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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    ANY-|-gonna give you my love, every inch of my love
    The cream and pale blue stripped tiger rolls onto his back. Sharp, thick teeth are flashing as the he stretches out his paws towards the sky, claws glinting under the hazy autumn day. He rolls to his side in a thud and slowly drags himself to his feet. Ice blue eyes blink up at the sky as he pads to the water's edge for a cool drink. Aquilo contemplates how to spend his day.

    The tiger finishes his drink before he moves to shift to his equine form.

    The young cream and blue stallion stands now with a small smile curling across his lips, pale eyes scanning the meadow. He looks for some company or perhaps a curious face. The youth really did not have much of an agenda and that was fine by him but he could use a bit of conversation. Limbs move his frame through the brown grasses with ease. Now that the mare were pregnant and the season of rut is passed, the women are satisfied with filled wombs and the stallions have since mostly lost interest.

    But not far from where he stands, he notices another horse drifting like a leave on a pond's surface, drifting drifting drifting. "Hello there." His voice is cool and fluid as the words drip from his lips, a pale eye offered along with the playful tug of a smirk.

    color changing, tiger boy of taiga

    okay i hate starter posts :|

    Oh the outcast dreams of acceptance,
    just to find pure love's embrace

    Brisaeys often avoided the meadow. It was far too likely that one of her twisted family members would pop out of the woodwork and try to bring her home. She had grown up in the Silver Cove because of her dreadful mother, but was often abused for not being a descendant of their "one true god" Khaos. Brisaeys was different, better. She was the daughter of Carnage, not that he would want anything to do with her, the cripple that she was. Brisaeys was delicate, taking after her father's build more than her mother's, and pretty enough. But the noticeable limp, and slightly less noticeable shortened forelimb still branded her an outcast even among the wild and varied horses in the rest of Beqanna.

    Today was a different day for the girl. She was in high spirits, Autumn being her favorite season, and the cooler air and light walk would be good for her. The oranges and reds of the trees surrounding the meadow made her feel less lonely, their colors so close to her own marbled coat. She wanders to the edge of a nearby pond and watches contentedly as leaves twirl in the light breeze, dancing across the water, the wind fluttering locks of her dark mane. She is so lost in her own thoughts that she doesn't hear the approach of another.
    "Hello there."

    The smooth voice in her ear causes the delicate mare to jump. Her buckskin coat, covered with swirls of orange and teal like a galaxy, stands on end and her doe brown eyes widen at the stranger as she lets out a tiny gasp. "Oh hello! I'm so sorry, I thought I was alone." Her legs try to slip out from under her in the squelchy pond mud as she flashes the pale stranger a timid smile. "My name is Brisaeys. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She feels a rush of embarrassment as she glances down at her mud splattered legs. Why was she so awkward? A quick glance back to the man before her nearly has her stuttering. "Umm, the leaves are gorgeous this time of year aren't they? I don't usually come out here, but to day felt like a good day for a walk." She flushed again when she realized she was rambling a bit, "So do you have a name too? I mean of course you have a name, but I mean will you tell me your name? Ugh I mean, Hi! my name's Brisaeys it's a pleasure to meet you, but maybe I should go before I shove my hoof any further in my mouth."

    Brisaeys . Mare . Warlander Hybrid . Nebula Buckskin

    The young stallion watches the mare, an easy smirk still stretches over hi lips as he watches, listens, notices the way she moves under his gaze. She is an awfully pretty thing with the ill fortune to be damaged. Aquilo has noted the tangle of her legs, how she rocks with the shorter one but it does not deter him.

    The sound of her small voice matches the elegant delicacy of her form. She is speaking, words tumbling out mindlessly as she stands tall and still, watching with the pale blue of his eyes. Quil does not like that he has startled her but he had thought she had hear his approach. The little dove was nearly shocked to death.

    Oh dear.

    "Brisaeys." Her name is smooth and exotic as it rolls from his tongue. "I'm sorry to have started you. I'm Aquilo but call me Quil." Another easy smile glides over his lips as he attempts to decelerate the situation. "What brings you to the meadow?" Lashes fall and lift over the sky blue eyes as he nears her, watching the way the swirls ripple over her body in one of the most facinating coats he has ever seen.

    color changing, tiger boy of taiga

    Oh the outcast dreams of acceptance,
    just to find pure love's embrace

    Brisaeys stops her sputtering as soon as she hears the first sounds of her name rolling off the tip of his tongue. Had it always sounded that beautiful? Or could it be that she had just never heard it poured like silk from the lips of someone such as the statuesque stallion before her. Her eyes are transfixed as she watches the smile tug on his lips. Following each word as it rumbles out in a sweet baritone to become a symphony in her ears.

    "Quil" she tastes his name and finds she quite likes the way it feels, "It is a pleasure to meet you." Her words are softer now, less frantic as she grows accustomed to his presence. He is unlike anybody she had ever met before. So calm and collected, the color of ice. Everyone else in her family was either golden or purple, to see someone so different was refreshing. And the fact that they were speaking and he didn't seem to want anything from her, Brisaeys was in heaven. Her interactions with others were so few and far between, and normally this would be about the time she would make her polite escape, but she had grown kinda tired of running from her horrible siblings. Perhaps she could stay a little while longer.

    "I don't often come to the Meadow, but Autumn is my favorite season, and I thought I would try to catch the last of the leaves before all the color was gone for winter." She smiles shyly at him, eyes gazing up at the stallion from under her thick lashes. "What brings you out here?" she twists her shortened limb in the mud, wishing she could pretty herself up a little.

    Brisaeys . Mare . Warlander Hybrid . Nebula Buckskin

    He smiles at her. Wide and genuine. She is a pretty thing with a darling face and even sweeter voice. Quil enjoys her lovely company openly.

    "Ah yes, the Meadow." He remarks with a swift glance around them. The fall of fiery leaves, the lone caws of crows, an occasional rustle from squirrels as they hurry to gather  their stores for the winter. "Out for a stroll I suppose." He rolls his shoulders with a slight shrug with a small smile to accompany it. "And you, Bris?" The young stallion takes the liberty of shortening her name, ears forward as he listens for her reply.
    color changing, tiger boy of taiga

    this reply is so short and so late, feel free to not reply. I just have limited time and I am so so sorry.

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