"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
07-19-2015, 08:22 PM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2015, 07:54 PM by prague.)
Have you ever just sat in your driveway, slowly unbuckled your seatbelt and wondered how the hell you got to where you are? Perhaps you have driven the same way for months, years, decades and it's just almost as if it's muscle memory. You look around and the house the the same, the view from your rearview too but you can't place it.
It's frightening.
Prague definitely wasn't drunk, at least not from a standard way of thinking; no hoppy beer or stinging vodka...her mind was definitely less than full functioning. What was this new world, she thought but where she would normally answer her question it was just empty. Was this the beginning signs of the flat line of her life? The equine alzheimer's? Perhaps or perhaps life is cruel when you lie down for a three year long nap but so be it.
Some things she will always remember, the Jungle was definitely not lost on her but who lived there now? Would she be welcomed or just thrown away with other feeble minds. If tears could fall from her eyes it would be now, the uncertainty, the sickening silence of growing old of mind...alone. All we can hope is someone that is a familiar face will show up, guide the iron mare to times of new and rebuild her mind.
The fogginess in her eyes, it’s like looking into a mirror. The uncertain expression on her face a reflection on her own. The days had stretched, she had lost track of how long she had been gone. She couldn’t tell you where she had been either. Around? Here… There. Surely she had existed all those years for here she stands in flesh and blood. It was almost as if the world had gone on pause and then one day just continued as if nothing had happened. Yet so much had happened. Everything was different and yet the same and it was overwhelming. Just entirely overwhelming.
It seemed it had been a mistake to travel back into the heated mist of vines and overgrowth. It had been empty, not a single face to express curiosity, welcome, or protectiveness. It had frightened her and not much frightened her. If the jungle would not have her back… Then where would she go? Where else would the jaguar lady possibly fit in when everything in her and everything she was mad of screamed she belonged to the Amazons. How can you return home if there’s no home to return too?
Back to the meadow, the only other resemblance of home she had. Standing alone, a lost kitten with no microchip or collar to guide it back to where it should be. Even worse, no owner looking for her and wondering where she could possibly be. Such a far cry from the confident fierce warrior she had once been. Could still be if she could just find her footing. Golden eyes search the older mare before her and she grabs hold to the hope that just maybe… She’s not the only confused outcast in this place. ”Have you lost your way?” The question isn’t spoken with concern or with a need to help. It’s a question laced in hopefulness the way a kid would ask… Are you my mom? Are you lost too?
07-20-2015, 11:03 AM (This post was last modified: 07-21-2015, 07:57 AM by Kyra.)
and when I breathed, my breath was lightning
The Jungle was anything but empty. The sisters were there, lurking the shadows, running from kingdom to kingdom on diplomatic missions. In the field, which is where Rhy spends as much of her time as she can. And the meadow now and again, because there was always something to be learned in the meadow. Rhy, lately, would have to admit she’d been absent from the Jungle for personal matters. It had been too long since the quest, too long since she’d learn her parents were dead and she had a baby brother. Too much time had gone by and she had not told her sister.
Kora was the only one Rhy had left in her family, really. So many of them were gone, and the rest she didn’t know. Just Straia, who was as trusth worthy as a snake, and so the two were not particularly close. But as much as Rhy didn’t want to tell her butterfly-heart sister, she knew she had to. Knew that Kora deserved the truth. Knew that perhaps, Kora, without any tethers to a kingdom or Beqanna, might be able to go find their brother.
Oh, how badly she wants to meet their brother.
She’s finally on her way back from that meeting when she spots the familiar mare. Prague. She knows Prague, though barely. Rhy had been young the last time the magical mare had been see in the Jungle. There’s another mare with her, one that looks like she belongs in the Jungle as well, though neither seem to be there. Why? Did they not want to return?
But Rhy can’t really imagine that. Once an Amazonian, always an Amazonian. At least a little bit. She can’t help but make her way over, weaving through the other horses with a clear purpose in mind. Not necessarily to bring them back – perhaps they did not want to go – but to see what she could do to help. If anything. She would always help her sisters. Past, present, and future.
She catches the words of the jaguar mare, and puzzles over them for only a moment. In the end, the question makes sense. Rhy would feel lost too, without the tether of the Jungle. She practically feels lost without the vine around her leg and the red flower on her chest. “Prague,” she says quietly, not sure that the mare would remembers her (Rhy was still a child then), but sure that Prague could figure out who she was. Still though, she doesn’t know the other one at all, and so she nods her head and adds, “I’m Rhy."
07-20-2015, 08:05 PM (This post was last modified: 07-21-2015, 09:36 PM by prague.)
It isn't long before she is approached and although she can sense them due to her magic and years of practice her reaction is all but lazy. She turns to the sound of the first mare, tunnel vision is such a hassle - it seems as though she can only see directly in front of her.
This is what it finally feels like to grow old...or perhaps just weary.
