"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
It is on the mountain, after she and her small group of Amazons gather to give their support and ask for forgiveness and petition, when she feels a burst of energy from the mountain, a strong sense of acceptance and success. She feels a new wave of umph pulsing through her body, she looks to the others, she knew what this meant. Her legs began to tingle and jump, like when you get restless leg syndrome. She prances a few paces forward, realizing that this must be the fairies way of showing them the way to their new home.
It was steep descent, but she pushed on, checking behind her to make sure her fellow sisters were safe. This was it, here she was...a Queen, leading her beloved Amazons home. Though she knew this would be different, and she had no idea what the fairy decided for them. Would they be given another jungle? Maybe a tick forest of pines? Maybe a desert? But as they move on through the thawing lands below the base of the mountain, Naga notices the trees getting sparse, yet...it seemed to be getting just a little warmer. As she followed her hooves beyond an almost perfect treeline of thick pines...her green eyes widened in awe as her feet then planted.
"My....my sisters.....THIS is our new home!!"
Before them, stood the expanse of The Coast, their new home. Charcoal sand beaches lined the expanse cliffs and dunes surrounding them. Dune grasses tossed lightly in the salty, damp breeze, and gulls sang. The water seemed to glow vibrant, rippling hues orange and red as the sun began it's descent, the silhouettes of bottle nose dolphins leaping and bobbing along the glowing horizon. Fluffy vanilla and cotton candy clouds had beams of soft orange light spouting out from behind them. The ocean lapped the shoreline in bubbling rhythms that made Naga's heart soar. She felt light, happy, this was not the jungle, but something about it felt like home. Like the spirit of the jungle now pulsed and breathed within the roaring of the wild ocean waves that crashed into the tall slate cliffs, and up and over the rock formations closer to shore. She couldn't contain her joy, her excitement at this land's sheer beauty. She then charged forward, letting our a victorious, beckoning call, ready for the women to join her in her dash down through the deep, soft grey sand underfoot down to the shore. She gave a few crooked bucks of happiness before slowing to a bouncy trot, her rump teetering up and down with each step. Her compact form turns on her haunches and faces the woman now. She takes a moment to catch her breath, a smile spread across her dark lips.
"We are here, this is it. I know it is not the jungle, but look around us. This beach, these cliffs and amazing eroded natural statuary is all ours. Now...it is time to get serious. I want to thank you all for putting your support in me, and taking the dangerous trek up the mountain with me. I also want to thank you for giving me a chance. I know there have been many before me that have let us down, but, I want you all to know that I won't let you down. I can assure you my undying loyalty and love for you and this new home of ours. I swear to it.
For those who do not know me well, let me introduce myself properly or reintroduce myself for those who do know of me.
I am Naga, I came to the jungle as a weanling to escape my horrid mother. Scorch found me, shivering and wet on the border, and took me in, Rhy was there too. Ever since then, they and the other sisters raised me to be a fine diplomat. Other than my normal diplomatic duties, I also played babysitter for many of the children of the jungle. Playing hide and seek and telling stories. Though, I had a rough first time pregnancy and had to miss one of my missions that I was assigned to go on with Joscelin, as I was heavy with twin fillies. Though once they were old enough, I returned to my duties. I cleaned up the carnage from the war in my panther form, and I had to travel to the Deserts to find Rhy and Anguisette after the war. I served and protected the jungle with all my might, it was my savior. And now, I am here to pay it back. I am honored to be your queen, and I will do my best to serve and protect all of you and our new home.
Now that you all know me, I would like to know all of you. Please, I would like to start with learning your names, and one fact about your life. I want to get to know all of you!"
She never dreamed this day would come, her heart was doing back flips. She paused to look over her sisters, her family, her friends. Giving them ample time to step forward and tell a little about themselves to her. As soon as the last one finishes, she nods to them happily, finally glad to hear from each of them. Then her green eyes flicker to both Hestia and Lagertha, letting out a deep nicker, inviting them to step forward. Through all this, her voice is strong, yet easy to listen to, very velvety and sultry. Lovingly asking for their attention, yet not demanding it. She wanted to be sure to lead lovingly, with a firm yet gentle hand.
