"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
02-14-2017, 03:02 AM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2017, 03:09 AM by Levi.)
The sun is unbearable, its unyielding, obscene light blinding and pure. The immense, scathing heat of the midday is provoked by its radiance, causing the ground below to simmer slowly with its scalding incandescence. A single bead of sweat brushes across his youthful cheek, staining the russet hair that lay so neatly against the curve of his jawline. His nostrils flare and his chest heaves with a soft but heavy sigh, his mismatched eyes peering across the barren plain, as lengthy tendrils of wheat delicately stroke the length of his wiry legs and the soft line of his underbelly. The day is young, yet undeniably droll and without luster. It is too quiet, sans the distant echo of chirping and the quiet bubbling of a nearby brook, and he cannot shake the uneasy feeling that has since settled within the pit of his stomach.
He does not often wander so far, but there is only so much intrigue one can have in such thick, slow rivets of lava, and only so much amusement can be had from the occasional, threatening rumble from the volcanic peak itself. His father is quiet, stoic – a man of too few words, and often absent from sight. His mother is kind, gentle, and yet preoccupied with something painful he has yet to discern (something that lingers within her deep brown eyes; something he cannot name). His sister, though his closest companion, too often abandons him, leaving him to his own devices, more adventurous than he and too easily tired by his constant hesitation.
He had long since learned to keep his emotions from rising to the surface (and in turn, seemed as solemn and stoic as his own father), but she saw through him too easily. His every thought, his every memory, exposed to the elements and ripe for her relentless, merciless plucking. He could hide nothing from her, and though he had never had any reason to, he wondered if one day he would need to and simply be incapable of doing so. The mere thought of being so vulnerable, even to her, made the blood lining his veins boil over. A blistering fire burns beneath his skin at the thought, leaving his skin fiery and hot (he must control himself - a burning ember would create havoc in such conditions), though the comfort of an ancient oak’s winding branches soothes him with its draping shade.
Wary, his eyes – one brown, one red – peer around uneasily, but he is alone. He is always alone. Though a pang of forlornness causes his young heart to clench tightly within his chest, it wanes quickly. Grateful for the reprieve from the blinding summer sun, he gently presses the curve of his side against the broad base of the old oak, idly scratching his flesh against its scratchy surface, content to waste the day beneath its proverbial wing.
she's the bright hot sun in the cold night she's the cold black darkness in the starlight
Today, Lynx was bored—
and if there was ever something she hated more, she couldn’t name it.
She sighed prettily as she crossed the streams of magma and water, the saltwater and brine splashing up her thin legs. She had seen Levi take his leave a while ago, and while she was not used to playing lapdog, she could think of no better pastime than seeing what he was up to. So she waited, staring at the horses that milled around the kingdom, before rolling her dual-colored eyes and following him here.
Levi may be quiet but his thoughts screamed at her, and he was not difficult to track.
By the time that she reached him though, her black and white coat was darkened with sweat, and, frankly, she was a little disgusted by it. Lip curling back, she walked up to him and bumped him over so that she could benefit from the shade of the tree as much as he. “Really, brother?” She sighed and rolled her shoulders. “Of all days to leave, you chose the hottest.” She sniffed delicately. “Sweat is so unbecoming.”
For a moment, she tilted her head his way and narrowed her eyes, filtering through his thoughts without much care. It wasn't like he didn’t know that she was going to read them. She snorted a little, amused by his momentary pang of loneliness, but in a rare show of what she perceived as kindness, she let it pass. He was, after all, her brother, and while she showed it in her own, albeit sharp, ways, she cared for him.
Loneliness was a weak emotion, and she wasn’t going to embarrass him for having it.
Or, worse, coddle such silly emotions.
He would grow up strong and tough, and she would see to it.
The confines of his home having been well and truly explored, Fox finds himself wandering away from home more and more. Less because of the continued intrigue of exploring meadow and forest and more because of the chance he might meet someone interesting.
Today, however, he has that someone interesting in his sights already. They have met already, of course, but he still finds her terribly fascinating. Besides, he had promised her they would meet again, and Fox keeps his promises. So when he notices her leaving Tephra, he is quick to follow.
He would be surprised if she didn’t realize he followed at a short distance, but a part of him kind of hopes she’s too distracted. He’d like to surprise her just once. Besides, he has a wonderful surprise in mind for her.
Were he any other horse, he might have hesitated approaching when he noticed her already in the company of another. But this is Fox. He has no qualms about disturbing even a scene that appears as intimate as theirs. They’d no doubt forgive him.
Well, maybe… Lynx did not strike him as a very forgiving sort. But then, he’d also promised to make her smile again. At least to himself, though she probably knew anyway. She had been quite determined to resist him, but, as she had discovered, he is nearly irresistible (and also not at all conceited, right? But if that’s the case, he’s in good company).
Regardless of her potential forgiveness, he approaches. Sporting a rather large mustache carefully crafted from snow and ice.
Grinning, he arrives with an exuberance that should have been beaten from him with the unrelenting heat of the day. But then, he has quite an effective method of cooling himself. ”If you’re hot, I’m happy to help.”
Without waiting for permission, he calls in a rather large pile of snow, which falls with heavy abandon onto the trio.