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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Hello deerlings,

    I have been experimenting with Leilan’s user groups and noticed today that what I had set for his profile on my phone earlier, has been made undone when I looged in from my tablet, so, another device.
    It may have something to do with cookies but I fear that if I log on on my computer sometime later this week, it will again be set to the previous and I will have to keep on resetting.

    @[Kyra] Is there anything you can do about this?
    @[Gamergirl63] this is probably what you experience with Nalia too?
    @[Vanilla Custard] So I don't think cookies have anything to do with this, or different devices. It's a plugin I have that's mostly behaving as it should but not entirely. Though if I ever get it work appropriately you guys should theoretically no longer need to set your display group.

    I need more details to troubleshoot it though.

    I'm looking at Leilan profile and you've got Ischia, Nerine, and Nomads as groups. You should only ever be part of one land and Nomads, no more. You can't live in two places. So:

    First, where does he live?
    Second, did you join one land and leave that user group at some point, or did you join two?
    Three, what did you set your display group to and what did it flip back to?
    Hi @[Kyra],

    He used to be in Ischia and had moved to Nerine, so I had already requested access to it, but not used it yet, that’s why they’re both in there. I am awaiting one thread to finish to make the change.. So yes I have ‘joined’ two lands in that sense, but Ischia stayed at it’s proper displayed user group when I did that, because that was a few days ago already. It only went wonky after I changed the display group today.

    I thought it would be better for this tempory time that I would just set it to Nomads, mostly so as not to confuse other players.

    So, I had it set to Ischia for a long time and then changed the display group to nomads, but when I logged back in from my tablet it switched back to Ischia. I know I have Nerine in there but that should (theoretically) not have influenced the above behavior I think.

    But if the plugin is set to work without us manually choosing the display group, I think this shows that it works! It favours the land group over the nomad group, and I think Ischia is being favoured over Nerine also - could be alphabetical?
    Hey so it does work then! It takes it a little while to catch up though, which is why you won't notice the change right away. It does mean if you are in a land you can't set yourself to Nomad though.

    The land order is the order they are listed on the boards (mostly...it's a little finicky and sometimes moves things around because it feels like it, but it's close enough). Given that you should only be in one land at any one time, the order of the lands shouldn't really matter. Just make sure to wait till you are ready to switch lands in the future to join one and leave the other.
    Haha yeah it is reset to Ischia again so yes the plugin is working in that way Wink

    I’ll leave it at this and make the switch later then!

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