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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    so how can this be, you're praying to me? [offy/any army]
    let me tell you something baby,
    you love me for everything you hate me for
    Her trip to the Tundra is both for personal and kingdom reasons, although she would not admit it she is curious how her son is doing. Vaughan was very stubborn but with his parents being herself and Warship he had no other option, realistically. The more pertinent reason for a visit was as a newfound ally, hopefully setting up some inter-kingdom activities. The blue mare had never been to the Tundra, specifically, but had flown nearby and around it, she was quite lazy now that she had wings. It was much quicker and less bothersome to travel with the birds, most people left you alone. It doesn't take her long to navigate towards the ice lands but her landing did catch her off guard - the snow was so thick there already. Her black legs bury knee high in in and she groans at the chill factor, wishing she had come earlier.

    Offspring or someone who knows what they're talking about?" she says halfway jokingly, halfway serious. Although she didn't know much personally about the Tundra it had been general opinion that your voice could echo and never reach a soul. She will never be much of a diplomat, thankfully that's not asked of her yet. She folds her blue and black wings to her sides and pushes through the thick snow towards a more open area. "I'm Kimber, Colonel of the Chamber army - hello?" Patience was not a virtue of the dip-dyed mares but she didn't have many virtues of other sorts. Braw. n and beauty were about the extent of it, really. She scouts briefly for her floppy-eared, black son (who was surely a full grown man now) to say hello...or to ridicule.

    You never knew with Kimber.

    "With my speechless calm eyes."

    It was a first time experience for the gray stud that someone entered the Tundra flying, instead of passing through the gate. Only Hurricane and Brennen supported a pair of wings and naturally they weren’t forced to use the single entrance in the ice wall. This stranger had chosen to sore the sky too, landing somewhere into their lands and instantly calling for their attention, slightly rude too. But what Brynmor disliked the most was the fact that she had flown across their wall – even from the sky it would be very hard to miss – and into their territory like that. He follows her from the ground, towards the spot she’d landed, neither rushing his pace or answering her call.

    He had turned himself invisible, but knew that the crackling of the snow underneath his hooves and the prints that were left in the snow would easily give him away. Staying hidden wasn’t the point of this all, instead it was using his kingdom granted gift in this meeting with someone who came from an allied kingdom. It was only when Brynmor came close enough to clearly see the intruder that he recognized her. Kimber. He had met the blue and black woman in the Field a while back, when they had both tried to persuade Daey to join their respective kingdoms. The cremello stallion was currently one of the Tundra’s habitants and would hopefully soon join the brotherhood.

    Dropping his invisibility he shows himself to her as he crosses the last distance between them. ”Hello” he greet her, head dripping slightly as he stops a few meters away from her. ”It has been a while, Kimber.” As he speaks a small smile lays upon his lips, his eyes searching for hers. ”I was wondering who would intrude our kingdom like that, but you didn’t came to hear me rambling about respecting borders. What can I help you with today, Kimber?”

    "Nothing is coming to rise."

    let me tell you something baby,
    you love me for everything you hate me for
    Clearly someone had an icicle up their rear end.

    She doesn't wait long, really but in the dip dyed mares eyes it was an eternity. She could hear the crunching of the ice and slowly as it approached the hooves in the snow. Kimber would have thought that their borders were just as open to her as hers to them since they technically had an agreement of sorts but perhaps she was wrong. She watches the man walk forward, his irritation visible on his face. "Brynmor, ah I see the Tundra is treating you well - did that recruit ever make his way here?" she smiles, a small chuckle escaping her lips and echoing into the otherwise silence. She watches her hot breath drift upward and disappear into the Tundra's perms-fog. "Oh, respecting borders - right, well when you're flying these walls and lines drawn in the sand become somewhat lost," a wry grin grows across the black and white face, her amber eyes looking forward at him. Kimber was too much on small talk so she thought it best to get to the point, at least relatively quickly.

    "The real reason I'm here is to make talk of perhaps a mock or exercise, not sure whom, spare Offspring. There's no threat of war or the likes but next time, I want to greet war at the door; ready." She chews for a moment on what she has said, unsure if she would ever get over losing Warship in the war or her sense of normalcy. Kimber wanted to always know what was going on, she liked to have a certain amount of control over things in her life - that all changed two years ago.

    "With my speechless calm eyes."

    Was it that odd that he thought that the borders weren’t there for nothing? Of course she was welcome – otherwise the alliance would be quite pointless – but it was impossible for him to determine if it was a friend or foe that flew into their lands. It wasn’t like he had wings that could carry him up in the air to find out. Although he persuaded a career in both castes, the peace caste clearly worked better for him.

    He answers her smile with one of his own, nodding. ”Yes, Daey has chosen to join our ranks” he answers her, confirming that the cremello male had indeed decided to stay in the Tundra. ”And I can see that the Chamber has been good for you too.” It was hard to miss the set of wings that she now supported. The very same one that had carried her over their ice wall too. Brynmor chuckles lightly and can only nod in agreement. ”I suppose it does. But it’s hard to see if it is a friend or foe that decides to enter the Tundra through the air." His blue eyes meet hers. Ever since they had first met he finds her a pleasant companion. Their personalities might not be too much alike, but she doesn’t give him the Chamber feel that he remembers.

    When she gets on with business he calmly listens, watching the blue mare silently, and only nodding when she is done speaking. He doesn’t answer right away, not really sure if he’s the one to decide on this. After all, he was only a soldier, not their commander nor the king. ”I’m sure there will be brothers that would likely accept the friendly challenge. There aren’t much of us in the war caste, but it would be a good experience for all. Would others in the Chamber be up for a set of mocks? It could be a good opportunity to learn from each other.” He wasn’t really sure how Offspring would see the matter, but Brynmor didn’t see any harm in it. In his view it would be good to challenge the Tundra in such way, to test their strength and use the set of mocks as a first step to a powerful army.

    "Nothing is coming to rise."

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