"As I am new at this, I have chosen two experienced sisters to aid me in both peace keeping and the training of warriors, if there is ever need for them. I would like to introduce Hestia, my Adviser, she has been a sister for generations beyond my life, and knows much about the history of the jungle. She is wise and strong of wit. She will also be the head of the Peacekeepers. And...last but not at all least, I introduce, whom many of you already know, Lagertha. She will be our General. She will be overlooking the training of the warriors as well as an adviser for the protection of the Coast. Since we have no need for war at this time, we will only be working on defense."
She hopes her choices of advisers are accepted by the rest of the sisterhood, though she knows in her heart she made the right decision on both. She lets it sink in a moment, nodding to both of them with a loving look on her face, extending her muzzle out to them one by one as a gesture of respect and trust. She then looks back to the women before her, old sisters and new. She is eager to see them grow to be how they once were, but they must work together to achieve that again.
"As for the rest of you, please come forward and stand beside the adviser of with what caste you would like to be in. If you have any questions about the castes or ranks, please see me or ask the head of your cast, Hestia or Lagertha. If you do not wish to be in a caste or do not know what you would like to be in just yet, you may continue to stand in front of me.
As my first orders of business in this new land I would like to see you all explore the land, get to know it. There are many caves to explore and borders to learn. Once you are finished, please come back to me with your ideas for names for our new land, since we are no longer Amazons of the Jungle. We will then hold a voting meeting to find out which name to choose.
Lastly, please keep recruiting in the meantime, and if you can, look for our sisters and bring them home!
That is all for now. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me."
With that she let them to their dividing into their chosen castes, nodding a formal welcome to all who passed by her. She felt love for all of them, she hoped it emanated into their souls. She hoped her love and trust in them would be reciprocated. Her heart felt it, the loss of the jungle seemed to break her. But, now, now that she is here, now that she sees her fellow sisters roaming the shores of this new frontier....there is hope.
OOC: HELLOOOO GUYS!! Welcome to our new home!! I have a document made up right **HERE!!!** That you can edit with your ideas and suggestions. I have some ideas written already, but you may add to them and add your suggestions!!! Just be sure to pick a color and let me know who is which color! Once we get all our name suggestions in, I will post a poll so we can vote on the new name!!
You do not HAVE to answer this IC, unless you would like more points for them, but it would be nice, that way Naga can get to know everyone formally!! If you choose to post OOC, please just let me know where you would like your pony and say they were there!!
The dark panther woman leads the small group soundlessly for days on the sheer word that the Beqanna Fairy had been generous enough to allow the small herd of women to have a home of their own. Sharp dark eyes are ever observant as Vakarian trails after the dark mare that had offered her a home.
An exchange of words was kept minimal as their goal was to reach the Coast. The women knew to conserve their energy and to pursue the goal of Naga. Vaka begins to question things with a lifted brow on the third day of their travel but when the salt air tangles in her dark mane and the ocean's humidity caresses the russet hide, Vaka feels shameful for having doubted Naga.
Sharp nails dig into the soft ebony soil and there is blatant surprise crossing the bay woman's features as she had never felt sand before. Vaka finds herself halting with fore hooves buried deep in the loose soil as the others maneuver around her. A smile finds itself curling the usual stern features of the mare as she paws playfully before realizing she is alone. Limbs pick up to move the woman over the sand, a smile on her features, he movements clumsy as she fights to find balance.
When Vaka catches up, Naga has drawn their attention. Lobes move as she speaks of herself, her desires, her interests in their new home. Vakarian does not offer up her history just yet but after Naga finishes, the black haired woman steps forward. "Hello-", Vaka hesitates but then draws a sharp breath, "I'm Vakarian. Naga invited me to join your family and so I did." Vaka speaks quickly with forcing her gaze to meet the other women. It was important to meet her herd-mates, her sisters. And then she falls quiet after giving a small nod to punctuate the end of her statement and falling back in to allow others to step forward.
