"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
because maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me
Darkness - something she was not unaccustomed to. But this, this was different. Eyelids flutter erratically over stirring eyeballs, a puff of air escapes her nostrils as she stirs and wakes from her slumber. Before she is even fully conscious, a heaviness settles over her heart like a stone laid upon her chest. A pale puff of forelock is brushed aside as she shakes the slumber from her bones, and from her mind. She is distinctly aware of the strangeness around her, and how unaccustomed she is to being out in the open (oh, how she missed her caves). She’d settled beneath a willow tree on the outskirts of what she did not know was the meadow. Her mind is cloudy, and her memory is not much better, and despite knowing she is a long way from home, Deet cannot stray from the optimism that is so much a part of her. The cover the willow tree provided was nothing compared to the caves she called home, but it was profoundly more secluded than many of the other places she had stumbled upon. She lifts herself from the grass, shaking herself free of the last remnants of sleep as she rises to her feet.
Stretching her slender body, Deet peers through the gently swaying branches of the willow tree. She can see groups of horses in the distance, as well as those who stroll along with only themselves for company. Stifling a small yawn, she moves away from what had been her temporary sanctuary and moves out into the open. Pale wings flutter nervously, as she skirts the edge of the meadow in leisurely observation. It appears she has stumbled upon some gathering place, as she passes distant groups of horses all engaged in different levels of socialising. She sighs, taking pause at a creek to stare at her reflection. She dips her lips in the cool water, enjoying a short but satisfying drink of the crystal clear water.
How she got here was as much a mystery to her as why she was here alone, without her family. Her brow furrows in a moment of sadness, a feeling she quickly pushes away to deal with later. Ever the optimist, Deet stares out over the meadow and wonders what kind of life she could make here. She wanted nothing more than to go home, to find her family - but for now, it didn’t seem like this would be her reality. Taking another deep breath, she wonders who and if she might encounter anyone today.
On the second morning of Yanhua’s journey, he awoke to find Spring in full bloom. The Forest on the far side of the River was a vibrant green again and the Meadow was alive with activity, just like Yan had always remembered. His homeland had recently been attacked by another Kingdom and their new Queen, leaving Loess and most of the Northern territories burnt to the ground by fire, but he would hardly know it wandering among the other horses. None of them seemed to be discussing what had happened; most were preoccupied with the natural course of life - foaling season, moving to better grazing lands, so on and so forth. Yanhua, however, let their concerns and his own keep separate spheres. The nomads and non-kingdom members could hardly begin to understand the private pain (and muted anger) Yanhua kept with him like a scar - their indifference to his quiet suffering and those of the Northern-aligned horses wasn’t anything personal, he reminded himself.
Shaking his ears between a set of still-growing goat horns, Yan dissociated from the hum of distant chatter while he strolled and thought about the task at hoof instead. He’d ventured away from Taiga with Izora’s knowledge in search of the few missing members unaccounted for since the attack. Brennen, Nerine’s champion Magician, and Yanhua’s own little sibling, Aela, were both still ‘missing’ in a sense. One had abdicated his position and sided with the enemy while Yanhua watched. The other? Aela was still a small filly. She could be anywhere by now, swept up by anyone. In truth, Yan’s sister was his priority. But, if he found Brennen by a stroke of good luck, perhaps the ancient magician could locate her for Yan and make the search that much easier.
“Here’s to wishing on stars.” Yanhua sighed thoughtfully to himself, having reached a less-populated area of the Meadow where a small creek babbled within a wide but shallow ditch. He quickly noticed another horse nearby - a mare, artfully colored and winged, though not like a bird. More like the delicate butterflies he sometimes had the pleasure of seeing in the warmest of Taiga months. She’d been looking out over the Meadow with an expression Yan knew a bit too well, but he was sure his unexpected appearance would change that. He smiled, briefly, and then paused a meter or two away with an eye on the brook.
“Mind if I drink?” He asked the mare, who looked like a fresh shoot of new spring growth herself.
@[Deethra] OOC: I'm not exactly sure if she does or doesn't have butterfly wings? Her profile says she does so I went with that, lol. If I need to change it, just let me know!
09-24-2020, 07:17 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2021, 03:03 PM by Drear.)
The world had fallen into chaos and she had been oblivious.
Truth be told she still was just as oblivious, having only felt a nudge of the perceptible tides of change beyond the horizon of her expanding bubble. Had she stayed in the Forest for a bit longer, she might’ve felt the weight of destruction to a grander degree as it had bared down from the North. Initially it was the Meadow she had chosen to turn her back to at the start of it, and the Forest where she had hoped to find solace. But instead she had encountered a mountain lion along the borders of Hyaline and Taiga in the Forest, and that had terrified her well enough to realize she’d rather face the suspicious, ominous feeling that had been lurking on the south side of Pangea than face something very real and very solid with claws, teeth and the capability of making an appetizer out of her. And now, ironically enough, she found herself feeling safer in the open spans of the Meadow just beyond the brink of a flourishing spring.
“I hope the mountain lion is doing okay” she mumbled to herself, recalling that it has fallen before running off deeper into the wood. Drear had been thankful for the dark mare to happen upon them before anything too drastically bad had happened, and she knew it was silly to worry about the tawny predator, but still.
But. Still.
Was it really that silly to worry about someone else? She worried for her moms and how they worried for her. She worried for the endearing fairy atop the mountain, whose words she was still trying to fathom - trying to figure out the ways in which she could learn to protect herself. A part of her doubted very much that the fairy would appreciate her worrying over her at all. But again, still. It couldn’t be that bad to worry about someone else - could it? And of course she would worry about her friends too. But she would have to get some of them first...
The buzz of her internal cogs grind to a halt when she nearly toppled into an expanse of creek cutting through her path. A voice nearby asks her an odd question, but her focus lay solely on dislodging her front hooves from the sticky mud of the bank that seemed stubbornly intent on not letting her go. “What? No!” she chimed, overly cheerful for the situation she found herself in. Between gritted teeth, she sucked in a breath and tried to pull backwards again, “I don’t mind at all!”
Frazzled and unlucky, she finally turned her head enough to see that the voice belonged to a strangely marked golden boy, who presumably hadn’t been asking her that question at all, but rather the winged mare standing much nearer to him.
“OH”, the young mare breathed with dawning realization, followed shortly thereafter by a quieter,”oh”. Quickly she turned her head away, wishing suddenly that the whole creek side would rise and swell and swallow her whole. But apparently the universe wasn’t going to start answering her prayers today, and she wasn’t going anywhere fast.
With a smile somewhere between politeness and a grimace, “I’m Drear.”
@[Deethra] @[Yanhua] ahh i'm sorry, i just had to have a pony meet a pony named after a dark crystal character