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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  wild as all the love you lost

    Mazikeen is disappointed that her barbs did not have the desired effect, that he did not rise to it and stake his claim on her as she wished to do with him. Had he not made a point, several times, that she was his? Why didn’t it bother him, the idea that she could wander off and find another? Her interest in finding someone else is feigned, a mild curiosity at best. Sometimes she does wonder if what she feels when she’s with Gale is because it is him, both past and present, or if it truly would not matter at all. But there is no real desire to feel someone else’s flesh against hers, not in this way. She considers asking him if he'd like to watch while someone coaxed reactions out of her that he couldn't, but Mazikeen is not confident he wouldn't find that entertaining.

    It bothers her, the weight of how much she does not want him to find satisfaction elsewhere. It’s uncomfortably familiar, the sense that the intensity rolling within her is not also what’s inside him when she had thought their need for each other was matched. Unease doesn’t sit well inside her anymore and it fuels her wrath.

    She shrugs off his kisses with that same feigned indifference, moving a little further away every time he tries to get close. His barb about Sabal earns a growl that turns into an icy laugh as she brushes it off, unconcerned. “You didn’t hurt Sabal.” Not like that, anyway. His command for Mazikeen to kick the kelpie out of Hyaline had done its own brand of hurt. “And I know that because she would’ve carved something from you I’m not sure would grow back.” Her burning eyes flick to the region she’s thinking of before returning back to his face, matching his smile.

    “But there’s no need to beg, I will not stop you if that's what you want.” Her heart is racing now as something close to nerves rises up. She switches tactics for a brief moment, rubbing her muscled body against his shoulder before dancing away again - her red-orange eyes fixed on him now. Her humourless grin and the words that accompany it are filled with a dark fire that had not existed in Mazikeen before he changed her. “You’ll never get to have me again if you touch anyone else.” The way her voice softens and heats on the word touch leaves no doubt what she means. She will not share him, even if his intent is only to hurt the others he might take.

    m a z i k e e n .

    @ Gale
    this is going to break me clean in two --
    this is going to bring me close to you

    She draws away from his kisses in a way she never before, which only makes him more determined to press closer. The pleasure of having perturbed her so delights him, and only her quip about Sabal finally makes him pause.

    She seems very certain that he had not tried anything with Sabal, and while that is true, he only shrugs at her accusation and gives her a wicked smile. Gale thinks of telling her that Sabal had tried, and that he’d fought her off, but there’s no real reason to do so, not when it seems clear that this is not a pressure point worth pushing.

    She seems to understand as well, and will not stop him, so he leans into her touch until she suddenly pulls away.

    ‘You’ll never get to have me again if you touch anyone else’.

    The Curse does not fully understand jealousy, but he recognizes a trap when he sees one. The moment of clarity is brief, only long enough for him to realize exactly how she tries to bind him, to see the web she spins with him at the center. And he has let himself be strung up, has pushed aside the Warnings and the awareness of Danger, has even himself used magic to bind them.

    Does she truly think he will trade all other women for her?

    She is right. 

    He would trade all of the world for her, but he cannot let her know. Of this he is more certain than he has ever been. She has become a weakness, even while he has made her strong.

    This infuriates him.

    He lunges at her, paws outstretched, his bared teeth hot against her face.

    “You are mine,” the Curse snarls, and the blackness of his fury feels right, feels justified. “And I will have you whenever I want. However I want. Shift. Now.”


    current appearance: cave hyena

    Mazikeen smiles as he lunges for her and she’s ready, even as the disappointment continues to curl in her stomach. Once, it would have been for the protection of others that she would have wanted to hear him say she was enough but now her interests are more selfish. She needs to know this obsession is mutual and his snarled words and anger do not feel like enough confirmation even though she feels her body react positively. She will not allow herself to belong to someone who does not truly belong to her.

    So Mazikeen shifts, but it is into something small and slimey to escape his grasp, to slip away from him and get more space. Her heart is hammering still but she finds the fury in him feeds something inside of her that is not fear. She is enjoying this, it delights her to see him unravelling and she wants more of it.

    “Shift into what?” She croons back, teasing him with false innocence as she flickers through a few shapes, none of which are a purple mare. In a flash of dark humour, she is the stallion that they had just eaten before reverting to something familiar, a white lioness with inky paws and if her face were not so covered in blood there would be a red V cradling her nose.

    She isn’t going to stop pressing this now that it’s come up, even though it would be wise to. Mazikeen has no idea what powers he has now but she doesn’t care - she feels fire flickering in every corner of her and she wants them to burn together.

