, if you dare!" he yells to Svedka before rearing up and kicking his forelegs into the sky. "I will defend you, my Queen!" he calls out to Solace, now fully immersed in their game.

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    @[Solace] @[Svedka]


    Warrick's daughter is pleased when Smoak returns her diplomatic gesture, but she finds she is doubly pleased as both colts jump at her idea for a game. With a happy squeal, she is off tearing across the open grassland at Smoak's heels, her fluffy blue and white tail held high. Delighted to be the center of attention - she is nearly beaming as the trio bounds across Tephra. Solace puts on another burst of speed momentarily forgetting their game in her exuberance. Each day she found that she was faster and stronger and she would never grow bored of the wind in her face. 

    But as Smoak stops to challenge Svedka, Solace bounces to a halt- once again a queen and a player in their game. Smoak rears up and her blue eyes flash to her twin - trying to read him and anticipate if he has any tricks she would not approve of which he plans on playing on their new friend. 

    "Stay back, villan!" She says in a tone which strongly contradicts her words with its excited inflection. She paws the earth with her front leg and lowers her head the way she had seen a stag do once, but her threat does not reach her face. She had never been a good actress - but she had never really needed to hide anything.

    you are my sunshine


    the secret of our world is written in the stars

    Smoak does not hesitate to begin the game, immediately challenging Svedka and offering his protection to Solace, the queen. Svedka grins, throwing his head upwards with what he was sure sounded like a screaming battle cry, which in truth merely ended up as a high-pitched (and rather excited) whinny. He slides to a halt and pivots to face Smoak, just as the colt rears before him, and Svedka’s pale legs tuck neatly beneath him as he comes to meet Smoak, matching his friend’s rear with his own. 

    Solace’s voice chimes and Svedka’s blazing blue gaze shifts to her as he lands solidly from his upright stance. With his chest rising and falling with his gasps for breaths, he matches Solace’s pawing at the ground, pinning his ears against the cropped blue and white of his short mane, lowering his head and doing his best to neigh low enough to be considered threatening. But the smile on his lips never disappears, he is having too much fun to get fully into character. 

    “I am the rightful king!” he shouts, suddenly spinning and kicking up his heels in an excited buck. “I will have my throne, once I steal all of your magic from the volcano! I’ll be unstoppable!” In a quick change of events, Svedka now turns to race away from them, playing along with the imaginary story he quickly made up, and begins to run towards the billowing volcano in the distance. 

    The young colt glances over his shoulder as he gallops to see if his friend and Solace were following. He knows that the volcano’s base is off limits, with its slow moving lava and boiling water and gas, and though that may be the case, they technically could still go near it, right? Besides, there really is magic in the volcano – father had told him that.


    @[Solace] @[Smoak]
    Keep a little fire burning;
    however small, however hidden.

    Smoak is thrilled as they all immerse themselves in their characters. He envisions a crown upon Solace's head and dark, foreboding music in the background whenever he turns his gaze towards Svedka. The young colt grins at the thought, his upright stance simply oozing the confidence of a Head of War. When they take off across the grasslands, still in pursuit of the young Queen (wow, she's fast, he thinks to himself), the bone-plated boy tries to keep the maturity in his facial expression and in the way he carries himself, but he's much too excited to maintain that effort for more than a few seconds.

    Svedka matches Smoak's playful rear and the young champagne colt bursts into laughter. The break in character lasts only briefly, however, as Solace's threat to the bad guy rings through the air behind him. He nods with certainty, his own small chest puffed up and his ears hidden playfully against his skull. "You were never be king!" he shouts to Svedka and then takes off after the blue-streaked boy, determination on his face as they sprint for the volcano. "Ha! The volcano monster will stop you before you even get close!" Smoak yells to the villain, his small hooves moving him skillfully over branch and stream. "He was born in the volcano, he has all of its power! He will carry you into the volcano, never to be seen again!" the son of Ellyse pictures @[Offspring] the Volcano Monster in his head, and the way the black stallion simmers with heat.

    With a burst of speed, the bone-plated Smoak pulls up beside Svedka with long strides and wide nostrils. Taking special care to avoid the plasma streams like the ones near Dad's hiding place, he throws a playful buck and checks over his shoulder to be sure that the Queen is still there.

    "My Queen! You will need to be the one to command the volcano monster!"

    lineart colored by sanaa

    @[Solace] @[Svedka]

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