"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
again you’re gone, off on a different path than mine i'm left behind wondering if i should follow
What sort of chaos, Dracarys asks, and Lepis is reminded once more that chaos is not her specialty. Yet she manages - perhaps with the aid of fate - to bind herself to men who crave it. Three kings and two husbands later, there are some who might think that Lepis is too stubborn to learn her lesson, and perhaps they are right.
There is a thrill to the unknown and the dangerous, a siren song that Lepis can hear but does not heed. Listening is for others, for those who seek chaos and chase their own fancy. The dun mare has always been content to watch and wait, and in the past at least: provide a safe place to return to when the edge of danger grows too sharp. There’s no need for that last though, she realizes, not in a land ruled by a dragon.
“To expand Loess,” she replies, her own caution cast to the side despite the blue mare’s caution – she might be able to help. “Taiga won’t be the only land to come under Loess’ protection.” There is certainty in her voice when she says this, because she has put certainty there.
“You don’t look as though you’d mind a little cold weather,” amusement flashes in her eyes when she says this, the blue-grey of her gaze flicking across the mare’s physical resemblance to ice. “Perhaps you could make your way to the Icicle Isle, and find out if it’s still just the oft-absent Jesper living there.” The place was deserted the last time she’d went, the smell of horses other than the fox-shifter grown stale. “If he is, perhaps you could bring him to Loess and show him our hospitality.” The dun mare does not explicitly tell Dracarys to steal Jesper, but there is more than a suggestion in her iron eyes. The certainty of earlier returns to her mind and expression, flooding away the doubt and discomfort at the idea of captivity.
LEPIS i’m the one who sees you home-- but now i’m lost in the woods and i don’t know what path you are on
I have never been nothing. I am the blood of a dragon.
She does not crave the chaos and destruction her father does. Then again, Dracarys is not entirely sure what she wants. She doesn’t understand exactly what she is meant to become or even who to be right now. Her life has been simple, despite her family being torn apart and leaving Sylva, and much of it has been given to her on a silver-platter. She only knows one thing, and that is to look out for herself.
With that thinking, though, she knows could have terrible consequences. Perhaps it was wise to make the right friends. Friends like Felicitey, and even possible Lepis. She needed to surround herself with strong individuals.
Today she had thought to be another ordinary day. Meeting Lepis this mid-morning certainly was beginning to change her future. Dracarys doesn’t care to thank karma or fate, she doesn’t believe in those things. It was simply by chance, and she is rather pleased that good fortune came her way today.
Dracarys, listening carefully, ears flickering forward and silver eyes on the mare in front of her, consider all that has been said to her. “Expanding. Hm…” The dragon mare only says for now as she thinks for a moment. She knew very well Taiga had been successfully taken and under control of Loess, but now her grandfather was reaching more. It wasn’t just to any other territory. It was another one of Nerine’s perhaps?
Her expression turns into a soft amused smile when she mentions the cold weather. “I never have been there before,” Dracarys simply seemed built for the cold, although she has never experienced Icicle Isle’s cold weather before. Perhaps it was time she did visit the iced island after all. “Maybe a visit wouldn’t hurt,” she adds.
The winged dragon mare doesn’t miss the expression in the other mare’s iron eyes. There was a twist to offering their own hospitality. Dracarys catches the suggestion from Lepis. It was certainly asking for trouble, but this was the sort of chaos her grandfather had built his kingdom upon. His kingdom was not built with idle hands, but with decisions and actions that were chaotic and destructive. It was admirable almost.
Her smile turns up further, curling into a more confident expression. She doesn’t hide her arrogance here because she simply knew she could achieve what Lepis was asking her to do. Dracarys would do whatever it took to complete her first assignment.
“I will be happy to offer the best hospitality Loess can give,” she says with an amused grin. It personally would be no trouble for Dracarys, or so she likes to think, but she doesn’t second guess herself in order to accomplish the ask she has been given. In fact, Dracarys looked forward more to it than anything.
She looks out to the horizon, meeting the afternoon day head on. “I’ll be back before you know it,” she says turning to Lepis once more before turning to face the cliff. Taking a few steps towards the cliff, Dracarys spreads out her dragon wings and leaps up into the air, heading towards the northern corner of Beqanna.