"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
Kalil didn't quite know how to feel about what had transpired during his first official trip to a land outside Taiga, if only because that had been his first time outside his home. He was never one to think that every land outside Taiga's redwoods seemed to be as peaceful as where he lived with his family, but he certainly didn't think what happened in the Field would... well, happen.
But here they were, a misfit band of three traveling back to Taiga, since Turul had taken off to tend to something. Aten was in front of the group leading the way, while Kalil hung back to be a bit closer to Ruthless. Every so often, he glanced over his shoulder to make sure she was following, and he could sometimes see Aten doing the same. But the colt was even more conflicted, he had to be.
What exactly could he say to the pretty filly? How could he sugarcoat the fact that her dam, despite journeying to their sister kingdom, had essentially bid Ruthless farewell, left her in the hooves of a stallion and colt, and then left? What kind of dam did that to their young no matter their age? He never even thought a mare like that could exist; he was naive enough to think that all of them were like his own dam, at least until the young were better equipped to take care of themselves.
He'd heard stories about his sire's and dam's upbringing, but those were circumstances they couldn't control. Brine had done what she did completely willingly, and Kalil was honestly in such a shock that had he not been looking where he was going he would've tripped over at least a dozen rocks and in a few small ground animal holes by now.
After a few hours silence upon their departure from the Field, Kalil decided to suck it up and see what he could do to at least try and make Ruthless smile, even if she was upset. He busied the filly with small talk about his home to try and get her sense of wonder up, give her things to look forward to so she would hopefully forget what her dam did. He told her of his siblings and how they liked to play together, along with Amica and Turul when neither of them were busy. He even got to telling some funny stories, such as how Amica had taken an 'unplanned' swim one day upon realizing Kalil's stunt, and how the colt, along with some of his older siblings, had some innocent fun with Owin when he nearly sat on a porcupine.
The colt's bubbly nature would hopefully prove infectious and get the filly to open up so that by the time they did arrive home, that smile could turn into something bigger. Aten decided to stop and rest the group following a long day of walking, and Kalil settled in to graze slightly closer to Ruthless than his sire so he could provide the filly with some company. Aten watched over the young ones most of the night, given his adult status and how the young ones needed more rest, but sensing his sire needed sleep, Kalil also woke once or twice and insisted Aten rest.
The night, luckily for the trio, passed peacefully, and they set out at early light. They reached Taiga's border before the sun rose to signify half the day had passed, and Kalil smiled eagerly at Ruthless as they crossed the border and entered a rather beautiful portion of Taiga's redwoods.
Many of the kingdom's famous flora stood tall and proud above the three horses, seemingly reaching for the sky as if they could touch the clouds and grab the stars in the night. The sunlight showed off their brilliant summer colors, and, in this section of the border, glistened off the meadow grass since the trees opened up into a small grazing ground before thickening once again and hiding the kingdom's secrets until one went further in search of the main meeting area.
Aten was continuing to walk along, but stayed within easy reach of the two young ones. Kalil offered Ruthless a smile, "So, whadya think? If you'd like, I can take you to the main grazing area, or there's this wonderful place father showed me where a small river runs down a tiny mountain and into a pool before heading into the ocean. It's very pretty in the summer, especially when there are still fish to see, and all the other creatures that call the river their home. What would you like to do?"
She is encased in a box of naivety, it is true.. Ignorance being bliss. She is completely unaware of the somber thoughts the creamy perfectly-sculpted colt has, but she is unaware of lots of things. Unaware why the sky is blue, why grass tastes good, why their kind is considered prey and the God-made predators aren’t half as scary as the monsters Brine used to scream about in her sleep.
The monsters who don’t stop when begged to. The monsters who strip ignorance and naivety like they strip the confidence and boldness of their enemies.
So, while her newly anointed friend uses filler stories and overuses excitement in a desperate attempt to rid of darker topics, Ruthless matches his energy and carries on as if her only thought is indeed, the bountiful amount of playmates eagerly awaiting their arrival. Despite the black weight of doubt and insecurity weighing on the surface of her hindquarters, draping across like freshly fallen snow all the way up to her shoulders. An unnerving, annoying kind of weight.
As the air changed into an unfamiliar foreign scent, her stomach begins to flips in uncontrollable uncertainty. Would they like her? How long till her mother would venture to her neck of the redwoods? Would people see her as… discarded?