She had watched them pass by, the small herd of mares. It is not hard to guess who they are. There is one whose flinty eyes look sharp enough to have inflicted the same scars on her own hide on others, and another whose slinking gait reminds her of the yellow-eyed jungle cats.
They are clearly what is left of the infamous sisterhood - Amazons without a jungle.
Have the other kingdoms done this, she wonders? Had they banded together with those they knew best, reformed the same kingdoms that Beqanna herself had destroyed? Perhaps they're not quite the same, Djinni thinks, now that only the bonds between friends and family remain. The lands are gone, but the relationships are not.
Djinni follows them because she has no place else to go.
When she sees the dolphins silhouetted against the setting sun, she feels an ache of longing so deep that her knees nearly crumple beneath her. What would she not give to be with them, to feel the slick tug of the water against her fins, to flip through the air with the same ease with which she flicks away flies with her tail?
Nothing, is the answer. There is nothing she would not give. And how fitting, given that nothing is all that she has.
Her family is gone. Her friends are gone. Her magic is gone. She has nothing.
Djinni looks down at the mares gathered by the seaside, wondering if they feel as bereft as she does, as lost as she does. No, she decides, they at least have each other.
Perhaps they'll have her as well.
She moves up between them, as small and slender as a deer, her mousy grey hide unmarred by scars. The sea wind blows her mane about, making it look black and white-blond in turns, and she looks from one female face to the next, wondering what it is that has brought them all here. Firm leadership, she thinks, looking quietly at the black mare who so enthusiastically describes their land? Shared tragedy, she wonders, looking at the mare who is more scar than skin?
"I'm Djinni", she tells them and remains still. She doesn't stay beside Naga because she doesn't wish to choose a caste, she stands because she has no desire to move, not when she has a question to ask. "Will this place be a new start for you all? Or simply the Queendom? Will you call yourselves Amazons still, or is that name gone with the Jungle?"
Will I be an equal here? she does not ask. Will I forever be lesser for not having been with you before? Will I belong?
How long had it been, truly?
Sunday fell asleep amidst the moss and some time - much time - later arises on the Mountain. Covered. Buried. And with her burial came a great change. She's unaware of during what time she rose from her slumber, but she has a feeling it was shortly after the change. Everyone was confused, milling about in their upset, terse ways. Sunday, as always, rolls with the punches.
The punches bring her to the coast.
She catches bits and pieces of the speech from far away, and by the time she's approached an introduction is in order. She allows the others to speak, then - quietly, from the back - she calls. "Hello, I am Sunday. I recognize a few of you...I have been gone for some time. But I am back!" I hope, she adds silently, well aware of the fluid nature of existing in Beqanna.
never put your faith in a prince. when you require a miracle, trust in a witch
When Adalyn had woken up atop a Mountain (with thin air in her lungs and a writhing mass of horses crowding her), she had a fleeting moment of panic. Her heart pounded against the walls of her chest and she found that she couldn’t breathe as much as she needed. Someone had been there to calm her down (whether a face she didn’t know, or perhaps even the soothing hand of the Beqanna Fairy – her panicked mind didn’t register) and her feet eventually led her down a path until she could breathe more.
She hadn’t noticed the lack of her waters until she could breathe normally. Adalyn had reached out to seek water and found that there was nothing but an empty, still silence. And then the pains began. Sprouting from her inky shoulders, securing into her bones, twining with her muscles – there was immense, burning pain and then a sense of finality. Adalyn had turned and her eyes caught on a pair of feathery wings, gold like the color of her mane and tail.
She hadn’t tried flying with them until this day, and found that it wasn’t incredibly difficult. The ground disappearing beneath her hooves was frightening for a moment, and then it was breathlessly exhilarating. The high winds in her mane brought upon the sensation of someone combing her hair and she relaxed into it. Adalyn’s eyes could see much from above the ground – the fresh, shiny soil of the new territories, the mysterious, shadowed depths of the hidden mist, and the familiar, rolling hills of the neutral lands. She’d flown closer to the Mountain in a chance decision and that was when her eyes caught sight of the warrior women trailing off the mountaintop.
Her sisters.
