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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [complete]  Anger burns deep within
    Jack angrily stomps up the mountain. The rain slides off his sleek brown scales that he woke up suddenly with. His ears pinned to his crest, teeth bared as he yells to the sky above. “Really?! All I want is to be good! And you punish me with scales?! You’ve got to be kidding me!” 

    He snorts, pawing at the ground and kicking out at nothing. 

    Jack is questing for angel mimicry after 2 weeks of uncontrollable rage and scales. 

    Past Refusal:https://beqanna.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=31588
    The insolence of Jack in the Box inspires a fairy to appear before him - the Cloud Fairy stares at him with storm-brewing eyes. “If you think you need a trait to enable you to be good, you may already be too far gone.” It hardly mattered whether one of the others had put uncontrollable rage in side of him - there really was no excuse.

    “Go and help someone. Bring some good to Beqanna - prove to us that you’ve got something in you worth rewarding.”

    Jack must write 3 posts providing help to someone (or multiple someones). The characters should be played by someone else, but feel free to contact an officer if over a month has passed without any replies and alterations can be made.

    He will continue to have scales while on this quest and for yelling at the fairies, he has grown two jagged horns from his head and will be mute for the duration of the quest as well.

    Here are the three replies for Jack helping Sheer getting out of thorns and brambles

    @Cloud Fairy
    The little fairy, as small as a dewdrop but six times as brave, watches Jack in the Box free Sheer from the brambles. He limps back to the Mountain, and the little fairy grows, becoming a lavender orb that trails him all the way up, just out of sight.

    When he has reached the Mountain, the orb begins to circle him, changing from lavender to palest blue, then gold, then an eye-smarting shade of neon green.

    And then it sinks into the ground, never to emerge again.

    A sense of peace arrives as the fairy disappears, as warm and soothing as a spring breeze. His hair returns, as does his voice. The peace sinks deeper, into his very bones. Into his new bones, as wings appear at his sides. Like an angel, as he had asked to be. Will it be enough to keep his family safe?

    Only he can answer that.


    Jack in the Box has been granted Angel Mimicry, and has been cured of scales and mutism. The jagged horns he received can become permanent if you'd like, just mention that in the update.

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