She casually shakes her head, ridding of such horrid thoughts.
Her eyes flicker back to Kalil, modestly appreciating his build and colour. Another child of light, with creamy hues and golden textures all molded into the amber champagne coat growingly more common in the land of Beqanna, but Ruthless has no idea of this fact. Her only form of company, mother, a deep blue tinted black with white texture tossed across her shoulders, ribs, and flank. A blue roan, Brine called it.
Until now, Ruthless had been the only golden hued horse. And here he is, well cared for and healthy; and to top it all off, somewhat handsome.
As handsome as a child can recognize another child for.
“Ocean?” Her head cocks ever so slightly to the side, a tangle of blonde hair falling sporadically across her forehead, her soft milky blaze peaking through separated strands. “I have never heard of an ocean.”
Kalil stopped abruptly in his tracks when he heard Ruthless say that. Did he hear her correctly? He tilted his finely shaped head and leaned in a bit as it he were trying to hear her better, even though he knew her words were true and he'd heard them perfectly well. He could not believe it; in her time in Beqanna, however long that had been, she hadn't seen the ocean?
He would not stand for this.
He gave the friendly filly a smile, "Well then, I'm going to fix that right now." Kalil trotted up to his sire and told him he was going to take Ruthless on a small trip of their own, and with well wishes for his son and the promise that they would be careful, Aten turned to Ruthless and bid her a gentle goodbye. When he was out of sight among the trees, his brilliant golden coat concealed in the shadows, Kalil hurried back to Ruthless' side and did a crow hop on his back hooves so his front hooves were in the air, showing his excitement.
"Come on then, I'm gonna show you the ocean!" The golden colt trotted around behind Ruthless so he was now on her other side, giving her flank a nudge with his own before taking off at a gallop towards the north-western edge, roughly in the direction where beyond lay traces of Nerine and the Icicle Isle.
Kalil's breeding was evident in the way he moved; his features, still light due to his age as a yearling, moved with fluidity and grace, his hooves thundering over the ground with the same power and strength that flowed through his sire's blood. The colt shared such a resemblance with his sire that one may think Aten had a much younger twin version of himself. Even with the different colors of their manes, tails, and the markings Kalil sported, one could easily see Aten in his son. Kalil had once heard his sire joke as well that if his own dam were alive and could see Kalil, she might have thought it was Aten when he was a yearling.
Kalil loved the feeling of the wind blowing through his mane and tail, almost calling to him as it whistled in his ears and letting him hear the sounds of the world. Instances like these were what reminded him of a precious gift that his species might take for granted; the feeling of being free, to be a wild horse. To race across the land with a sound as loud as thunder and the strength of the ocean waves beating against the mountains, to run with the speed of lightning and raise their young on the peaceful meadow grounds where they would not worry of dangers present in lands that existed beyond Beqanna.
Though every so often he separated from Ruthless' side to enjoy what he could do, Kalil would slow down and gallop at his new friend's side, sharing smiles and looks of excitement as they continued their journey. When Kalil recognized the familiar ridge up ahead that signaled the ocean was within reach, he slowed to a lope, further regressing the closer they got.
By the time they reached the top of the ridge, Kalil had stopped, his coat bristled with a light sheen of sweat, further accenting his bright color. His chest heaved as he caught his breath, but he still looked at Ruthless with glee and excitement. The ocean stretched out to the never-ending horizon in front of their eyes, it's tides gently sloshing against the sand that separated the green and brown terra from the vivid blue mar. The tide was low right now, the waves gentle and calm, a perfect introduction for one who was seeing something this beautiful for the first time.
"Come on, it's so much fun to play in!" Kalil enthused, determined to show the filly she had nothing to fear. He strode proudly onto the beach, kicking up some sand when he picked up his hooves, grains becoming stuck in the light feathering he sported on the back of his fetlocks.
As the colt approached the tide's reach on the beach, the water came up and lapped at his hooves like a hungry predator. Kalil knew the ocean was to be respected, but he still found this game rather fun. He'd created it many moons ago; when his parents would bring himself and his siblings out here, Kalil would challenge his brother and sisters to try and get as close to the ocean as possible, then leap away when the tide got close so they didn't get wet. It had been very fun, especially when they were all young, and the colt sometimes still played to this day to remind himself of happy times; times he would definitely keep close to him once he and his siblings were all grown.