Although Adalyn never said the vow of the Sisterhood (nor did she meet Lexa, or participate in a kingdom meeting), she still considers herself one of the Jungle’s warriors. A wild smile tattoos itself across her mouth. The black and gold mare angles herself closer to the traveling group. She flies above them, keeping pace with the leading inky mare, and eagerly scans the distance to see where they might be going.
The place they arrive at brings another smile to Adalyn’s mouth. It’s wild, torturous, and passionate. It reminds the winged mare of the Jungle, in some small ways. The sound of the ocean crashing against the cliffs and the sandy beach matches the wild melody of the Jungle. The distinct smell of salt, sand, and sea in her nostrils is reminiscing of the scents of flora, fauna, and wild creatures. She thanks Beqanna for giving them a place that does not linger in silence and peace.
Adalyn lands close to their gathering, gritting her teeth as she choppily finds her footing. Flying is in her blood, but she is still no master. Tucking her wings against her slender sides, the mare makes her way closer to the group to hear. The black mare announces herself as Naga and apparently the Sisterhood’s new queen. Adalyn doesn’t recognize any of the faces around her – she’s only ever met the mare with the prissy attitude – but she resists the urge to introduce herself just yet.
She waits until the others do so – first Vakarian, with the bay body and her eyes lingering on all of them; then there is Djinni, with the questions and the curious eyes; finally there is Sunday, from the rear of the group and with a history of the Jungle. There’s a pause in the conversation and Adalyn decides now is her time to speak up. She shuffles her wings against her sides for a second, feeling excitement rise in the back of her throat like bile.
“I’m Adalyn. I joined the Sisterhood” – she almost said Jungle, but they are not the Jungle any longer – “just before Beqanna shook things up.” A reckless smile rolls across her face. “I’m very excited to meet you all!”
They came down from the Mountain and Lagertha quietly fell in step, slipping to the rear of the group to keep an eye out for stragglers (hopefully Riva had agreed to come with her) and offer her protection to the best of her abilities. There are familiar faces in the group - the Sisters that went with Naga - and some unfamiliar faces that she simply nods to if they make eye contact. The warrior treks along in silence, focusing on remembering the path they take and creating personal identifiers. At a fork, she quickly nudges a few stick into a pile to mark the correct way, and then hurries after the retreating band of women.
Eventually, Naga leads them out of the trees (out of the trees? How different than before!), to a coastline, and Lagertha can smell the salt in the air. She lingers atop a dune, letting the breeze lift her mane from her neck, as the Jungle never did. It isn’t home yet. But she imagines that they will carve it into something of their own. Her thoughts and eyes wander, half-listening to Naga’s long speech until she hears her name, and after only a moment’s hesitation, steps forward. Oh yes. This sort of thing. Lagertha knows full well what is going on without listening - having done similar things not all that long ago.
General, eh? It is a role she knows well. There will be time for revamping and remolding their defenders (ugh, pacifism) later. For now - she offers a smile to Sunday, happy to see the friendly little witch again, and makes a mental note of the mousey mare who steps up to challenge Naga - oh yes, they should talk later. To the ones who want to be in her caste, she announces directly, “Army-type folk will meet in a week. I need a very long nap.” Because she will always be up front with them about her abilities and her state of being. The way a General should be.
And with that, the scarred, gray mare leaves the meeting to find a dry cave, away from the ocean spray, yet accessible by foot, in which to sleep two years of pain away. Those who know her will forgive her, and those who don’t will quickly learn that she never does anything without a reason.
Warily Nayl watched as their world trembled and their pleas were answered. When it seemed so far out of reach to regain a home they were granted reassurance. She quivered with anticipation upon hearing the answer they hoped – bled, sweat – for and a smile stretched widely across her lips for the very first time. It isn’t the Jungle, but it is something. This place, a lonely coast, will be the site of history where the sisterhood was recreated. Eagerly Nayl followed the Amazons to this new place where the scents, sights, and sounds would all be heard for the first time by any ears.
