04-05-2015, 11:04 PM
As a child you would wait, and watch from far away. But you always knew you'd be the one to work while they all play. "Probably." She is forced to agree with him that her list of enemies is almost impossibly long. But she isn't dwelling on it too much, not now - she's so powerfully relieved that this latest wound was normal. Well immortal-normal, meaning it healed up instantly the normal way rather than, y'know, pooping out another bunny egg. She shudders a bit at the memory. "Well, whatever it is, it seems to be fixed." But just to be safe, she finds a branch again and promptly drives it a good chunk of the way into the front of her shoulder, grunting as she pulls back and it slides out again. This wound too heals normally for an immortal. 1 weird wound to 2, she's going to declare herself normally immortal. She frowns for a moment, thinking back on the shenanigans that Eight had pulled with her heart. Perhaps he was actually keeping her alive? Or had somehow wrested control - well, mostly - from whomever or whatever really was? She's not sure, but she's just incredibly glad that it seems to be over. She doesn't like to think of the fact that it might not be permanent. She glances over to the orange-eyed stallion and flicks her tail across her haunches. When she speaks her voice is neutral, casual, neither mischievous nor accusing. "It's a good thing you don't mind magic." she takes a side step toward him, scooting slightly closer. She knows full well that it does bother him - I mean she's awkward sure, but she's not oblivious. She has a warrior's instinct, which means she's keen to spot weakness. "If it bothered you it might be a problem for you to serve a kindgom with a magical king." she takes another side step toward him. "Like the Valley." she says, although it's already obvious. The mare whose wound recently pooped a bunny egg is edging closer to you Covet, all while challenging you to be unafraid of magic. Your move buddy. Don't weep for me LIBRETTEBecause this will be the labor of my love.
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