Not wanting to play just yet, Kalil crow hopped against and crashed down into the water when he landed, his hooves splashing up some of the water still warmed by the summer sun up onto his shoulders, upper legs, and belly. Laughing at his own silliness, the colt turned a couple of times in the water, bucking and rearing to continue his splashing. Every so often he glanced at Ruthless to see if she would join him, and, when he calmed enough, called to her.
"Come in! It's not bad when you get used to it! This is fun, come try it!"
She watches him, feeling his adrenaline begin to heighten in excitement. Her head cocks slightly sideways, as if to ask if perhaps he is the crazy one.
What could be so great about an ocean.
More importantly-- if it is as great as her golden accomplice is boasting--why hadn’t mother taken her there before?
Ruth watches as Aten nods his approval for their dismissal, and part of her is left flabbergasted at his security. Surely he is strong and big and many must not cross his boundaries, but to allow two children to wander off without his guard? Brine could never know.
A brief tingle of excitement tickles at the front of her spine, the thought of rebellion leaving a tempting taste on her tongue. So many forbidden things now possible.
Kalil nudges her flank playfully and another quick chill strikes down her hindquarters, as if his encouragement be the devil on her shoulder playing hooky with the angel. He could be the bad boy, she could be the white dressed-saint. He shows her adventure, she shows him generosity and priorities.
Like the stories mother used to tell.
Though, seeing him now at a casual high-lope and carrying himself in an elegant manner with poise and sure footedness, Ruth feels distance. Distance because he is from somewhere completely unlike her own, and here there are plenty of pretty, golden ponies. And, Ruth had much to learn.
But, friendship felt nice. Something that couldn’t tell her what to do and in fact, helped her do things she technically couldn’t.
While he pulses at different speeds for reasons unbeknownst to her, our little sun-child maintains a steady pace. Mother had always taught her to conceal her speed, monsters could be watching, and to be so careless now would leave the impression of a betrayal. And while her limbs are not sculpted by perfected genetics from what must of been an arranged (but well-matched) marriage that plotted this idealistic colt, she is still beautiful. Her golden complexion painted over a lean, tall, vivaciously contoured frame, with piercing hazel eyes and a milky-cream mess of tangled mane and tail, all wrapped into a charming personality and served with a warm aura.
More inviting than a grandma’s touch. More captivating than dusted frost on naked tree limbs. As seemingly flawless as the pre-meditated birth of the colt gleefully galloping beside her.
But there is a shadow that taints her, and that is the difference.
As grass hastily turns into sand, Ruth’s eyes set on the vast landscape painted of blues and navy-greys that reach far beyond her sight. She is intoxicated by the view, lost in the heavy explosion of waves against land and the soft caw of gulls. The roll of white foam tainting the golden beach in a perfectly imperfect final stroke on the painting, as if hand crafted by the most peaceful and passionate mind.
“Wow,” a word is able to escape her as Kalil pulls away from her one final time, enveloping into the waves like some mer-horse creature that Ruthless prefers not to visualize. He is home, here. His heart given to the ocean long before this moment now, Ruth feels envy burn at the tips of her ears.
But yet, her other half (the logical side), softens at his pure joyfulness. She sees him at her level, as her equal, as a safe and good decision. She sees their alikeness and common interests, their opportunity to grow together. And while he may have several options for similar endings--she had heard all about them only hours prior--she does not, and at this exact moment things feel unexplainably hopeful.
He calls to her, telling her to join and that it is fun and he wants her there. As response, she does a little sing-song in her head feeling sudden appreciation to be wanted and liked, and takes off after him. The first wave comes higher than anticipated and she stumbles to regain balance on the other side. As she feels the coolness of salt water dot her shoulders and belly, she spins to find Kalil.
“You are lucky to be you,” she calls to him over the noise of rolling waves, the soft feeling of stillness coming to fruition as the waves calm momentarily. “I wish I had known about oceans before now.”
He may have left his heart here before her, but she chooses to leave hers here and now. She understands why he felt so excited to share this with her.
“Your dad seems nice,” she comments as she carefully wades herself closer to his reach, feeling her soft voice drown against the loud dramatic backdrop.