When they’ve arrived Naga immediately introduces herself followed by an entire life’s story. A deep breath escapes Nayl as her mind roams to the ocean nearby and the history that has been lost within the Jungle. Her heart is gripped with pain, but it never reaches her stoic face as the breeze lifts her forelock aside. Even when the advisors are declared Nayl manages to bite her tongue and conceal her disappointment in electing Hestia. It’s almost comical. The sister had spoken so poorly of the Amazons, insulting them when the world was broken. Yes, quite an advisor and asset she will be. Nayl chuckles, breaking her marble face.
She looks at Djinni (despite losing interest in the lengthy life story of Naga, she still heeded the sisters’ names) and inclines her head. ”We will always be Amazons; it is the title in our hearts even if the Jungle is no longer here.” Her voice is strong and steady, but when she swallows afterward there is emotion choked back. The truth of the matter is still settling on them like a thorny blanket.
”I’m Nayl,” she finally concludes before sideways glancing to Lagertha, ”I’ll find you after your nap.” Her head rises and she regards each of them before her eyes settle on Naga silently, mistrusting, before turning and disappearing.
Truly funny how the world works. The cogs spin and the gigs whirl silently behind the watch face that was the bay woman. Dark eyes are quizzical and unapologetic as she listens to the mares. There was so much tension, so much suffocating attitudes in the atmosphere that is was practically choking her. Vaka had joined Naga when the dark woman had offered her a home. There was nothing more to the decision but now...now Vaka questions her decision.
These women, these Amazonian women seemed to act like spoiled children. Were they not grateful to have a land to call home? Did they not appreciate that someone had rallied and mercilessly strove to carve out a bit of Beqanna that was left? There are slotted eyes, sharp tongues, and just a nastiness that saturated the atmosphere. It is not unknown that Vaka is a new face, a new sister that desired to pledge herself to the Coast, to her new home but these women held to the old Beqanna and their old traditions. It is the fighting and spitefulness that had plunged them into this situation and STILL there is an ugliness that surrounds them. Vaka can not help but sigh softly in the disappointment she feels when she stands near the others. Even as a new member, she can feel the seething resentment some have for others. It was absolutely devastating to witness.
The ruddy mare stands quietly, still listening. It was not her place to step forward and offer any words. Vaka's dark eyes instead watch, studying these women ...their words...their body language. If they did not stop acting this way then Vaka did fear that history was bound to repeat itself. The Coast did not enslave them or bind them anyway to the land. It had to be their own love for their home, their desire to follow their leader that would tie them to their home. If there was none of that within them...well, perhaps they would be better off seeking a home else where if they could not come to terms with the situation or look passed their own interests or motivations.
Beqanna was much too young and too broken for such defilement. Vaka counted her lucky stars to have found a home some place that welcomed her, wanted her there. For all they knew, they could have ended up at Pangea! Vaka snorts lightly at the last thought. A life with Carnage was absolutely no life at all. THAT was an enslavement.
It pains her to see them like this. Excited, and for what? The Jungle was gone and it seemed she was the only soul still mourning the killing of her-their homeland. Were they out of their mind? The Jungle, She's DEAD. And of them, her sisters have moved on, leaving her in the dust of change.
She follows the group lingering at the flank in an eternity of silence until they reach their new "Home". She was both accepting and excited about the sisterhood's new home but her soul ached for the Jungle, as if a part of her had died with her homeland. Verdant eyes search the scenery, as the sea air played at the tufts of her ears. To say the least she was disappointed.
She hoped the Beqanna Fairy had gifted them with a rejuvenated Jungle but to her surprise, they had received a coastline. Dotted with bountiful vegetation and outcropping cliffs, where sea water licked the white sanded beaches. This was indeed all too new to the speckled girl.
With weary eyes the girl allows her gaze to meet Naga, "I'm Celeana." She allows a faint, fake smile to form on her ebony lips. This change, is too much for her.
Originally she could handle a change in leadership first Lexa, a friend someone she could even call family. Then the line was crossed when her home, her only home was killed in an instant, and just like that it all revolved back to here. A future, she would have to make herself adjust too. She would have to make herself strong again, and slay her demons as she had done in the past.
I don't know what this is but I've had a writers block for like forever.