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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'm just a sucker for pain [TEAM NEW VALLEY]
    I wanna chain you up       I wanna tie you down

    It was time. They had been scatted, torn, disheartened but now was the time to act. He is unsure of what they could do, but they surely had more potential together than alone. So for the first time since the destruction he walks with purpose, head held high and dark eyes alight with meaning. He stops near the edge of the meadow (for there were not many other places they could be lurking) and lets out a call full of force and urgency. 

    He does not have to wait long for them to gather as everyone is simply clustered within these common lands, milling about and waiting to see if any aftershocks are brewing. But he can no longer live like this, a refuge in his own lands. He would take action (they had to) and force the terrible mountain to recognize their wishes.

    Once they have arrived he begins, voice loud enough for everyone to hear. “We have suffered grievous misfortune. Many of us are only shells of our former selves. Regardless, we must move forward. There is nothing to be gained by sitting here idly, waiting for something to happen. Just as we were members of the Valley before, we must come together under a united banner now. The Valley is no more, but we remain.” His cold eyes regard each of them in turn. He does not for a second believe that the Valley lived in them - she was her own entity that had been destroyed. But through their combined effort they might be able to revive her. This is his hope.

    “Which of those among you will join me to create a new Valley? By the force of our combined conviction we can, and will, succeed.” 

    I M   J U S T   A   S U C K E R   F O R   P A I N

    Do we want a cool name? Team ~Mystic Dark Ponies~? Open to suggestions! Also please feel free to jump in if I forgot to tag you or you just want in on the action Tongue

    Gunsynd is currently pretending to be someone else! He is now 15hh, hybrid, flea-bitten grey with clear blue eyes and goes by the name of Ginkgo. He will not have use of his traits while he is in this form. Please play as if he is simply the other persona unless your character has some sort of mind-reading. Thanks! <3
    aranea had barely been a member. a newcomer not even known among their ranks, present for mere days before the world had crumbled around them. at the same time she was more a member than many now and in the past - the valley had wrapped it's strings around her more than once. it was a part of her, it would always be a part of her, and now she came when he called.

    some strange magic had given the mare a set of wings - she, despite the grief in the air, was having some fun with them. there was no doubt in her mind that the gift would be temporary, so why not enjoy them while she could?

    when gun's call broke through the hum of the meadow she was, in fact, soaring above it. flying had been surprisingly easy to learn, though perhaps that was simply part of the magic. in any case she tucked her wings and dove, feeling the wind against her face, before pulling up and landing light as a feather at his side.

    with a cool demeanor she bobbed her head to greet him and smothered her more joyous feelings, sensing that this would be a meeting for a more serious face.

    (immortal, mute, infrared vision)
    from dust, she returned
    the dream, an enigma... silent



    Thorunn has felt the ground shake beneath her and woke up in a new land so far from everything she knows and loves. The Valley was her hold to her mother, to her father, to her sister...and now? This shell land, this shadow place, it's nothing like the warm comforts she knew from home. It's alien and foreign and makes her skin crawl with its strangeness.

    But - her father wouldn't have wanted her to suffer this way. He would have simply turned an orange eye to the faded landscape, probably rolled his shoulders in his noncomittal way, and trotted to some new land to make another name for himself.

    It's funny that Thorunn associates him with the Valley, he was king of so many other places. The Dale, the Tundra...never the Valley. No, he told her - one night - that he returned to the Valley simply to find his daughter Aranea. "She is much like you," he told her once. She knew it was one of his few and far between compliments.

    "I will," she says to the group, her orange eyes unblinking. It's small, but it's growing. She wishes nothing more than to hold on to those remnants of before. But...but something bothers her, and so she voices it. "It is of my opinion, though, that we should not try to ... recreate the Valley. This is a new land, a new day. Should we not embrace change?" It was a silly, childish thing to say - she is too young to know that Beqanna has changed and changed and changed. The original lands her father ruled are no longer, the ground she walks on it but one face of a many faced beast. Her eyes flicker to the mare to the side, and they pause - they look so similar, her and the mute. Orange eyes, stocky frame...
    all that we have amassed sits before us, shattered into ash
    After that first brief and panicked meeting in the Meadow, they had all vanished to separate corners of the new, much smaller Beqanna, perhaps to try and create their own way in this strange new world. Cress had a goal of her own then, to find Flamevein and touch the summit of the Mountain that had been mentioned by Eight, and she had only gotten partway to the top before the pains of labor had wracked her body and she had been forced to stop, giving birth only halfway up the treacherous slope (thank the gods for her healing being returned to her on the Mountain, for she wouldn’t have survived it otherwise). She had stayed there, to wait for Flamevein, with their new daughter, on a mountain where the only thing protecting them from the thin air was a bubble of healing energy and a circle of protective flames.

    But the time for hiding her precious gift is over; the child is several weeks old now, and so much has been set into motion already. Eight has teamed up with the former king of another kingdom (and perhaps the other monarchs of others, it seems, but Cress is a bit behind) and they have already been granted a land by Beqanna herself. Cress leaves her meeting with Offspring with a sense of grim determination, and she sets off to find the other former members of the Valley. No doubt that they have stuck together, for who else do they have but one another?

    For Cress, it was always about the Valley. For them, it was about each other. Leaving the Valley behind for a new world will be easy as long as they have each other’s companionship, but it will never be the same for the golden woman of the Valley.

    She finds several of them easy enough, Gunsynd and Thorrun and the mare whose name she doesn’t know. Rhaenyra scampers into their midst and rears playfully, her small black horn glinting in the light. “Enough, my little princess,” Cress murmurs, and Rhaenyra races back to the side of her dam, tucking close to her mother’s flank and staring at the three horses with wide blue eyes—her granddam’s eyes, though Cress couldn’t say where the genetic outcropping suddenly came from.

    “Gunsynd,” she says with a nod, because she knows without a doubt that he is the one to gather them; he has all the characteristics of a leader. She turns to Aranea and Thorrun in turn and smiles at both of them. “It’s good to see you both; I had hoped to run across you today. I come with a proposition. Eight, our former king, has joined with Offspring and several other former allies to claim a land not far from here. I know he wasn’t our king for very long, but he was the Valley’s guardian for a very long time and I trust him enough to follow him. I do not want the former members of our kingdom to be spread across the corners of Beqanna. Will you join me in following Eight to our new home?”
    oxytocin x kindling


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