Even if she may have been concealing her excitement, Kalil could tell that the filly was eager to see what lay in store for them at the coast, where the ocean lay and stretched on for miles past the horizon. Her gait was calm and steady, but eager, a stark contrast to Kalil's excited prancing. Understandable, to a degree; perhaps she was just hesitant since she'd never been near the ocean before, she didn't know what to expect.
But that was why Kalil was so excited to share it with her; to show her the wonders and mysteries of the ocean, and give her a new lease on life by exposing it's beauty. Another reason why his excitement shown as brightly as the sun when he bucked and kicked amongst the waves in excitement.
Kalil's golden coat was turned a dark honey brown due to the salt water that soaked through his skin, but it did not diminish the elegant appearance he carried as he waded among the waves. Ruth seemed to hesitate a moment up on the beach before throwing caution to the wind and charging in to the ocean. A wave grew in size as the filly made her way out, seeming to catch her off guard since Ruth had to regain her balance when it crested and crashed down near the beach. Despite this, she recovered just fine, spinning around in her tracks to locate the golden colt.
Having spent a lot of time around the ocean, Kalil could hear just fine over the typical roaring noise that waves made, either during high or low tide, so it wasn't as hard for him to hear as other horses may initially figure. Still, the filly's soft voice, like a gentle breeze among a winter storm, just barely caught his ears, and the colt turned to see her wading toward him.
To help in case the waves decided to start growing bigger as the tide came in, Kalil moved a few strides toward the beach to where the water would've stopped at their knees. He smiled at Ruthless as she got closer to him, hearing her comment about his sire.
For a moment, in turn, Kalil could only watch her. She was a rather pretty filly, which was the maximum the colt's feelings reached at still a young age. Her golden coat, much like his dam's save for the dark markings, glistened with health in the sun, her silky mane and tail a shade between pure snow white and platinum like he'd seen on some other golden horses. Her limbs were strong and she carried herself gracefully, her hazel eyes on the colt as she came closer.
"Yeah, he's a pretty great guy," Kalil offered back, "He says he's made mistakes in the past, but I heard him joking with Mother that he says that so I won't idolize him too much. I don't know though, it doesn't seem like he could make a lot of mistakes when it comes to our family. Mother says everything he's done has been for us, and that includes you now too."
His smile grew, "That is, if you'd like to be part of our family. I know my Mother and siblings would love to have you, if you choose to stay here in Taiga. It's a great place to live, well protected, and there are plenty of friendly faces here. Plus, amazing sights like this," he glanced back out at the ocean briefly, "And if you decide you'd like to learn about protecting a kingdom or diplomacy some day, my Father and Mother could help teach you that too."
@[Ruthless] he can be a bit overbearing with a new friend XD
The moment, she admits, is memorable. Only hours ago her mind had been caught in a whirlwind of emotions all centered to her mother, as usual. The dark mare had engulfed the filly in a bubble of protection, yet beyond the inhabiting walls of that bubble lied oceans and giant red trees and colourful colts like Kalil.
And part of her, just for a second, feels disappointment follow the memory of her mother.
Though, it is hard to get lost in thoughts as wave crash against her petite frame and carefully press the two bodies closer and closer to shore. She feels comfort in him, another security blanket though not as suffocating or limiting. Her light can come and go in his protective shadow, like an open door to allow her to feel and experience everything without having to worry about the hidden monsters.
Perhaps life outside the mysterious forest isn’t so awful after all.
Gulls call above them, trees hum their branches in the wind, and her body moves closer to Kalil for a little more comfort as the waves increase their power. Ever so slightly their shoulders bump, electric pulses shooting up her shoulder and into the centre of her chest, the softest glow of butterflies edging in her stomach. Touch from a stranger, a friend. Touch from someone not painted in depression and anxiety.
Oh, what a touch it is.
“Everyone makes mistakes,” she offers comfortingly, more truth to her tongue now than ever. Brine certainly had, but Ruthless could forgive her for that too. “It might not seem like it, but mom did that for me too. I think she is more scared than anyone that I might end up like her..” Her voice trails off, leaving Kalil to judge Brine how he chose to. If our little golden light could not make sense of her shadowy-guardian, who could?
Her eyes sparkle as they talk more of diplomacy or protection. Could she offer others what Kalil and Aten had offered her? She feels her heart leap, as if that had been the whole hidden purpose of her glowing decision to try that one more time in the field, that one more attempt at a better life. It had been brought to her on a golden-platter called Kalil, and she almost loved him for it.
