"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
04-14-2017, 10:04 AM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2017, 10:09 AM by Waylan.)
I'm just a poor boy. I need no sympathy. ( because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low )
His boys are young, one was strong while the other was weak, but both shared the same problem. They avoided their training, and duties, just as his own pathetic sisters and brothers had when he was a child. But this won't suffice. He won't stand on the side lines watching his children, waste away like the many pathetic pieces of flesh upon this earth. They will train, and they will enjoy it, even if he had to drive them to he brink of insanity. It was necessary for tier survival within these lands, he will not watch their blood be spilled upon this forsaken earth, they were his pride, and his effort. And he will not waste any time further, they needed to learn now, while they still remained innocent, once their innocence was broken he could no longer control them, they would rebel. And Waylan can't have that now can he?
So the silver haired monster, hunts elsewhere dragging back creatures into Pangea's grounds leaving them injured and vulnerable within an abandoned canyon, his training grounds. The more he gathered, the more he felt prepared, he had rabbits and mice, deer fawns, and many other rodent creatures, all of which would soon meet their sweet demise.
The sweet smell of rotting flesh encompasses the area, for many creatures held incurable wounds and infections, illnesses contracted from the lack of nourishment within the decaying land. The perfect victims for his very own son's torture, his training.
And by the time he's ready, gather up the many injured, and ill creatures of Beqanna within his very own prison, he calls upon the boys. Hailing their names like a battle call, amongst the warring grounds, "KOVAS." He pauses between names. "IMPERIAL." His words linger for a moment, echoing off of the decaying sediments upon the canyons very own walls, and he waits for them. His training grounds left open, awaiting for the presence of his children and who else dared to delve into his methods of torture.
any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me
04-21-2017, 09:41 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2017, 09:41 PM by Imperial.)
Doesn't the blue flame burn hotter?
IMPERIAL... A spine quaking shiver sent through his entire body as the sound enter his ears. Immediately they flattened. Blue eyes widened as he stood frozen... Waiting... Listening... Wishing that like his father he could turn into a ghost. Disappear without notice. But he couldn't, he would have to swallow his organs that were creeping up his throat and answer his calling. If he didn't worse things were to come he was certain..
His smallish hooves felt like blocks of iron as he forcefully dragged his sorry carcass towards his voice. Procrastinating as much as potentially possible. His brother had seemed to escape. Lucky bastard. Soon the chocolate and cream stallion was in view. His devil eyes locked upon his small form. He glanced about cautiously, taking note of the half dead creatures crying out. They were scattered, some mangled, some just a tad broken. They were held captive, much like him- to no fault of their own. Fearing his father's gaze but forced to look up. Much too soft surfaced, "Yes, Father?"...
I'm just a poor boy. I need no sympathy. ( because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low )
It doesn't take long for one to muster up the courage to approach, but it seems the other. The child of strength and potential, had some how escaped under Despayr's watch. Foolish sister, to think she could release Kovas from his iron shackles, well she had another thing coming, and she surely would be sorry for her lack of perception.
So when his own boy arrives, a wicked smile curls upon his velvet lips. Imperial was dumb, and pathetic beneath his rather charming exterior, and we needed to fix that. Waylan needed to make a man out his boy, just as his father had made him. In order for his son to be strong and ligament, it was necessary to drive his boy forwards, perhaps even past the breaking point, but for anything this was for his boy, not for himself. If Imperial was to survive in Pangea, the meek lamb must learn to be the wolf amongst the flock. This boy needed to rise up.
His crimson gaze flickers around curiously, fixating upon injured creatures that limped about. And without warning, he fires, "Choose your victim." His words, are barbed and posionous, as he gestures his wickedly handsome crown towards the wallowing animals in the canyon. His gaze follows the boy for a moment before he disappears, and with a rather malicious cackle he expels his directions, "And when you've chosen your victim; Do you worst." Silver whisps of mane flicker in and out of sight, as he watches, and examines his boy's technique and choices.
any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me
The colt was growing stronger each day. Gone were the wobbly legs and baby fluff. Silver mane and tail stood out against his black coat. Brilliant blue eyes gems upon his crown. Though he did not have any special abilities like Father he had heart. He carried compassion upon his shoulders. A strength to some but weakness to others. Others like his Father...
When his father had called him by name, he showed. And as his wicked grin formed upon his lips Imperial knew what was to come. Looking about then back to those blood red eyes piercing through him. Choose your victim... Again he glanced about knowing they all were already victims, not really his either. Taking note of a few birds, a fawn and Fox kit scattered amongst the sandy soil of Pangea. A brightly colored songbird caught his attention. He moved towards it with his muzzle low to the ground. Examining it upon closer distance it was laying upon it's back. Once flawless plumage was ruffled and bloodied. It's chest heaved deeply with each labored breath. Tiny black eyes half closed as it neared death. His muzzle close he breathed a couple warm puffs of air onto the creature. A slight saddness in his eyes but he did not let father see...
Ebony ears flipped back and pressed firmly against his skull. Crown shot up straight and muzzle tucked to his chest as he hammered down upon the suffering bird with his forelimbs. Iron hooves striking, a slight crunch and that was it. He knew it was over without a second glance. Nares flared as his icey blue eyes found his father's crimson stare. Ears still flattened as he waited for evaluation...