    “Tell me that you want me, and only me.” She levels her fiery stare at him as she snaps this out in an angry bite, echoing words he had once told her with a small addition. And then a change to how they end as she finally beckons him instead of dancing away - “And then prove it to me.”

    m a z i k e e n .

    @ Gale
    this is going to break me clean in two --
    this is going to bring me close to you

    Mazikeen slips out of his grasp in an instant, and Gale is too furious to use his magic. Had he tried, he might have become even more enraged, but as it is he only roars his frustration at her smarmy expression and the myriad of unsatisfactory shapes she becomes.

    “You know what.” He growls and he doesn’t even want her to be Wishbone anymore, he just wants her to do what he says. He wants her to bend to his will, to break her, and in his fury he forgets how much he’d disliked it when he’d broken her before.

    She becomes a white lioness and he is a lion to match without even thinking about it, his mane bloody and as red as her flashing eyes.

    “You are the most infuriating creature I have ever met,” The Curse tells her for the first time, unaware that Gale has told her this very thing.

    The desire to leap forward, to crush her throat between his jaws is almost overwhelming. The darkness wants it, wants to wrap her up in blackness, to watch the life return slowly to her eyes before snuffing it out again.

    But more than that, deeper than that, he wants to watch them burn. Wants to keep them burning. Wants them to burn for him, oly for him and at last, as he meets her glare for glare, he realizes that this is not a trap laid for him alone.

    It will snare them both, and if it means she is bound more tightly to him as a result, he will gladly place himself inside the ropes.

    Yet he cannot make himself come to her, cannot unmake the thing that he is, cannot bend the summons of a mortal woman. So he remains still, even when she beckons, even when the wrath in his eyes has softened.


    There is a brief pause, and then he says again: “No.”

    The word is just as firm a second time, and yet he takes a step forward. Hesitant. Cautious. There are no Alarms, no Warnings, only the increasing awareness of her nearness. Of her desire too, and of his own, rising like the fire that lighting that flickers across his skin.

    “You are mine.” He repeats, and though he cannot bring himself to promise what she has asked, he is slow and purposeful in his movements, teasing and soft and nothing like he has been before, with featherlite kisses across her bloody skin.

    He settles atop her but proceeds no farther, waiting for the arch of her back, for the fire he feels beneath her skin, for the sound of her pleasure as he mouths her pale neck and whispers softly: “And I am yours. ”


    current appearance: cave hyena -> lion

    Her taunting smile turns warmer, more genuine when he calls her infuriating. She feels the echo of when the other Gale had said the same thing and there is no pain with the reminder. No heartache or longing for the kinder time of when he had tried to push her out of his life and she had not let him.

    It is true, after all - she is infuriating and she is delighted about it and that she can have this effect on him.

    But then Gale tells her no and she does not know what to do with his rejection even as it’s paired by a softening of his wrath. That single syllable stills her and she waits, waits for something else to happen so she knows which way to sway. Her red-orange eyes do not leave him when he repeats the word and she says nothing else when he moves slowly towards her. He is equally as likely to kill her again as he is anything else and she is past pretending her attention is elsewhere.

    Mazikeen doesn’t shift away this time, she remains still - her eyes tracking him until they flutter closed at his teasingly soft touches, a small purr beginning somewhere deep within her. When he moves atop her she is expecting no delay and when he does not move any further immediately she begins to shift her illuminated body to encourage him.

    A small needy groan escapes her when he mouths the words she wants to hear into her neck, as the desire that had been simmering beneath the fury is allowed to the surface with nothing held back. She arches into him then, tilting her bloodstained head backwards as she repeats the words back to him in a voice that is all hunger. You are mine and I am yours. Him saying this is enough and Mazikeen does not ask for more. She’s not sure she could concentrate enough to push the matter with his weight on her even if she wanted to, her mind is only on one thing - one want. There is no care about where they are in the open night air with the remnants of their meal not far away. She would’ve crouched right here in the bloody puddles after they feasted if he hadn’t mentioned Wishbone. Now when her claws flex they find dry soil as anticipation and need blind to her to all else.

    m a z i k e e n .

    @ Gale
    this is going to break me clean in two --
    this is going to bring me close to you

    Even before he speaks, The Curse can feel her writhing against him. The sound that emerges from his chest is somewhere between a purr and a growl, the conflicting instincts writhing within his chest.

    He wants to rip out her so-willingly exposed throat, to crush her skull, to rip the eyes from her skull and seal them shut so she might never see again. He wants also to sink into her waiting body, to bury himself deep inside her every way, to surge within her and share each bit of her mind and heart and body with every bit of him. He wants to keep her forever, to never let go of her, to never take his lips from hers.