Though, at her age and naivety she couldn’t put into words the appreciation she felt for the equally attractive colt. To her, the butterflies and electric were coincidental and altogether foreign, something she couldn’t put into emotion or words. A feeling the would keep buried within herself, like some dirty secret.
“That’s all I have ever wanted,” she finishes, reaching down to itch at an annoying pinch most likely tickled from the shift of water. “I want to make a difference one day, you know,” her voice softens as if recalling a warm memory, “I truly think if I did that, I would repay my mom for what she did,” her eyes darting to the ground insecurely before looking back to Kalil with a seriousness dotting her hazel eyes, “she kept me, and she didn’t have to. But something told her she should. She says I was her purpose.”
@[Kalil] I am low-key shipping them, and if you're ever into it we should totally plot something out. <3 I love Kalil so much!
On the subject of his sire still, Ruth said that everyone made mistakes at least once in their life. Kalil had to resist the urge to snort, for he was thinking of a time when that happened to him. It wasn't on the level of some mistakes that the adults had made in their lifetimes, but Kalil now knew why one should never mess with a porcupine.
What surprised Kalil a bit was how Ruth spoke of her dam. In his mind, he would be the one stating that Ruth's dam did what she had to protect and care for her daughter, and that perhaps Ruth would not necessarily bad-mouth her, but certainly not displaying the sense of forgiveness she clearly was now. Every horse was different, even in similar situations, yes, but Kalil suddenly found the filly next to him very mature. He watched her with a new sense of respect as they waded through the water together, his heart jumping with happiness in his chest whenever their legs or shoulders ended up bumping together from the force of the waves.
Kalil wasn't impervious to them, despite having grown up around them. However, his sure-footedness under the water helped Ruth stay on her hooves too, until they were safely in pastern-deep water and out of danger of waves that went rogue and tried to sweep any unlucky creature out to sea. Kalil stepped away from Ruth a moment and gave his body a good shake, his coat still soaked through but now he had less water dripping off him. His color appeared like a crazy swirl pattern with how the water had splashed onto his coat, with some dark spots also peppering his face like appaloosa markings.
Despite still being a yearling, Kalil was lucky enough to develop better than his sire or grand-dam had at his age.
Ruth continued their conversation by saying that all she wanted to do was make a difference in the world one day, something Kalil respected her for. He too had the same ideas; he wished to help serve his home the way his Mother and Father were doing. He wanted to help protect his friends and family, go out to other kingdoms and form good relationships with those who lived there too. And perhaps help his Father help reacquire something he often talked about losing. Kalil couldn't have known Aten was talking about Taiga's leadership, along with how he wanted to reclaim it to keep a promise.
The only thing he did know was that he just wanted to help whoever, and however, he could.
Ruth's goal also stemmed from her wish to repay her dam for how she'd taken care of her, though Kalil wasn't a fan of how Ruth phrased it. Though Brine had been a good dam, Ruth said it in a way that made Kalil feel it had been more out of obligation rather than just wanting too. Of course, he didn't think that way, and he didn't want Ruth to ever do the same. She didn't want to think her dam had ever been burdened with her, an obligation, and had only done what she did to give her a better life.
And this way, one day, when they reunited, there would be no animosity between them.
Kalil smiled at the filly, "Father says that his Mother would say the same about him and his siblings too. That she always felt she was meant to have foals of her own, and nothing gave her greater joy than when she got to raise my Father and his siblings. I think my Father respects my Mother for that, and how she's taken on other foals too. Perhaps you weren't your Mother's only purpose, but definitely her greatest," he stated with a firmness in his tone. He smile turned up into a confident one now, his eyes bright.
Suddenly, he had another idea, and the muscles under his skin bristled with excitement. His ears went up, his tail swishing a few times.
"Come on, I have something else to show you." He nudged the filly's neck as he said that, and trotted a few steps away before stopping and turning to glance back at her. He motioned with his head for her to follow before he took off down the beach, heading north in the direction of Nerine. Taiga had many great secrets to share, but for the time, Kalil wouldn't give them all away just yet. After all, what benefit would there be to having Ruth stick around if he couldn't also offer some occasional surprises in addition to his friendship?
