"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
Shaking off the morning cold, Yanhua did his best to keep a steady pace as he tromped along the roadway north. Thousands of horses had passed this way, leaving a wide path that could easily fit three or four of their species across in width, and on a less discernible note they’d also left a trail of memories for the goat-horned stallion to sense as he stomped along. His breath curled up from his nostrils and frost hung down on his chin full of beard, but Yan could sense a warmth from so many memories of merry journeying that he hardly felt the snap of cold from the very real (and very present) oncoming winter.
Happy to be heading north for Leilan’s coronation, Yanhua’s good humor lasted as he picked up a steady trot and continued up the trailway and into Nerine, where the road kept on towards the sea. The scenery, however, thinned out from the large redwoods and spiny evergreens, turning into hardy berry bushes and rocky craigs that Yan had to navigate with some loss of breath. The morning drew on, the road kept her path, and Yanhua eventually cleared the Nerinian forests to see the moors wildly stretching out ahead of him.
For a moment he admired the landscape, soaking up the gray-green of the sky and mossy grass. Sweat beaded his skin; a thin layer of misty dew clung in droplets of water to his mane and tail, quickly hardening into frost the longer Yan stood motionless. He smiled, breathed in the faint smell of icy brinewater, and opened his mouth to whicker a common-tongue greeting. This felt like the gate into warrioress territory, and even if he was granted permission by his status to freely walk through, Yanhua didn’t mind the thought of company on his way to the Isle.
If no one nearby heard him or his walking, well… he’d be easy enough to spot out in the open on the hoof-beaten roadway, where any Nerinan creature could flag him down for a chat.
09-03-2020, 10:34 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2020, 10:34 PM by Amarine.)
Tornados from a butterfly's wing
Amarine stood on the moor with her head stubbornly in the wind. There were too many horses coming in. Too many new faces, too many new feelings. Every day they got closer to the changing of leaders that brought the newcomers, Ama found it harder to avoid the masses.
It didn't help that her head ached most of the time these days. She slept whenever she could get away with it, for that was the only time she could escape the knocking in her head. That was what she was trying to do now. Doze in the wind, hoping for rest before she'd have to give in and find Nev or someone.
Her mouth twisted as a thread of feeling tugged at her mind. Someone was close enough to touch her, and it would do nothing to ease her headache if she was battling for her own emotions. Any hope of a nap was dashed when the ringing cry of someone's greeting broke through the wind and met her ears. A grumbling sigh puffed past her lips, but she shook herself and turned. She wasn't completely uncivilized.
Her short, slim legs carried her through heather and stone, while the threads of sensation fluttered against her. Excitement, mellow Joy, other, softer things. Ama grimaced, though she wasn't sure why. It wasn't like she was feeling unpleasant things. Mostly she longed for her quiet den.
The gentle gleam of gold on the moor caught her eye, a mild surprise shaking her from her self suffering. Her pace picked up, and the gentle clopping of her hooves on rocky soil carried to the young stallion she paced towards. "Yanhua! That's you, isn't it?" She burred when she drew close enough to speak and be heard. Her haunting eyes fastening on his form, a vague smile on her lips. It was at least a year ago now that she had met the shaggy colt on the seashore, had played games of throwing and catching emotions.
Through the knife in her head, Ama searched for the feeling she wanted. Sorted through her catalogue of emotion until she landed on what she wanted. With a lifting of her eyes, the pony mare let the inner out.
A pool of warm, sincere Welcome rolled away from her. Equal parts Joy, Longing and Recognition. Words had never been a strong suite for her. They seemed clumsy things when one could cut to the heart of things with such ease.
09-04-2020, 08:01 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2020, 10:14 AM by Yanhua.)
Yanhua hadn’t forgotten about Amarine - how could he? What about her could possibly be forgettable? In fact, for a while after he’d met her, the chestnut colt wandered the northern border on purpose just so he might get a glimpse of her in his rounds, but the same figure he now saw clipping over the small green boulders had never passed by. Amarine looked well; her fairy-colored hair gleamed as did her gemstone body, and Yanhua smiled a half-grin at the sound of his name being shouted across the moors like that: all high-pitched and maybe even a twinge desperate, in case he moved on without acknowledging her.
“One and the same!” He answered with a laugh, then flicked his copper ears up between his horns at the feeling she was relaying to him.
Welcome. Amarine’s magical gift, augmented emotion, rolled over him with the clean, sharp clarity of sensational power he could immediately interpret through his own magic; Yanhua’s mind went blank and Nerine disappeared for the blink of an eye. He could feel the sensation of his brother’s nose pressed into his own flank, warm from his breath. He could see her, Amarine, with those aqua eyes of her’s beginning to nearly glow - a memory of their past encounter. These were Yanhua’s versions of Ama’s magically-induced emotions, and he certainly hadn’t forgotten how beautifully she crafted them.
Yan smiled and broke the spell, though you could hardly tell he’d paused at all. He moved off the well-worn path down to where Amarine was, finding his way easily despite how tall he’d gotten, seemingly in no rush. A year of growth and a part-time gig in Taiga as a ‘warrior’ kept him lean, but not so much scrawny these days. His pelt shone like well-polished copper, both his mane and tail were literally glowing gold despite the sun being partially out from the clouds. He was very clearly happy to see her, and said as much by giving her a memory he’d been working on since they’d last met:
It was of Amarine’s face, stoic and a bit disappointed, but in Yanhua’s eyes all the more strikingly lovely because of it. She’d been staring out to sea, letting the wind play with her mane, and he’d had only a moment to catch her haunting expression before he’d stumbled over a rock -
Yanhua clipped off the memory there, chuckling to himself. No doubt she wouldn’t need his help recalling what came next. He was curious though, and cheated a bit by asking Ama, “How did it look?”
Along with the expression in his eyes, the rest of Yan softened when he stopped in front of the black mare. This time, he was quick and professional about withdrawing any possible emotion Ama might pick up on, and pretty certain she would feel instant relief from the burden of his feelings. He’d practiced daily, hoping she’d sense the improvement the next opportunity he got to show off.
“Looking at you now, I hardly think my memories could do you justice.” Yanhua’s eyes melted entirely, softening without his consent.