    Mazikeen is not the only thing that he wants, but there is no other who might enrapture him like she does, no other he feels his match, his mate, his equal.

    The darkness raging within her feeds the Magic that simmers beneath the Curse’s skin, feeding it with wrath and fury and all things shadowy and dark. He feels Powerful with her the most, and inside her the sensation is overwhelming.

    She will kill him eventually, the Curse knows, and perhaps when she does it will be Permanent in a way that none of his other deaths had been. His death by fire had only increased his lust for it, and the previously unquenchable lust for Chaos the Curse had craved is instead focused on the white creature whose fiery glow he can see even through the blissfully closed lids of his eyes.

    The Curse has changed itself in changing Mazikeen, and perhaps even in taking a host quite so odd as Gale, in struggling so long to subdue him. Adaptation for survival is necessary, and if having a woman like Mazikeen at his side makes him stronger, he must keep her with him at all costs.

    That will be simple, especially in a place like Hyaline, and the reminder of the entity he had stolen brings a possessive smile to his face. He shifts the two of them to a private place in Hyaline with the teleportation he’d taken from the stallion he tastes on Mazikeen as he loses himself in her, so that only he might see the way he takes her apart. It is with pleasure, tasting every inch of her burning skin, and then he gives himself to her as well, offering her his bare throat to blue as she will.

    “Only you,” he tells her, and he weakens his awareness of Danger further wit the reasoning that he only means the navy scars. That she’ll be the only one that can mark him so, and not the only to hold whatever slick oily thing it has instead of a heart.

    He had not told her that he was hers alone, but there is no doubt as they couple beneath the wide mountain sky that this is true. He will do whatever it takes to keep her alive (though not necessarily, and perhaps even certainly not, happy). They will have children, many of them, all far better than the first pair, and they too the Curse will protect.

    (At least until they become a Danger as well). That caveat is so weak that he does not even register it, his caution and survival instinct fading fast in the face of what passes between the lovers.

    He is aware of these things but does not think of them, cannot think of anything at all but the way Mazikeen spreads beneath him. And then over him and around him, and each and every way between, and he to her as well. Gale expends every last bit of his magic to keep them from exhaustion, and yet still as he strokes her face in the fresh light of dawn and fights the inevitable unconsciousness that will last for several days, he finds himself tracing the beautiful scars he’d left across both eyes with desire.

    “I’ll have to kill you eventually, you know.” he says before he closes his eyes, the delusion of weariness removing the last barrier to his vulnerability. “You’re too dangerous to keep alive. But I will...” He yawns, and resettles his head on the softness of her chest where they lay, “I will miss you when I do.”


    current appearance: cave hyena -> lion -> idk

    Mazikeen laughs softly when he moves them back to Hyaline, back to their home, but this noise turns into ones of pleasure soon after as his attention focuses on her and she forgets where they are because it does not matter.

    When it is offered, her teeth close around his throat but she does not bite deep, not this time. There will be time to delight in the fresh canvas of his skin and how it changes later, time to vent her frustrations with him and paint her anger in iridescent markings. Tonight though, close to the first mark she made, she punctures the skin enough to bleed, enough for her to run her tongue across his skin to catch what she can before it heals. “Only you.” She whispers the words back to him while kissing the blue hair.

    And then she is lost to all thought, lost in him and this night. It is almost too much and yet all at once it is not enough, his magic flowing through her until they are finally both spent. She enjoys watching him when he touches her, enough that she keeps her eyes open while he traces the scars on her face, her heart still finding energy enough to thrill at this intimacy despite the way they had spent the night.

    She strokes his hair idly, too exhausted to point out that he’s killed her twice already. What’s one more? Too exhausted to even fight the lazy smile that spreads at his words, when he admits that he’ll miss her if there is ever a day when she runs out of lives and deaths and does not come back. Mazikeen does not believe such a day will happen - it has not yet. Four times she has died, four times she has opened her eyes again. Only two of these belong to him and she wonders how many more he will try to claim.

    “I love you.” She tells him in a voice softer than the morning breeze as she begins to fall asleep, even though that is not what this is - not what she feels for him anymore. But it is the simplest way to sum up the way he thrills her, enrages her, and how she knows there will be no other she will want this way. How she will kill to keep him safe from others so that she can take the life he owes her.

    This isn’t love, but Mazikeen falls asleep next to Gale for the first time since before their children were born and although the fire rages inside of her still, the way it curls through her body resembles the feeling of peace.

    m a z i k e e n .

    @ Gale

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