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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Tell Me Your Fate-[Rome]

    One minute she had everything in the world, and the next everything came crashing down. Rome and Porcia had the most beautiful and perfect twins, a completed family. With one mistake her twins were stolen, lost, gone. They could not find them, and as a mother Porcia failed. She blamed herself, she grew distant from everyone and through it all, she still only lingered for Rome's affection.

    She slowly lurked through Nerine, hoping to run into Rome. Her head hung low and her coat lacked its shine, her body thin from the depression she was in. Rome she calls out quietly, her head did not move, she allowed her ears to flick around listening to the surrounding. Did he blame her? She would not blame him if he did, she told the twins to stay within the kingdom but how could she be so stupid to have so much trust in the twins.

    She had lost her family at a young age, and it affected her. She knew exactly how much it would affect them, and lord only knows who has her precious children. Will they treat them right? will they give them the love that they deserve? Her heart swelled in pain, she came to a halt and peered around, hoping her spotted lover would appear.

    Tell Me Your Fate

    @[Rome] I figured they were overdue for a thread<3
    he laid low the warriors of old
    He had been swallowed into the ocean. The waves crashing over him, dragging and drowning him into the deep abyss of darkness below the surface. Sometimes he could feel himself losing consciousness when he did he had to remind himself to breath—some days he did not want to. He felt himself drowning in the hopelessness, the idea of even existing felt like a heavy burden to carry.

    But within the midst of the chaos and sadness that entered into his life, a new life with a family (a family he had, he must remind himself)—there was a small light of hope.

    Rome clung onto that very bit of hope. It was harder than he imagined, nothing compared to it more than anything within his life. He had lost the one thing that had made him more complete than falling in love with Porcia. Their children had been everything to him and her. How could they have moved on? How did they even begin to pick up the pieces like they did when they found their children were nowhere to be seen, nowhere to be found?

    He isn’t sure how he got to where he is now. Somehow he picked himself up, somehow he knew he had to be the one to be strong. Rome had to be the strong fortress, he had to be the rock to hold Porcia up. There was no way he could let her drown as well—it had never been her fault at all, they were both new at parenting and made a mistake. A mistake that cost them more than they had imagined.

    Porcia’s call draws him out of the darkness from where he had been. Rome was always near her, even at times when she had wanted to be alone he was always there watching her, protecting her. He can see the way she carries herself—the loss of their children had affected her as much as it had affected him. For a moment, before pulling closer to her, he wonders what will become of their new child. Will there be joy when the baby arrives just as there had been when he first saw the twins? He doesn’t know, only that it was a way to help mend the open wound together, to seal the brokenness that had dug a hole into their love and bond together.

    “Porcia,” he answers, merging from the shadows. He is drawn to her, begging to feel her touch. It has been too long since he has felt her against his own skin. There were times they could be together, but then times they couldn’t bare the fact of being near each other. It seemed both had felt the bitter shame of what had happened, sometimes blaming themselves for it solely. But in the end, it had been their own fault—a mistake he promises to never make again.

    He moves towards her, slowly. Rome isn’t sure how close he is able to get to her this time. Will she want him just as much as he wants her? He begs that she does. The spotted stallion has needed her more than ever now. A risk is what he must take. He cannot help but extend his muzzle out to her when he reaches her side. He gently presses his soft nose against her neck, hoping she will accept him.

    “I need you,” he whispers, desperately.
    tarnished x lucrezia


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