She has so many children, grandchildren, great-great-great-enough-until-your-fingers-are-tired-of-spelling-great grandchildren but she can't remember many, Myrine, Oliphander, Thaddius...what others? Should she know her or is her bewilderment appropriately placed. The first mare was bay with some dappling maybe she was related to Piety or the other children she and Texas had but didn't raise well. She's worked herself up thinking so much that she's like a revolver with a broken hammer, fuck with it enough and it will quit working all together, jam or misfire.
Prague could be described like this in several points in her long life.
"Have I? What way should I go? Where is it I belong?" she says to the mare, a little glassy eyed then some part of reality comes in like a wrecking ball, without a raw chicken ass Miley Cyrus. She stares to the younger mare, just near remembering her own name when another approaches...one who reassures her that the letters p r a g u e are not random and are what she goes by. "Yes. Prague. That's me," choppy, dry and hoarse, "Rhy. Your name sounds familiar. Am I lost?"
Such a weighted question for someone else to answer without knowing for themselves all the paths someone else has taken, wants to take and some that they never want to take again. Is there a nursing home in the Jungle?
07-20-2015, 09:45 PM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2015, 09:53 PM by Tantalize.)
infinity overhead
and i whisper, are you listening?
She can smell the sweet scent of jungle blossoms long before the other mare closes the distance between them. It catches her off guard, extending her muzzle to inhale deeply in remembrance. So the Amazons live after all. Her guard is still up, her stance still radiating wariness while her face loses a little less fogginess, her golden eyes slightly brightening. Rhy brings with her knowledge that they lack, returns the answers they desperately had been seeking. For her, this mare restores some faith and hope. Restores a sense of balance, a sense of surety. This stranger (who is not really a stranger in the sense of being an amazon and only as an individual) she knows the other mare before her. Prague. A lightbulb goes off. Was Prague lost, lost as she had been? ”Not anymore.” She sighs to the other with renewed confidence, finding strength in finally recognizing something. ”You were Queen once.”
”As was I.” She murmurs softly but loud enough to be heard by the two before her. Prague, a name before her time and yet a name she knows simply for being one of her successors. The cream and gold mare quickly turns from a stranger to acquaintance with the gesture of her name. ”Rhy.” She states, wavering for a moment in her newfound secureness as she wonders if this is a face and name she SHOULD know. However she bounces back quickly as she offers a faint smile in return. She had never been one to smile a lot. ”I’m Tantalize.” A beat. ”I’m ready to go home.”
It is a strange reunion of once queens. For a brief moment, Rhy wonders (no, not just wonders, hopes) that Brunhild will find her way into the party. Why? For so many reasons. For one, because she’s never really known if their shadow manipulating queen was alright. She had left because of injuries so grave she could no longer rule, and they had never seen her again. Maybe they shouldn’t have let her leave, but then again, who would have been able to stop her? She could have disappeared in the shadows and left them all behind.
But she wants Brunhild as well because her Queen had been the first to really accept Rhy. So much so that Brunhild had actually had Rhy zap her with a bolt of lighting. Afterward, she didn’t run or scream or look at Rhy like a monster. No, she simply told the golden girl she was amazing. After a childhood of being sent away, of her sister cowering from her, Rhy was stunned that she could be viewed as anything but a monster.
But Brunhild does not come.
She can’t let that hole in her heart stop her from helping these too. Tantalize seems to rally quickly, as if Rhy’s existence alone is enough to make the mare remember who she is and where she belongs. Once a Sister, always a Sister. She nods at Tantalize as the mare says she’s read to go home. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Tantalize. I’ve only ever heard a few tales.” And that much is true. She knows some, though certainly not all, of the history of the Amazons. Her family doesn’t extend so far back there though, and so her knowledge is hazy.
Then she turns to Prague. “It depends on what you are looking for. But you always have a home in the Jungle, no matter what. If you’d like to come, I’ll bring you both back.” Perhaps the Jungle was no longer what Prague needed. Maybe she needed the Falls, needed Texas (yes, Rhy knows some of this story, if only because her family history here does extend quite a ways back). Her great great grandmother had known Prague far better than Rhy ever has.
07-21-2015, 09:46 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2019, 02:25 PM by prague.)
Studies show that if you look at a photo that has been retouched with a particular background from your 'younger' years that you can convince yourself that it truly happened. Could this be true? Was she a Queen? What did that even entail at this point...what all had she done in this decrepit lift?
"Tantalize. Rhy." she tries to pull it together, she likes them both on first impressions, kind and helpful. She is not all lost on her magic, a name Texas flashes from the one mare. Who was that to her? She can't be bothered but she knows that she feels safe. "Home. I want that, I need home, please."
Brunhild was the last Queen she remembered, if even briefly and although she didn't necessarily make enemies her last trip she didn't make many friends. Prague remembers not of this but perhaps those individuals do, it's a disadvantage we will have to bet on.
sorry it's so short, I think we reached the head of this. I'll see you girls in the jungle.