Kalil led the way up the beach a good stretch, his pace a bit more controlled now as he settled into a lope. Every so often, with a smile at Ruth, he would start drifting right and end up galloping in the shallows of the water, kicking up a light mist in his wake. He made sure to stay near Ruth however, for two reasons. He enjoyed her company, and he didn't want to accidentally go too far out and end up swept by a wave to where she couldn't help him.
As they got closer to Nerine, Kalil spotted their destination. The large cliffs that formed part of the seaside, as his sire had once described, were further in Nerine's territory, but there were outcroppings here as the terrain shifted and grew in height. And Kalil knew of one special one. The waves, over the years, had eroded the terrain away so that it formed caves beneath the outcroppings of land, though the ones here were smaller than up in Nerine. Kalil slowed as they got closer, wanting to let Ruth know to slow down so she wouldn't end up falling. The terrain here could be a bit tricky to navigate if one wasn't careful.
Kalil led Ruth around a cluster of rocks where the beach line was starting to thin. However, it was still enough that two horses of Kalil and Ruth's size could walk side by side. The colt made sure to watch Ruth carefully in case she slipped on the wet rocks, picking his steps carefully to avoid a similar fate. Luckily, under the outcropping, it was still mostly sand since the water was shallow this time of day, it was just the rocks near the front they had to watch.
When they were under the shade enough, Kalil stopped and glanced back to look at how the roof above them was. Noting things still seemed normal, and looking down at the water, he spoke to Ruth, "Come over here so you can see this," he encouraged.
A few more minutes had to pass by before it happened, but luckily the sun was still at the right angle it had to be before reaching midday. The light filtered down and bounced off the water, and now, at this position, was the magic. The water reflected the light off of the wall in front of Kalil and Ruth, and the materials underneath the surface layer glistened and sparkled like precious gems. Reflecting all kinds of colors, it was like a rainbow, a rather beautiful sight that was unfortunately only visible for a few minutes each day.
Kalil certainly hoped that Ruth would like it. So that, in a way, even if there was a shadow in her heart, she would also remember there was light to look for too.
@[Ruthless] I would love to plan something out, I'm shipping these two also, love Ruth
The last two days had been… confusing. Yet, here and now things actually made sense. She is safe and cared for; she has even made a friend.
A friend who enjoys the most simplistic touch of ocean salt-water against skin.
“You might be right. But, then again. No one knows Brine like I do, no one has ever had the chance to,” she also copies his firmness, though surely he will understand the slight disappointment even she has in her own words.
Ruthless is loyal, sometimes to a fault.
“One more place,” she muses even if the nudge of exhaustion lingers like weight across her back. And like that, he is off.
They gallop, and she cannot help but laugh as he flies in and out of the tide. Her mother is right, boys are foolish. Ruthless never had the chance to feel that side of childhood, having to grow up the second she inhaled fresh forest air beneath the pine tree covered in needles. But his carelessness and freedom hits her.
It hits her with a maddening wildness that whispers you’ll be careless and free, you’ll find yourself… soon.
They slow as they enter a narrow pass, walking side by side so close their shoulders continuously brush together. She sees him watching her, ensuring she is safe. And while part of her is annoyed, because she is an independent woman here (at her naïve young age, this is what independency looks like). Though, the majority of her feels a wave of modesty, a blushing glow that spreads across her body like warm water. It’s adoring.
He pulls her to the water edge, and it isn’t until she peers down that her eyes feel lost in the reflecting sparkle of the surface floor, as if peering into a cavern of gemstones.
“What is it?” She asks, curiously, glancing back to him with wild amazement lightening her eyes.
She allows him to answer, glancing over to him occasionally. And then, the nudge of exhaustion reminds her.
“I am exhausted, I should probably go,” even if her heart is begging to stay even a few more minutes. “Play tomorrow?”
And once he responds, she smiles and says her goodbyes. Wandering into the redwood abyss to find a little space of shade that reminds her of home.
@[Kalil] I figured we could end this thread and start a new one since they have aged a fair bit now!? Also, there is some mega drama in the field regarding Wolfbane trying to take Lilliana and Ruthless, so she will need lots of emotional support LOL, plus shipping <3 Mwahaha. Let me know if this is okay!!
Hi @[Ruthless], yeah, I'm totally cool with that! Oh goodness, Kalil hates drama but he'll do anything for his new friend! Love the ship, can' wait for it to sail <3