Name: Deimos
Gender: male
Breed: Spanish Draft Hybrid
Traits/defects: Magic, Dragon Wings
Color: Black
Color Genetic Code (if known): EE/aa
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg[MAGIC][DRAGON WINGS*]
Name: Quinn
Gender: female
Breed: Anglo-Arabian Hybrid
Traits/defects: Shattering, Liquidification
Color: Amethyst purple tobiano, will gray
Color Genetic Code (if known):
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [SHATTERING][LIQUIDIFICATION]
List of name choices: Ell (m), Elleis (f), Render (u)
Player: Insane
Many thanks fairies!
Name: Deimos
Gender: male
Breed: Spanish Draft Hybrid
Traits/defects: Magic, Dragon Wings
Color: Black
Color Genetic Code (if known): EE/aa
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg[MAGIC][DRAGON WINGS*]
Name: Quinn
Gender: female
Breed: Anglo-Arabian Hybrid
Traits/defects: Shattering, Liquidification
Color: Amethyst purple tobiano, will gray
Color Genetic Code (if known):
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [SHATTERING][LIQUIDIFICATION]
List of name choices: Ell (m), Elleis (f), Render (u)
Player: Insane
Many thanks fairies!